First Folio

A New First Folio Discovery
Shakespeare Unlimited: Episode 17 In the fall of 2014, the world learned of a remarkable discovery: An old book in a French library, acquired in the 1790s, was identified as an unknown copy of the 1623 First Folio of Shakespeare—the…
Measuring Hamlet and the golden section
It is an understatement to say that the layout of most books doesn’t show much daring, and that academic publications are among the most dull in this respect. But solid content and tasteful form do not necessarily exclude each other,…
Pen facsimiles of early print
As the commenters on last week’s crocodile guessed, the mystery image showed writing masquerading as print or, to use the more formal term, a pen facsimile (click on any of the images in the post to enlarge them): pen facsimile…
First Folios online
Editor’s Note, March 30, 2016: Sarah now is maintaining an up-to-date list of digitized First Folios on her personal site. When you’ve finished reading this post, please head over there to check out the current list. I imagine that you’re…
Louis Butelli: Pre-Blogging Diary, Part I
Louis Butelli, appearing in Folger’s upcoming Henry V and Twelfth Night. Hello, there! My name is Louis Butelli, and I’ll be performing in two shows this 2012/13 season at the Folger Theatre. First up, I’ll play Nym in Henry V.…
Vault Tour II and Closing Night
Hello again from your blogfriend Louis Butelli, lately of Folger Theatre’s Othello. I am very, very pleased to report the following couple of things! 1. We had an incredible closing night this past Sunday. We were sold to the rafters…
A Tour of the Vault!
“When I was young and first read ‘OTHELLO,’ I thought the character of RODERIGO of little importance; it seemed introduced merely to fill up those vacancies of action which might otherwise have remained unemployed.” Hey, blogfriends! It’s your pal Louis,…
Much Ado about Eighty-Two
Seventy-nine. In the same year the Folger Shakespeare Library turns seventy-nine years old, it updates a number that since the founding of the library has helped define the strength of its collection. It’s the number that was found on all…