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The Folger is closing at 4:30pm on Sunday, February 23, for a staff training exercise. Normal hours will resume when the Folger opens on Tuesday, February 25, at 11:00am.

Venus and Adonis /

Textual Notes: Venus and Adonis

The reading of the present text appears to the left of the square bracket. Unless otherwise noted, the reading to the left of the bracket is from Q, the First Quarto text (upon which this edition is based). Readings not in Q derive from earlier editors of the poem, beginning with Lintott in 1709. These readings are marked Ed. No sources are given for emendations of punctuation or for corrections of obvious typographical errors, like turned letters, that produce no known word. Corr. means the second or corrected state of the First Quarto; uncorr. refers to the first or uncorrected state of the First Quarto; ~ stands in place of a word already quoted before the square bracket; ^ indicates the omission of a punctuation mark.

Argument 21. treacherously] Q (tretcherouslie)

Poem 13. heaven’s] Q (heauẽs)

24. morning’s] Q corr. (mornings); morning Q uncorr.

31. apology] Q uncorr. (Appologie); Apologies Q corr.

50. Collatium] Q uncorr.; Colatia Q corr.; arrived] Q corr. (arriued); ariued Q uncorr.

54. When] Q (Whẽ)

63. When] Q (Whẽ); fence] Q (fẽce)

74. lest] Q (least)

87, 88 preceded by quotation marks in Q

95, 331, 530, 1105, 1106, 1786. sometimes] Q (sometime)

124, 516, 1208. life’s] Q (liues)

125. himself betakes] Q uncorr.; themselues betake Q corr.

126. wakes] Q uncorr.; wake Q corr.

130. abstaining.] ~^ Q

133. adjunct] Q (adjũct)

140. bankrout] Q (bãckrout)

147. all together] Q (altogether)

162. upon] Q uncorr. (uppon); vppon Q corr.

163. sleep] sleeep Q

177. cold] Q (could)

217. strucken] Q (strokẽ)

321, 552, 650, 1295, 1332, 1668. haste] Q (hast)

346. compass] Q (cõpasse)

396. pearly] Q corr. (pearlie); perlie Q uncorr.; sweat] Q (swet)

400. golden] Q (goldẽ)

419. alabaster] Q (alablaster)

434, 462. them] Q (thẽ)

459. antics] Q (Antiques)

460, 528, 530, 560, 831–32, 853, 867–68, 1109–18, 1125, 1127, 1216, 1687 preceded by quotation marks in Q

511. falcons’] Q (Faulcõs)

535. device] Q (devise)

550. from] Q (frõ)

555. panteth] Q (pãteth)

560. wear] Q (were)

571. human] Q (humaine)

587. woman’s] Q (womãs)

599. wound’st] Q (woũdst)

637. from] Q (frõ)

718. stands] Q (stãds)

812. quote] Q (cote)

833. themselves . . . them] Q (thẽselues . . . thẽ)

879. ’point’st] Q (poinst)

907. Advice] Q (Advise)

922. inclination^] ~. Q

999. hands] Q (hãds)

1118. roll] Q (some copies); rowle Q (other copies)

1119. bounding] Q (boũding)

1127. dumps when] Q (dũps whẽ)

1129. hair] Q (heare)

1148. men . . . gentle] Q (mẽ . . . gẽtle)

1182. by him] Q corr.; for him Q uncorr.

1229. eyne, enforced^] ~^~, Q

1239. then] Q (thẽ)

1249. remain^] ~. Q

1252. men can] Q (mẽ cã)

1260. women] Q (womẽ)

1263. ensue^] ~. Q

1271. from] Q (frõ)

1310. tenor] Q (tenure)

1319. fashion] Q (fashiõ)

1321. suspicion] Q (suspiciõ)

1323. them] Q (thẽ)

1329. than] Q (thẽ)

1334. hie] Q (high)

1335. blast] Q corr.; blasts Q uncorr.

1338. curtsies] Q (cursies)

1345, 1812. silly] Q (seelie)

1350. this pattern of the worn-out age] Q (some copies: patterne . . . worne-out); the patterne of this worne-out age Q (other copies)

1374. lifeless] Q (liuelesse)

1386. far-off] Q (farre of)

1391. paces,] ~. Q

1393. tremble] Q (trẽble)

1395. behold!] ~^ Q

1452. chaps] Q (chops)

1486. swounds] Q (sounds)

1526. When] Q (Whẽ)

1537. took.] ~^Q

1544. too,] to^ Q

1553. round] Q (roũd)

1644, 1851. Rome] Q (Roome)

1662. wreathèd] Ed.; wretched Q

1680. one] Q (on)

1683. foe,] ~. Q

1713. in it] Ed.; it in Q

1728. wounds] Q (woũds)

1729. Life’s] Q (Liues)

1833. them] Q (thẽ)

1834. from] Q (frõ)