Folger Collections
First Folios online
Editor’s Note, March 30, 2016: Sarah now is maintaining an up-to-date list of digitized First Folios on her personal site. When you’ve finished reading this post, please head over there to check out the current list. I imagine that you’re…
Interleaving history: an illustrated Book of Common Prayer
A guest post by Whitney Anne Trettien In Henry Fielding’s novel Tom Jones, Partridge and his friends go to see a play. As they watch a man light the upper candles of the playhouse, the predictably inane Partridge cries out,…
Secret histories of books
This month’s crocodile mystery was a bit more challenging than recent ones (perhaps not helped by my cryptic “suitable for April” introduction), but Aaron Pratt guessed the gist of it: the image was a detail of a page printed in…
The mysterious "Sem"
World, meet Sem. Sem, meet the World. Looks thrilled, doesn’t he? Well, you’d be a bit jaded, too, if you’d been hanging around the Folger for over 80 years, waiting for someone to finally notice you. Self portrait of the…
Louis Butelli: Some Prompting!
Hello once again from your pal Louis Butelli. This Tuesday, April 2nd, we will commence rehearsals for Robert Richmond’s production of Twelfth Night, beginning April 30th at the Folger Theatre – get your tickets here!! I’m going to be playing…
Filing, seventeenth-century style
When we think of filing today, we think of digital files and folders, and manilla folders, hanging files, and filing cabinets. But what did filing look like in early modern England? How did people deal with all their receipts and…
Opening Ornamental Initials
During the last couple of months at the Folger, we have come across a number of exceptional ornamental initials in Flemish imprints, as we are processing these systematically together with two interns. Bettie Payne and Amanda Daxon were trained to make…
Peeking behind the locked door
Another sede vacante has come and gone. With the wall-to-wall coverage of contemporary media, this one made witnesses of us all. Or at least, the coverage let us witness the events outside the conclave and to share our speculation about…
A Perfect Ten
American theater manager and playwright Augustin Daly (1838–1899) had a unique way of commemorating his productions. He collected illustrations, letters, and ephemera connected with the his staging, connected with historic productions of the play, and connected with the story of…
The seven ages of man, rendered movingly
In my last post, I described this month’s crocodile mystery as more of a rhetorical device than a question to be answered: what does this box prompt us to imagine what might be? All images in this post can be…
A manuscript misattribution?
This post was originally going to be titled “Murder in the Archives” and was going to be about an account in William Westby’s 1688 diary (Folger MS V.a.469) of the discovery of a dismembered body found scattered on a dung…
Backstage with Katie deBuys: Part II
Katie deBuys as Princess Katherine in Henry V. Photo by Scott Suchman. Earlier this week, actor Katie deBuys (currently playing Princess Katherine in Henry V at the Folger) took us behind the scenes of a Sunday evening performance. The Sunday…