Folger Collections
Twill tape, plus toggles, plus toggler, equals quick-ties
Interpreting Systems that Make Place
Collection Connections: ‘Ramón and Julieta’ by Alana Quintana Albertson
Katherine Gillen, Adrianna Santos, and Kathryn Vomero Santos take us through their presentation from our discussion of ‘Ramón and Julieta’ by Alana Quintana Albertson as part of the Folger’s virtual Book Club.
The habitability of our planet—is it only a contemporary issue?
When Past is Prologue: Munro, Malley, and the #IranRevolution
An Italian Naturalist in England
Condicions agreed vppon: a 17th century Polish-Turkish treaty
a guest post by Carrol Benner Kindel Introduction The subject manuscript, page 237 of Folger MS V.b.303, is contained within a “collection of political and parliamentary documents” compiled between the middle of the 16th and middle of the 17th centuries.…
Collection Connections: 'Shadowplay' by Joseph O'Connor
Held on the first Thursday of the month, the Folger’s virtual book club is free and open to all. Here, we revisit the items shared by Dr. Jason McElligott, Director of Marsh’s Library, on October 6, 2022 as an introduction…
The Fairy King’s Grimoire
A guest post by Alexander D’Agostino I am an artist working with queer histories and images, through performance and visual art. During my Artist Research Fellowship with the Folger, I am creating The Fairy King’s Grimoire: a reimagining of the…
“Good Grief! What’s That?”: Odd Images in the Folger Microfilm Image Collection
A guest post by William Davis Thank you to everyone who left a guess on this month’s crocodile mystery! Everyone got a piece of it, but none the whole. It takes a stalwart person to identify some of the many quotes…
Macbeth and the End of Slavery in the United States
What can Shakespeare say about the original sin of the United States, slavery? As two artists in the Civil War era thought, a lot. Two cartoons in the Folger’s collections, drawn around a decade apart, allude to Shakespeare’s Macbeth to…
Collection Connections: 'Learwife' by J.R. Thorp
Held on the first Thursday of the month, the Folger’s virtual book club is free and open to all. Here, Dr. emma poltrack, shares items she presented on September 8, 2022 as an introduction to Learwife by J.R. Thorp.