Searching for Shakespeare: Celebrating 400 years of Shakespeare’s First Folio

A citywide festival, free and open to all
The Folger is celebrating Shakespeare—and the 400th anniversary of the printing of the First Folio—the entire month of April, in partnership with DC Public Library (DCPL).
Searching for Shakespeare includes an exhibition, a world-premiere play, a citywide scavenger hunt, Shakespeare’s Birthday Lecture, family programs, workshops, and more at DCPL locations in all eight wards of Washington, DC.

Our partners
Searching for Shakespeare events will take place at DC Public Library locations in all eight wards of Washington, DC.
“We want to take the story of the First Folio—a memory capsule for Shakespeare—and meet DC residents whose stories need to be discovered, told, and remembered.” Folger Director Michael Witmore
All events: At a DC Public Library near you
All events and programs are free and open to the public.

Our Verse in Time to Come @ DC Public Library

Pass the Story On: Shakespeare’s First Folio at 400

Searching for Shakespeare Scavenger Hunt

The Bard, the Griot, and the Hip Hop Tradition

Tell Your Story: Story-Making Workshop with Artist Evan Keeling

DC & Me Living Folio Workshop Series - Anacostia

DC & Me Living Folio Workshop Series - Mt. Pleasant

DC & Me Living Folio Workshop Series - MLK Memorial


Teacher Conversation with Dr. Ian Smith: Shakespeare and Race

Shakespeare's Birthday Lecture: Ian Smith on "Making Blackness"
Events by location
Find the closest library to you and see which events are taking place there.
Ward 1
Mt. Pleasant Neighborhood Library
- Performance: Our Verse in Time To Come: April 14
- DC & Me Workshops: April 17
Ward 2
Georgetown Neighborhood Library
- Performance: Our Verse in Time To Come: April 15
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library
- Exhibition: April 1-30
- Words! Words! Words! Family Program, April 1
- Performances: Our Verse in Time To Come: April 18-23
- DC & Me Workshops: April 19, 20, and 21
- Ian Smith Educator Talk: April 22
- Shakespeare’s Birthday Lecture with Ian Smith: April 22
West End Neighborhood Library
- Performance: Our Verse in Time To Come: April 11
- Make-a-Folio workshop: April 18
Ward 3
Tenley-Friendship Neighborhood Library
- The Bard, the Griot & the Hip Hop Tradition: April 6
- Performances: Our Verse in Time To Come: April 13
Ward 4
Petworth Neighborhood Library
- Performance: Our Verse in Time To Come: April 8
Shepherd Park/Juanita E. Thornton Neighborhood Library
- The Bard, the Griot & the Hip Hop Tradition: April 5
- Performance: Our Verse in Time To Come: April 12
- Shakespeare Masquerade Crafternoon (DCPL event): April 20
Ward 5
Lamond-Riggs/Lillian J. Huff Neighborhood Library
- The Bard, the Griot & the Hip Hop Tradition: April 1
- Performance: Our Verse in Time To Come: April 3
Ward 6
Northeast Neighborhood Library
- Page to Stage Book Club: Romeo and Juliet and West Side Story (DCPL event): April 27
- Reading Challenge: Shakespeare (DCPL event): April 30
Southeast Neighborhood Library
- Book Club: These Violent Delights (DCPL event): April 20
Southwest Neighborhood Library
- Performances: Our Verse in Time To Come: April 6
- Story-Making with Evan Keeling: April 7
Ward 7
Francis A. Gregory Neighborhood Library
- Performance: Our Verse in Time To Come: April 5
- Story-Making with Evan Keeling: April 8
Ward 8
Anacostia Neighborhood Library
- Performance: Our Verse in Time To Come: April 4
- DC & Me Workshops: April 12, 13, 14
About the First Folio

What is the First Folio?
Without this collection of Shakespeare’s works published in 1623, half of his plays might have been lost forever.

About the Folger First Folios
The Folger has 82 copies of the First Folio, the largest collection in the world.
Related podcasts

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How Shakespeare's First Folio Became a Star
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Acquiring the Vincent First Folio: A Bibliophilic Drama in Two Parts (Part 2)
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Acquiring the Vincent First Folio: A Bibliophilic Drama in Two Parts (Part 1)
Did you ever wonder how Henry Folger acquired the copy of the First Folio that he considered “the most precious book in the world”? Wonder no more. Join Folger Archivist Sara Schliep on a two-part saga spanning over a decade and an ocean, both literal and figurative. Here is part 1 of the tale.

400 Years of Shakespeare's First Folio, with Emma Smith
Emma Smith of Oxford University tells us what the First Folio has been up to since it was published 400 years ago.

Excerpt: "Shakespeare's Book" by Chris Laoutaris
Chris Laoutaris explores the Shakespearean printing mystery behind the Pavier-Jaggard Quartos, published a few years before the First Folio.

Publishing Shakespeare's First Folio, with Chris Laoutaris
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