To view past fellows, explore the list of long-term fellows, short-term fellows, and artistic fellows on Folgerpedia.
2024-2025 Fellows
Long-term Fellows
Beatrice Bradley
“The Erotics of Sweat: Residues of Embodiment in the Early Modern World”
Zainab Cheema
“The White Legend: Circulations of Race in Seventeenth- Century Anglo-Iberian Borderlands, 1603-1713”
Robert Clines
“Ancient Others: Race, Empire, and the Invention of the Italian Renaissance”
Mercedes Annaís Estévez Cruz
Artistic Research Fellow
Alex Lewis
“A Text That Every Man Will Gloss: Cuckoldry, Allegory, and Subjectivity in English Renaissance Literature”
Patricia Matthew
“What Sugar Taught Us: Gender, Race, and the Afterlives of Abolition”
Pablo Miguel Sierra Silva
“In the Wake of the Raid: Blackness, Piracy and the 1683 Sack of Veracruz”
Folger-Omohundro Fellow
Short-term Artistic Research Fellows
Rohan Chander
Sumie Garcia
“Maps of Post-truth”
Taylor Johnson
“Free and Open to The Public”
Whose Democracy? Fellow
Jami Nakamura Lin
“The Girls of Godzilla, Illinois”
Suzette Marie Martin
“A Bestiary and Herbal for the Anthropocene”
John McGinty
“Shakespeare in Signs: Unveiling ASL Artistry Through Performance”
Natalia Mejia Murillo
“A burnished disc in the air”
Jessy Muyonjo
“’Re-Imagining Twilight’: Audio-Visual Narratives of Ugandan Heritage”
Manny Orozco
Dominick Porras (Chicano-Coahuiltec)
“Unveiling Ethnohistory: The Complex Narratives of Texas Indians”
Camille Simone Thomas
Whose Democracy? Fellow
Ania Upstill
“Illicit Acts: Antonio, Queerness and Piracy in the early modern period”
KhoKhoi (mary alinney villacastin)
“Ubos sa Dagat: The Under Sea”
Short-term Scholarly Research Fellows
Samantha Arten
“Making Notes: Print, Music, and Readers in Tudor England”
Alex Baines
“Escape in Time: Performance and Empire at Reconstructed Heritage Sites”
Whose Democracy? Fellow
Javiera Barrientos
“The Common Fate of Books’. The Wearing and Tearing of Poetry Anthologies in the Seventeenth Century Transatlantic World”
Shaul Bassi
“The Arden 4 The Merchant of Venice – a new critical edition”
Mark Bland
“The World of Simon Waterson, Stationer”
Tiffany Bragg
“An ‘Unhappy Accident’ in Madrid: English Republicans, Exiled Royalists, Spain, and the Assassination of Anthony Ascham”
Julia Burke
“Irregularities of the System: Women and their Abortions in Nineteenth-Century Britain”
Whose Democracy? Fellow
Andy Cabot
“’A source of Internal Weakness and Danger’: Abolishing the slave trade in the British empire after Saint-Domingue (1791-1804)”
Amy Cooper
“’Speaking Pictures’: from Aesthesis to Aesthetics”
Charmaine Cordero
“’Caught in the Crossfire’: Biracial Characters and Literary Migration in Borderlands Shakespearean Adaptation”
Esteban Crespo
“Iberian Intimacies: Constructing a Pre-Modern Queer Culture”
Kate Doubler
“The Prophetess: Delia Bacon, the Search for Shakespeare, and the American Knowledge Tradition”
Delanie Dummit
“The Poor Laws’ Un/Deserving Poor: Labor and Disability in 16th and 17th Century Drama”
Jamie Gemmell
“Reckoning with Race in Early Modern London”
Lisa Jennings
“A Floud of Poyson Horrible and Blacke: Reading Racial and Alchemical Blackness in Edmund Spenser’s Faerie Queene (1590-1596)”
Gillian Knoll
“Passive Voice: Erotic Submission in Early Modern England”
Sylvia Korman
“The Fool and the Lady: Theatrical Labor at the Margins of Gender”
Wouter Kreuze
“The Genesis of a News System: Reconnecting the Folger to the Handwritten Newsletter Network”
Roberta Kwan
“Ancient Ethic for Uncertain Times: Reimagining Neighbourliness with Shakespeare”
Edel Lamb
“Writing Early Modern Girlhood”
Yuen-Gen Liang
“Where was northwest Africa in the Age of Exploration?: An intermediary space between conceptions of the ‘Moorish’ and ‘Black’ Other”
Patricia Lott
“Memory’s Ruins: Slavery, Commemoration, and Wastecraft in the Nineteenth-Century U.S. North”
Whose Democracy? Fellow
Yusuf Mansoor
“Native Americans in Tangier: Slaveries in the Early Modern Atlantic World”
Silvia Marchiori
“Early modern surgical instruments and the material Renaissance of ancient medicine”
Brittany Merritt Nash
“Epidemics and Systems of Racialization in Barbados, 1647-1854”
Elise Mitchell
“Morbid Geographies”
Laura OBrion
“’Sit by my side, and let the world slip’: Segregation and American Theatres from Slavery to Jim Crow”
Whose Democracy? Fellow
Sara Pennell
“‘I can work all manner of Works’: Hannah Wolley’s life and labours in seventeenth-century England”
Alfrena Jamie Pierre
“George Lamming and William Shakespeare: The Interface and its Contributions to Caribbean Scholarship”
Anandi Rao
“Hindi Shakespeare in Colonial India”
Simon Smith
“Twelfth Night (Cambridge Shakespeare Editions)”
Ianick Takaes de Oliveira
“A Most Severe Judgment to All Peoples: On the Circulation of Philippe Thomassin’s ‘Last Judgement’ (1606) in the Early Modern Iberian World”
Susan Valladares
“Black Power in British Theatres, 1783-1838”
Jennifer Wu
“The Curtain, the Stage, and The More Family Portrait”
Samuel Yates
“’Mend your speech’: Elizabeth Inchbald, Communication Disorder, and the Remaking of Theatre History”
2023-2024 Fellows
Long-term Fellows
Mira Assaf Kafantaris
Royal Marriage, Foreign Queens, and Constructions of Race in the Early Modern Period
Cecilio M. Cooper
South of Heaven: Surface, Territory + the Black Chthonic
Alicia Meyer
The Bridewell Standard: Early Modern Allegories of Sex and Gender
Su Fang Ng
Brokering with Caliban: A Literary History of Early Modern English Diplomacy in the East Indies
Sandra M. Young
Tracing racial slavery in early modern public culture and its afterlives: Reading strategies for an ambivalent archive
Short-term Artistic Research Fellows
Casey Carsel
The ink‚ the needle‚ the knife: A material study of the Jew in Shakespeare’s England
Suzanne Coley
Old and New: Accessing Shakespeare’s Sonnets and Embroidered Bindings
Leah Hampton
GERTRUDE(S): A novel
Megan Riordan
Deepening Service: researching culinary depictions‚ practices‚ and languaging in Shakespeare and the early modern era
Gbenga Adesina
Hamlet on the Atlantic
Elise Ansel
Taking Liberties
Courtney Bailey
BRITCHES – a new play about Charlotte Cushman‚ developed in collaboration with Missouri incarcerated artists
Alexander D’Agostino
The Fairy King’s Grimoire
Bakpak Durden
To Be Witnessed‚ in 3 acts
Jay Eddy
Mariam‚ Fair Queen of Jersey: A Rock Opera
K. M. Fikes
ANNOTATION – A Moft High Cotton Epic Poem in Three Groovements Or Otherwise Called A Moft High Cotton Trilogy: An Elizabonic™ Hypothefis
Anna McNiel
Bringing Florentine food and culture closer together: how early modern food traditions have persisted to the tables of today.
Amy Reid
Unearthing Queer Ecologies
Cleavon Smith
Minor Characters Die
Short-term Scholarly Research Fellows
Claire Bourne
Accidental Shakespeare
Lauren Beck
Discovering Spain: Non-European Perceptions and Experiences of Spain‚ 1492-1800
Elena Brizio
The legal justification of ‘maternal love’ from the Renaissance to today
Maria Cannon
Blending the Family: Affection‚ Obligation and Dynasty in Early Modern English Stepfamilies
Jean Christensen
Bodies of the Crown: Kinship‚ Health‚ and the Construction of the Royal Body in Early Modern English Portraiture
Douglas Clark
The Forgotten Manuscript Poetry of Early Modern England
Andrés Gattinoni
The English Malady Abroad: Emotions and Translations of Melancholy in Continental Europe in the Long 18th Century (1660-1800)
Cora James
Training and Trading: Professional Networks and Stage Families‚ 1680-1800
Anna Jamieson
Unlocking the Feminization of Madness: Ophelia’s Representations and Reception‚ 1770-1840
Charmian Mansell
People on the Move in Early Modern England
Emma Marshall
Social Dynamics and the Management of Sickness and Healthcare in Elite English Families‚ c.1620-1750
Carol Mejia LaPerle
Ill-will: Race and Volition in William Shakespeare
Kathleen Miller
England’s Plague and New England’s Pox: Literary Transactions of Contagious Disease in the Atlantic World‚ 1550 to 1850
Anita Raychawdhuri
Talking Dirty: Queer Performance‚ Racialized Spectacle‚ and Empire in Early Modern English Drama
Mark Rosen
The View from Above: Bird’s-Eye Views and Spectacular Seeing in the Early Modern World
Abigail Shinn
The Architecture of Conversion and the Early Modern Stage c. 1592-1613
Kasie Alt
Staging the Landscape
Betul Basaran
Cross-Cultural Intimacy and Mixed Marriages in the Ottoman Empire (early modern era)
Corinne Bayerl
The Stage on Trial: Transnational Opposition Against the Theatre in 17th-Century Europe
Renee Bricker
The Queen and Pungent Times: Elizabeth I and the Politics of Smell
Vanessa Corredera
Staging Liberation: Strategies of Anti-Domination in Shakespearean Performance
Zachary Dorner
Caring for the Precariat: State Responsibility in an Age of Uncertainty
Nora Epstein
“Gathered Fragments and Broken Sentences”: Exploring the Hybridity of Thomas Trevelyon’s Visual Commonplace Books
Philip Goldfarb Styrt
Imperial Concerns: Early Modern Drama and the Flaws of Empire
Trina Hyun
Media Theologies‚ 1615-1668
Annette Joseph-Gabriel
Enslaved Childhoods: Survival and Storytelling in the Atlantic World
Elizabeth Kolkovich
Remaking Shakespeare’s Masques
Dianne Mitchell
Entangled Things: Lyric Form and Material Culture in Early Modern England
William Morgan
A Different Kind of Servitude: Cuban Tobacco in the Age of Atlantic Slavery
Sean O’Neil
The Art of Signs: Symbolic Notation and Visual Thinking in Early Modern Europe