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Collection highlights

Each "Collection highlight" page explores a specific item in the Folger collections.
Sarah Longe’s recipe book
Two pages of handwritten recipes written in lined columns. The text is too small to read here.

Sarah Longe’s recipe book

This book, compiled by a middle-class English woman in the early 1600s, freely mingles culinary and medicinal recipes.

A 16th-century market
A drawing titled Escheape Market showing two men driving a heard of sheep and two cows between rows of shops. Two women stand in front of a pillar.

A 16th-century market

This 1598 illustration shows Escheape Market, a meat market in London with butchers’ shops along both sides of the street.

Renaissance lute
Stringed instrument with dark wood neck and light wood body on lying on its back against a white background.

Renaissance lute

This 1598 Italian lute was restored by Arnold Dolmetsch, a leading figure in the revival of early music performance at the beginning of the 20th century.

A fencing handbook
Page headed “THE THYRDE DAYES Discourse, of Rapier and Dagger.” Text and image on reverse page are visible. Woodcut is bordered by a single black line and depicts two similar European men holding swords and daggers facing one another while standing on a grid. Centered below is text headed “Luke.”

A fencing handbook

Fencing terminology from this manual by Vincentio Saviolo, an Italian fencing master who settled in London around 1590, appears in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.

Reporting on the New World
A two-page layout of text and a full-page woodcut. “XIII.” heads the left page, which contains “U” shaped textblock with decorated first letter “T.” Centered below is a triangular printer’s device. The woodcut begins on the left page and extends to the entire right page. Four figures are in a dugout boat filled with fish. Two are standing and fishing; two are seated on opposite sides of a fire. Their reflections are visible in the water. In the distance tree-lined rolling hills meet the shoreline.

Reporting on the New World

This engraving from a 1590 second edition of Thomas Hariot’s A briefe and true report of the new found land of Virginia depicts different methods of catching fish.

An Italian guide to war
Open to pages 62-63 and each is headed, “LVCAR APPENDIX.” Woodcut of a man pulling the lever of a smoking mortar that hurls a burning projectile onto the distant building with four turrets. On page 63, there is a text above and below a woodcut of a quadrant showing the angle of fire of the artillery piece on the facing page.

An Italian guide to war

This beautifully hand-colored book is a 1588 translation of Niccolò Tartaglia’s Quesiti et inventioni diverse, which offers practical advice on the technology of war.

The Book of Martyrs
Page headed “The Martyrdome of Doct. Thomas Cranmer Archb. Hys Letters.” Poorly inked woodcut of a man being burned at the stake holding his hand out to the flames set by another man. To the left of them is a man in a monk’s habit labeled

The Book of Martyrs

John Foxe’s Actes and monumentes, more familiarly known as the Book of Martyrs, is fundamental to almost any study of the English Reformation.

A multilayered anatomy
Page with third set of paper flaps opened to reveal anatomy inside human skull and woman’s body.

A multilayered anatomy

Johann Remmelin’s Catoptrum Microcosmicum reflects the considerable advances in anatomical knowledge that took place in the Renaissance.

Esther Inglis: Virtuosic calligraphy

Esther Inglis: Virtuosic calligraphy

From the late 1500s until her death in 1624, calligrapher Esther Inglis created more than 50 beautifully crafted manuscript books, including this collection of poems.

Letter by John Donne

Letter by John Donne

This letter, written by the 17th-century poet to his father-in-law, is one of 13 in the Folger collection, representing about a third of Donne’s surviving letters.

First edition of Spenser
Opening in a book. On the left is a page titled “June” followed by a half page of poetry, beneath which is a head surrounded by a decorative design. On the right is a page titled “Julye” with a small woodcut of two men each holding a shepherd’s crook, surrounded by sheep. Beneath the image is a poem titled “Aegloga septima”.

First edition of Spenser

The Folger copy of Edmund Spenser’s Shepheardes Calender is one of only seven extant copies of the first edition, published in 1579.

Martin Luther sermon
The title is in blackletter typeface, with handwriting surrounding it that is difficult to read here. The title and publication information are surrounded by a rectangle of images showing various types of animals fighting, a drunk man, and a man carrying dead birds over his shoulder. A large G intercepted with an I sits at the bottom of the page.

Martin Luther sermon

This title page from a 1522 Luther sermon on “unrighteous Mammon” is a fine example of the Folger’s large collection of works from the Protestant Reformation.

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