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The Folger is closing at 4:30pm on Sunday, February 23, for a staff training exercise. Normal hours will resume when the Folger opens on Tuesday, February 25, at 11:00am.

Twelfth Night /

Textual Notes: Twelfth Night

The reading of the present text appears to the left of the square bracket. The earliest sources of readings not in F, the First Folio text (upon which this edition is based), are indicated as follows: F2 is the Second Folio of 1632; F3 is the Third Folio of 1663–64; F4 is the Fourth Folio of 1685. Ed. is an earlier editor of Shakespeare, beginning with Rowe in 1709. No sources are given for emendations of punctuation or for corrections of obvious typographical errors, like turned letters that produce no known word. SD means stage direction; SP means speech prefix; uncorr. means the first or uncorrected state of the First Folio; corr. means the second or corrected state of the First Folio. ~ stands in place of a word already quoted before the square bracket; ^ indicates the omission of a punctuation mark.

1. SP and hereafter throughout ORSINO] Ed.; Duke F (“Duke.” or “Du.” throughout F)
10–11. capacity^ . . . sea, naught]~, . . . ~. ~ F
24. SD One-half line later in F
40. supplied, and] ~^ ~ F

15. strong] sttong F
16. Arion] Ed.; Orion F

1. SP TOBY] F (Sir To.)
7 and throughout. SP TOBY] F (To.)
36. moreover] moreour F
51. SP ANDREW] F2; Ma. F
54. Mary^ Accost] Ed.; Mary, accost F
97. will] willl F
97. curl by] Ed.; coole my F
99. me] F2; we F
99. does ’t] F (dost)
105. Count] Connt F
109. swear ’t] swear ^t F
113. kickshawses] F (kicke-chawses)
132. dun-colored] Ed.; dam’d colour’d F
132. set] Ed.; sit F
136. That’s] F3; That F

9. SD one-half line earlier in F; Orsino] Ed.; Duke F
15. the] rhe F

0. SD Feste, the Fool] this ed.; Clowne F
5 and throughout. SP FOOL] this ed.; Clo. F
86. gagged] F (gag’d)
90–91. guiltless] guitlesse F
113. for—here he comes—one] ~^ ~~~. ~F
114. SD 1 line earlier in F
157. peascod] F (pescod)
165. SD Viola] F2; Violenta F
179. I] F catch-word; omit F dialogue
182. swear ^ I] ~) ~ F
204, 205.SP OLIVIA, VIOLA] Ed.; speech continues as Viola’s in F
308. County’s] F (Countes)
318. SD She exits.] Finis, Actus primus. F

19. heavens] Heanens F

3. sir. On] ~, ~ F
31. our] F2; O F
32. made of,] Ed.; made, if F

2. diluculo] Ed.; Deliculo F
14. drink. Marian]~^ ~ F
14. SD Feste, the Fool] this ed.; Clowne F
24. Queubus] Quenbus F
79. Tillyvally! “Lady”!] tilly vally. Ladie, F
133. Malvolio] Malnolio F
134. a nayword] Ed.; an ayword F
175. SD 1 line earlier in F

0. SD Orsino] Ed.; Duke F
17. boy. If] ~, ~ F
25. masterly.] ~, F
47. SD Feste, the Fool] this ed.; Clowne F
60. Fly . . . fly] Ed.; Fye . . . fie F
62. yew] F (Ew)
97. I] Ed.; It F

59. my—some]~^ ~ F
90. her great] het great F
101. Lips, do] ~^ ~ F
104. altered] alter d F
117. staniel] Ed.; stallion F
123. portend? If] ~, ~ F
149. born] Ed.; become F
149. achieve] F2; atcheeues F
158. thee] thce F
161–62. fingers. Farewell]~^ ~ F
163. The] tht F
163–64. Fortunate-Unhappy. Daylight]~^ ~^ ~ F
165. politic] pollticke F
181. dear] deero F
190. SD 1 line earlier in F
200. vitae] vite F
212. SD They exit.] Exeunt. Finis Actus secnndus [sic] F

0. SD Feste, the Fool] this ed.; Clowne F
8. king] F2; Kings F
9. church] Chureh F
58. come.] ~, F
69. wise men, folly-fall’n] Ed.; wisemens folly falne F
72. vous] vou F
93. all ready] F (already)
152. beautiful^] ~? F
153. lip!] ~, F

7. thee] F3; the F
35. him.] ~^ F

8. travel] rrauel F
16. thanks, and ever thanks; and oft] Ed.; thankes; and euer oft F
21. sir.] ~, F
22. night.]~^ F
32. Th’ offense] Th^ offence F

16. merry] metry F
16. SD 2 lines earlier in F
21. Sad, lady?] ~^ ~, F
26. SP OLIVIA] F2; Mal. F
60. let] ler F
66. looked] look d F
76. tang] langer F
179. If] To. If F
181. You . . . fit . . . for ’t] Yon . . . sit . . . fot’t F
229. thee] F (the)
274. promise, to]~^ ~ F
325. SD 1 line earlier in F
395. O, prove true] oh proue ttue F

0. SD Feste, the Fool] this ed.; Clowne F

0. SD Feste, the Fool] this ed.; Clowne F
6. in] in in F
12, 16, 29, 89.Master] M. F
15. Gorboduc] F (Gorbodacke)
39. clerestories] Ed.; cleere stores F
54. haply] F (happily)
125. begone] be goue F

1. SP omit F
37. SD They exit.] Exeunt. Finis Actus Quartus. F

0. SD Feste, the Fool] this ed.; Clowne F
2. Master] M. F
6. SD Orsino] Ed.; Duke F
35. Saint] F (S.)
188. home] homc F
191–92. incardinate] incardinatc F
201. SD Feste, the Fool] this ed.; Clowne F, where SD is 2 lines earlier
210. pavin] F (panyn)
216. help?—] ~^ F
284. from] ftom F
291. SD Feste, the Fool] this ed.; Clowne F, where SD is 2 1/2 lines later
396. Lord] Lotd F
412. tiny] F (tine)
417, 421, 425.With hey, ho, the wind and the rain] Ed.; with hey ho, &c. F
419, 423, 427.For the rain it raineth every day] Ed.; for the raine, &c. F
428. begun] Ed.; begon F
429. With hey, ho, the wind and the rain] F2 (which adds “With”); hey ho, &c. F
431. SD He exits.] FINIS. F