Booking and details
Reserve your spotDates Fri, May 30, 2025, 6:30pm
Venue Folger Library
Tickets Free, registration required
Walk-up attendees will be accommodated day of, subject to availability.
Are Cesario and Viola “cross-dressed” or trans characters? Does Duke Orsino marry Cesario or Viola, and is the un-staged wedding a heterosexual or queer one? In what ways does Twelfth Night depict trans and queer trauma?
Twelfth Night is unique among Shakespearean comedies. It involves a journey of self-discovery in an elsewhere, but it does not depict any sort of returning to where the characters purportedly come from. The gender binary has diminishing returns in this story, as genderplay seems to be the name of the game. It is serious business to be playful with gender.
Join Professor Alexa Alice Joubin to explore these intriguing questions before seeing the Folger Theatre’s production of Twelfth Night.
About the Presenter

Alexa Alice Joubin
Alexa Alice Joubin (Workshop Facilitator) Academic appointment: Professor of English, Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Theatre, International Affairs, and East Asian Languages and Literatures at George Washington University; director of the Digital Humanities Institute. Publications: Shakespeare and East Asia, Race, Contemporary Readings in Global Performances of Shakespeare, Onscreen Allusions to Shakespeare, and Shakespeare and the Ethics of Appropriation.
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