Application priority, eligibility, and funding
Who participates in your programs?
Who receives priority in admission to your programs?
Am I a Consortium affiliate?
If I am not affiliated with a Consortium university, am I eligible to apply?
May I apply for more than one program in an academic year?
Do I need a PhD to apply?
Do I need to be a US citizen to apply?
Am I eligible for funding for my travel and lodging?
The application process
Who will decide whether I am admitted to a program?
How will my application be evaluated?
Where might I find information about how many letters of recommendation I need, who I should ask to write them, if they may be sent in hard copy, etc.?
Do my odds of success increase if I do not ask for a grant-in-aid?
Am I required to contact my Consortium representative before applying?
How quickly are decisions made following an application deadline?
Will I receive comments on my application from the reviewers if I am not admitted to a program?
May I apply by regular mail?
What do I do if I have problems with the online application portal?
General questions
Can I research at the Folger if I am not a program participant or fellow?
Do I need to participate in a program or hold a fellowship to get advice from a Folger librarian?