Booking and details
Dates Wed, Nov 8, 2023, 5pm
Lutheran Church of the Reformation
212 East Capitol St NE, Washington, DC 20003
Tickets Free
Duration 2 hours
Please RSVP to indicate your attendance for the celebration and for the performance of The Winter’s Tale (theatre tickets subject to limited availability).
We are so excited to invite our local teachers to our first in-person event of the school year. What better way to start than with a party in your honor! You’ll meet and greet your colleagues over a happy hour and serious snacking!
We’ll also share a sure-fire way to teach plot/character/language of a complicated piece of literature (and not necessarily Shakespeare) in 20 minutes.
Finally, we’ll have a sneak peek at what will be up at the Folger when we open—for you, your classes, your families, and friends:
- Can we sign you up for a special “prep” tour?
- Will you advise us on the best experiences your students could have in the new Folger?
- Can we sign you up to attend an opening event?
- Does playing Shake Up Your Shakespeare sound like fun to you?
- Books! T-shirts!
After the celebration, we have a limited number of tickets available to that night’s showing of The Winter’s Tale at Folger Theatre. Please indicate on your RSVP form if you’d be interested in attending the show.