Booking and details
Dates Thurs, Sept 05, 2024, 6:30pm
Venue Exhibition Halls
Tickets Free, registration required
Duration 75 minutes
Folger Archivist Sara Schliep tells the story of how Henry Folger, the co-founder of the Folger Shakespeare Library, acquired his favorite copy of Shakespeare’s First Folio. The years-long saga pits new American money against old English aristocratic sensibilities.

Sara Schliep
Sara Schliep is an Archivist and Cataloger at the Folger. She is responsible for the Folger’s Institutional Archives, catalogs manuscript material, is involved with the Folger’s transcription projects, and has given a number of talks and trainings about the Folger’s history.
Read more about this topic on The Collation blog

Acquiring the Vincent First Folio: A Bibliophilic Drama in Two Parts (Part 1)
Did you ever wonder how Henry Folger acquired the copy of the First Folio that he considered “the most precious book in the world”? Wonder no more. Join Folger Archivist Sara Schliep on a two-part saga spanning over a decade and an ocean, both literal and figurative. Here is part 1 of the tale.

Acquiring the Vincent First Folio: A Bibliophilic Drama in Two Parts (Part 2)
Part 2 of the thrilling story about how Henry Folger acquired the Vincent-Sibthrop copy of the First Folio.