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All 3 posts on

Henry VI Part 2

The Old Globe’s Barry Edelstein on Shakespeare and Community
Shakespeare and Beyond

The Old Globe’s Barry Edelstein on Shakespeare and Community

Shakespeare & Beyond

Learn how Edelstein adapted and directed Shakespeare’s rarely produced Henry VI, Parts I, 2, and 3, turning it into a theatrical event with a cast and crew of over a thousand and bringing their community-based work even closer to the center of the organization.

Barry Edelstein on The Old Globe's Henry 6
Shakespeare Unlimited

Barry Edelstein on The Old Globe's Henry 6


Go behind the scenes with Artistic Director Barry Edelstein as San Diego’s Old Globe becomes one of less than a dozen American theaters who have performed the entire Shakespeare canon.

Shakespeare and Marlowe: Attributing 'Henry VI' Authorship
Shakespeare Unlimited

Shakespeare and Marlowe: Attributing 'Henry VI' Authorship


Oxford University Press recently drew attention for deciding that, in the New Oxford Shakespeare, the plays Henry VI, Parts 1, 2, and 3 would no longer be listed as having been written by Shakespeare alone.