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Shakespeare Unlimited podcast

William Shakespeare and his works are woven throughout our global culture, from theater, music, and films to new scholarship, education, amazing discoveries, and more. In our Shakespeare Unlimited podcast, Shakespeare opens a window into topics ranging from the American West, to the real history of Elizabethan street fighting, to interviews with Shakespearean stars. As you’ll hear, he turns up in surprising places, too—including outer space. Join us for a “no limits” tour of the connections between Shakespeare, his works, and our world.

Shakespeare Outdoors
Watercolor depiction of the Chesapeake Shakespeare Company's production of Much Ado About Nothing, 2005
Shakespeare Unlimited

Shakespeare Outdoors


Shakespeare Unlimited: Episode 4 Pack the picnic basket. Grab a blanket. Don’t forget the bug spray. Shakespeare under the stars is a long-standing tradition in America and around the world.

In Search of the Real Richard III
Shakespeare Unlimited

In Search of the Real Richard III


Shakespeare Unlimited: Episode 3 Shakespeare not only talked about his own times; he also wrote history plays that showed us the past—though it was a past filtered through the politics and prejudices of Shakespeare’s present. Questions about this came up…

Actresses on Shakespeare
Shakespeare Unlimited

Actresses on Shakespeare


Shakespeare Unlimited: Episode 2 In Shakespeare’s time, only men appeared on stage, with teenage boys playing the women’s parts. Today, women play women and sometimes men—and vice-versa. In this podcast we have gathered some of the best-known actresses in the…

The Robben Island Shakespeare
Shakespeare Unlimited

The Robben Island Shakespeare


Shakespeare Unlimited: Episode 1  | While Nelson Mandela was incarcerated on Robben Island, one of the other political prisoners, Sonny Venkatrathnam, managed to retain a copy of Shakespeare’s complete works. Many of his fellow prisoners—including Mandela—signed their names next to their favorite passages. South African Shakespeare scholar David Schalkwyk shares what Shakespeare might have meant to the men who signed the Robben Island Shakespeare.

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