First Folio

Announced in 1622: A book now known as the First Folio
Greg Prickman explains how news of the 1623 book we now call the First Folio appeared a year earlier, on the occasion of a trade fair in Frankfurt, Germany.

Acquiring the Vincent First Folio: A Bibliophilic Drama in Two Parts (Part 2)
Part 2 of the thrilling story about how Henry Folger acquired the Vincent-Sibthrop copy of the First Folio.

Acquiring the Vincent First Folio: A Bibliophilic Drama in Two Parts (Part 1)
Did you ever wonder how Henry Folger acquired the copy of the First Folio that he considered “the most precious book in the world”? Wonder no more. Join Folger Archivist Sara Schliep on a two-part saga spanning over a decade and an ocean, both literal and figurative. Here is part 1 of the tale.

400 Years of Shakespeare's First Folio, with Emma Smith
Emma Smith of Oxford University tells us what the First Folio has been up to since it was published 400 years ago.

Excerpt: "Shakespeare's Book" by Chris Laoutaris
Chris Laoutaris explores the Shakespearean printing mystery behind the Pavier-Jaggard Quartos, published a few years before the First Folio.

Publishing Shakespeare's First Folio, with Chris Laoutaris
Chris Laoutaris talks with our podcast about Shakespeare’s Book: The Story Behind the First Folio and the Making of Shakespeare, which re-examines everything we thought we knew about the publication of the First Folio.

“The book of his good acts”: Shakespeare’s First Folio onstage and on the page
Marking the 400th anniversary of the First Folio, Austin Tichenor compares The Book of Will, Lauren Gunderson’s popular play about the Folio’s creation, with new research shared by Chris Laoutaris in Shakespeare’s Book.