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Item 13A

Great Voyages

First Edition
Contemporary Binding
Former Owner: Pillone Library

Nearly 100 years after Columbus’s first descriptions of what came to be known as the North American continent, Theodor De Bry followed by publishing a series of volumes that described more recent European explorations. The binding on this copy contains depictions of Indigenous Americans, drawn by Cesare Vecellio for the Pillone Library, an important 16th century collection. Volumes from this library can now be found in libraries and collections around the world.

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Visit the Folger to see this object on exhibit

Imprints in Time

Imprints in Time

This special exhibition at the Folger features rare books from the collection of Stuart and Mimi Rose that present literary, cultural, and historical high points.
Fri, Jun 21, 2024 – Sun, Jan 5, 2025
Rose Exhibition Hall