About the Books in Progress Fellowship
This fellowship is designed for early career scholars who lack institutional support for book manuscript review. Applicants must have a preliminary draft of their full manuscript complete at the time of application.
Submissions will be evaluated based on the proposed book’s impact, its relevance to the field, the originality and sophistication of the scholar’s approach, and applicant need. Furthermore, the Folger Institute is committed to supporting work across fields of study in the early modern humanities that addresses inequities or marginalized subjects, and which points to richer and more inclusive histories.
All applications are due by 11:59pm ET on September 16, 2024. Applicants will be informed of their status no later than November 1, 2024.
Applications open:
July 12, 2024
Applications due:
September 16, 2024, by 11:59 pm (ET)
Please note that awards comprise an honorarium and funds intended to cover travel, lodging, and ground transportation to and from the Folger Shakespeare Library.
Award Amounts
- Books in Progress Fellow will receive $2,000
- Readers will receive $2,700 each
- Committee Chair will receive $3,500
Manuscript Draft
The Fellow will make the preliminary draft of their full manuscript available to Readers and to the Committee Chair by March 3, 2025.
Dates of Fellowship
The onsite review workshop will take place at the Folger Shakespeare Library on one of the following dates:
- May 22-23, 2025
- May 29-30, 2025
- June 5-6, 2025
Additional Details
Breakfast and lunch will be provided for the Fellow and committee on both days of the review workshop.
The Folger Institute will arrange for a virtual note-taker.
Application Instructions
Applications must be submitted via the online portal by 11:59pm ET on September 16, 2024.
Please be sure to review the Fellowships FAQs page before applying.
To apply for a 2025 Books in Progress Fellowship, please submit the following via the portal:
- Summary of your book project (1,000 word-max.)
- Overview of project stage and how it will benefit from committee review, including a statement of need (500-word max.)
- Preliminary list of 4-6 Readers. We recommend suggesting potential readers who are available for at least one of the workshop dates listed in the Guidelines section.
- Letter of interest from one Reader indicating their interest in the project and the potential value of the project to the field. Readers should email their letters directly to institute@folger.edu.
- Relevant highlights from your CV (500-word max.)