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The Folger is closing at 4:30pm on Sunday, February 23, for a staff training exercise. Normal hours will resume when the Folger opens on Tuesday, February 25, at 11:00am.

Troilus and Cressida /

Textual Notes: Troilus and Cressida

The reading of the present text appears to the left of the square bracket. Unless otherwise noted, the reading to the left of the bracket is from Q, the First Quarto text of 1609 (upon which this edition is based). The earliest sources of readings not in Q are indicated as follows: F is the First Folio of 1623; F2 is the Second Folio of 1632; F3 is the Third Folio of 1663–64; F4 is the Fourth Folio of 1685; Ed. is an earlier editor of Shakespeare, beginning with Rowe in 1709. No sources are given for emendations of punctuation or for corrections of obvious typographical errors, like turned letters that produce no known word. SD means stage direction; SP means speech prefix: uncorr. means the first or uncorrected state of Q or of F; corr. means the second or corrected state of Q or of F; ~ stands in place of a word already quoted before the square bracket; ^ indicates the omission of a punctuation mark. 1st setting refers to the first attempt to set into type the first page of the play for F; 2nd setting refers to the second attempt (for discussion of this matter, see “An Introduction to This Text”).

A never] This preface is only in Q.  19. witted] wittied Q  41. Vale. | Troilus and Cressida] Ed.; Vale. | The history of Troylus and Cresseida. Q

Prologue] The 31-line prologue is only in F.  1. SP PROLOGUE] Ed.; The Prologue. F  12. barks] F2; Barke F  17. Antenorides] Antenonidus F  19. Spar] Ed.; Stirre F  31. Now, good] ~^ ~, F  31. war.] Warre. | The Tragedie of Troylus and Cressida. F

1.1  15. must] Q; must needes F (1st setting)  20. SP PANDARUS] Paude. Q  20–21. leavening] Q; leau’ing F (2nd setting)  25. heating] Q; heating of F (2nd setting)  26. you] Q (yea)  26. burn] Q; to burne F (1st setting)  31. When] Ed.; then Q, F  31. is she] Ed.; she is Q, F  71. travail] Q, F (trauell)  72. on] F only (1st setting)  77. not] F only (2nd setting)  78. o’] Q (a); on F (1st setting)  79. care] F only (1st setting)  82. SP PANDARUS] Q (Pan.); Troy. F (2nd setting)  84. her.] F (~:); ~^ Q  90. SD He exits.] Q; Exit Pandar. F (1st setting); Exit Pand. (2nd setting)  92. Helen] Helleu Q  100. Daphne’s] Daphues Q  102. pearl.] ~, Q, F  103. resides] F; reides Q

1.2  0. SD Cressida] Cressid Q, F  2. and hereafter. SP ALEXANDER] Ed.; Man. Q, F  8. chid] Q; chides F  21. they] F; the Q  34. purblind] Q; purblinded F  38. disdain] Q; disdaind F  40. SD Enter Pandarus.] F only  49. Ilium] Illum Q  52. you] Q (yea)  73. nor Hector] Q; not Hector F  74. just^ to each of them;] ~, . . . ~^ Q, F  81. end.] ~^ Q; ~: F  87. come] F; eome Q  89. wit] Ed.; will Q, F  104. much.] ~, Q, F  108. lief] Q, F (lieue)  113. SP PANDARUS] Q; Ԁan. F  119. will he] will hc Q  120. lift] F; liste Q  121. he] Q; he is F  123. came] F; eame Q  129. valiantly] valianty Q  134. the] F2; thee Q, F  151. a] Q only  152. pot] F; por Q  154. this] rhis Q  172. chafed] chaf t Q  173. for it] Q; For is F  177. do] Q; does F  180. tears] Q; reares F  181. SD Sound a retreat.] 1 line earlier in Q and F  184. Ilium?] ~, Q, F  190. SD Enter Aeneas] 1 line earlier in Q and F  192. tell] Q only  193. SD Enter Antenor] 1 line later in Q and F  196. a] F only  197. judgments] Q; judgement F  200. him] Q; him him F  205. fellow] Q, F corr.; flelow F uncorr.  208. a] Q only  209. man’s] F; man Q  212. there’s laying] Q; laying F  212. will] Q; ill F  217. SD Enter Paris] 3 lines earlier in Q and F  223. see] Q only  223. SD Enter Helenus] 1 line later in Q and F  223. SD Helenus] Q, F corr.; Hellenuss F uncorr.  229–30. indifferent^ well] ~, ~ Q, F  231. hear] Q (here); haere F  231. SD Enter Troilus] 1 line later in Q and F; Trylus F  237. Note] Q only  244. choice] choiee Q  246. an eye] Q; money F  246. SD Enter . . . Soldiers] F only  247. comes] Q; come F  254. amongst] Q; among F  262. such-like] Q; so forth F  262. season] Q; seasons F  265. a woman] Q; another F  265. a man] Q; one F  271. at] Q; at, at F  278. SD Enter Troilus’s Boy.] 1 line earlier in F (Enter Boy.)  281. There . . . him.] Q only  288. SD Pandarus exits.] F only (Pand.)  296. prize] Q (price); prize F  301. Then] Q; That F  301. content] Q; Contents F

1.3  0. SD Sennet.] F only  1. the] F; these Q  1. jaundice] Q, F (Iaundies)  1. o’er] Q; on F  5. largeness.] ~, Q; ~: F  6. reared,] ~. Q, F  8. Infects] Q; Infect F  13. every] F; euer Q  19. call them shames] Q; thinke them shame F  27. broad] Q; lowd F  28. winnows] winnowss Q  31. thy] F; the Q  31. godlike] Q; godly F  36. patient] F; ancient Q  51. flee] Ed.; fled Q, F  55. Retorts] Ed.; Retires Q, F  57. nerves] Q; Nerue F  60. speaks.] ~, Q, F  62. which,] ~^ Q, F  62–64. mighty^ . . . reverend^] F; ~ ( . . . ~) Q  64. thy] F; the Q  71. On] Q; In F  71. heaven rides] Q; the Heauens ride F  71. all the Greekish] Q; all Greekes F  74–78. SP AGAMEMNON Speak . . . oracle.] F only  79. SP ULYSSES] F only (Vlys.)  79. basis] F; bases Q  84. factions.] F; ~, Q  87. expected] expccted Q  96. influence of evil planets] Q; ill Aspects of Planets euill F  98. check,] F; ~^ Q  106. of] Q; to F  110. primogeneity] Q (primogenitie); primogenitiue F  114. meets] F; melts Q  122. their] Q; her F  123. includes] F; include Q  131. it is] Q; is it F  132. with] Q; in F  141. stands] Q; liues F  153. silly] Q; aukward F  161. o’erwrested] Q, F (ore-rested)  163. unsquared] F; vnsquare Q  165. seem] Q; seemes F  165. hyperboles.] F; ~, Q  168. right] Q; iust F  169. hem] Q; hum F  194. keeps] Q; and keepes F  199. and] F; our Q  204. hand.] ~, Q; ~: F  206. calls] Q; call F  211. swinge] Q; swing F  213. fineness] F; fincsse Q  216. SD Tucket.] F only  218. SD Enter Aeneas] F only  223. eyes] Q; eares F  225. host] Ed.; heads Q, F  232. bid] Q; on F  235. god^] ~, Q; ~^ F  242. great] Q only  247. that the] Q; that he F  253. affair] F; affaires Q  256. with] Q only  258. sense] F; seat Q  258. the] F; that Q  264. loud] F; alowd Q  267. SD Sound trumpet.] Q; The Trumpets sound. F  270. this] F; his Q  271. resty] Q; rusty F  273. among] Q; among’st F  275. That seeks] F; And feeds Q  284. couple] Q; compasse F  292. Aeneas.] ~, Q, F  297. or] F; a Q  298. I am] Q; Ile be F  301. host] Q; mould F  302. A] Q; One F  302. one] F; no Q  305. put my] Q; put this F  305. brawns] Q; brawne F  306. will] F only  309. prove] Q; pawne F  309. troth] Q; truth F  310. forfend] Q; forbid F  310. youth] F; men Q  312. SP AGAMEMNON] F only (Aga.)  313. sir] Q; first F  317. SD All . . . exit.] F only (Exeunt. Manet Vlysses, and Nestor.)  323. This ’tis] F only  333. True] Q only  333. as] Q; euen as F  336. Achilles,] F; ~^ Q  336. were] Q (weare); were F  342. Why] Q; Yes F  343. his honor] F; those honours Q  345. the] Q; this F  349. vile] Q; wilde F  361. receives . . . a] Q; from hence receyues the F  363–65. Which . . . limbs.] F only  363. are his] F2; are in his F  368. First show foul] Q; shew our fowlest F  369. shall exceed] Q; yet to shew F  370. By . . . first] Q; Shall shew the better F  374. eyes.] ~^ Q; ~: F  375. Hector,] F; ~^ Q  376. share] Q; weare F  378. it] Q; we F  381. do] Q; did F  384. Hector.] ~, Q; ~: F  385. for the better] Q; as the worthier F  387. fall^] F; ~, Q  393. assumes:] ~^ Q; ~, F  396. thereof] Q; of it F  397. straight.] ~^ Q; ~: F  399. tar] F; arre Q  399. a] Q; their F

2.1  6. then] Q only  8. there] F only  11. SD Strikes him.] F only  14. thou unsalted] Q; you whinid’st F  17. oration] F; oration without booke Q  18. a] F only  19. o’] F3; ath Q; o’ th F  20. Toadstool] Q; Toads stoole F  24. a] F only  28. Greece.] ~, Q  28–30. When . . . another.] Q only  37–42. him— . . . do.] F; him. Aiax Coblofe, Hee . . . bisket, you horson curre. Do? Do? Q  46. thou] F; you Q  47. thrash] Q; thresh F  56. SD Enter . . . Patroclus.] F only  58. thus] Q; this F  65. so I do] Q; I do so F  74. I] F; It Q  77. I’ll] F; I Q  91. The] Q; for a F  92. Thersites] Thesites Q  94. the vile] Q; thee vile F  104. an] Q; if F  104. he] F only  104. out] F; at Q  105. brains] beains Q  109. your] Ed.; their Q, F  109–10. on their toes] F only  111. wars] Q; warre F  117. Peace] Q only  118. brach] Ed.; brooch Q, F  121. clodpolls] Q (Clatpoles)  126. fifth] F (fift); first Q  134. SD He exits.] F only (Exit.)

2.2  4. travel] Q; trauaile F  6. cormorant] Q; comorant F  9. toucheth] Q; touches F  14–15. surety, | Surety] F; surely | Surely Q  17. worst.] F; ~^Q  28. father’s] Q; Father F  29. sum^] F; ~. Q  32. diminutive] dyminutue Q  34. at] F; of Q  35. them.] ~^ Q; ~, F  36. reason] Q; reasons F  37. tell] Q; tels F  47–48. And . . . reason] lines reversed in F  49. Let’s] F; Sets Q  50. hare] Q; hard F  53. Make] Q; Makes F  55. keeping] Q; holding F  60. mad] Q; made F  62. attributive] Q; inclineable F  65. election^] F; ~: Q  68. shores] F; shore Q  71. choose] Q; chose F  74. soiled] Q; spoyl’d F  76. unrespective] vnrespectue Q  76. sieve] Q; same F  78. Paris] Pa is Q  79. with] Q; of F  80. truce] ttuce Q  85. pale] Q; stale F  92. he] F; be Q  92. worthy] Q; Noble F  96. never Fortune] Q; Fortune neuer F  107. Cassandra] Crssandra Q  107. SD raving] Q; with her haire about her eares F (5 lines earlier in Q, F)  111. elders] Q; old F  112. canst] Q; can F  113. clamors] Q; clamour F  189. each] eaeh Q  194. nations] Q; Nation F  220. strike] F; shrike Q

2.3  1. SP THERSITES] Ed.; not in Q, F  3. worthy] worrhy Q  13. you] Q; thou F  17. their] Q; the F  19. Neapolitan] Q only  20. depending] Q; dependant F  27. couldst] Q; would’st F  33. a] F; not a Q  35. SD Enter Patroclus.] F only, after “Achilles!” in line 23 above  37. in] Q; in a F  40. SP PATROCLUS  Amen.] Q only  43. O, where?] Q only  43. SD Enter Achilles.] Q (after line 40); F (after line 39)  44. come?] F; ~^ Q  50. Thersites] Q; thy selfe F  53. must] Q; maist F  58–64. SP PATROCLUS  You . . . fool.] F only  59. SP THERSITES] Ter. F  67–68. of Agamemnon] F only  69. this] Q only  71. of] Q; to F  71. creator] F; Prouer Q  72. SD Enter . . . Calchas.] 1 line later in Q (Agam: Vliss: . . . Diomed.); 2 lines earlier in F  72. SD Nestor] Nəstor Q  74. Patroclus] F; Come Patroclus Q  75. SD He exits.] F only (Exit.)  77–78. whore . . . cuckold] Q; Cuckold . . . Whore F  78. emulous] Q; emulations F  79–80. Now . . . all] F only  84. shent] Ed.; sate Q; sent F  85. appertainments] F; appertainings Q  85. him.] ~^ Q; ~: F  86. so, lest] Q; of, so F  89. say so] Q; so say F  93. if you] Q; if F  94. ’tis] Q; it is F  94. a] Q; the F  95. A . . . lord] F only  105. their] theit Q  105. composure] Q; counsell that F  108. SD Enter Patroclus.] F only  110. him.] Q; ~, F uncorr.; ~? F corr.  112. legs are] Q; legge are F  112. flexure] Q; flight F  121. But] Q, F corr.; ut F uncorr.  125. on] Q; of F  127. and] F only  129. come] Q; came F  134. tend] Q; tends F  134–35. on, | Disguise^]F; ~^ | ~, Q  138. course and time] Q; pettish lines F  138. and flows] Q; his flowes F  138. as] F; and Q  139. carriage of this action] F; streame of his commencement Q  144. Bring] Q, F corr.; ring F uncorr.  148. second] Q, F corr.; fecond F uncorr.  149. enter you] F; entertaine Q  149. SD Ulysses . . . Patroclus.] F only (Exit Vlisses.)  153. am?] Q, F corr.; ~. F uncorr.  160. pride] Q; it F  161. Ajax] F only  166. I hate] F; I do hate Q  168. And] Q only  168. SD Enter Ulysses.] 3 lines earlier in Q, F  180. worth] Q; wroth F  184. down himself] Q; gainst it selfe F  191. SP ULYSSES] Q, F corr. (Vlis.); Vis. F uncorr.  196. doth] Q; doe F  200. Shall] Q; Must F  202. titled] F; liked Q  207. him?] F corr.; ~, F uncorr.; ~. Q  210. this] F; his Q  212. pash] F; push Q  221. let] F; tell Q  221. humorous] Q; humours F  229–30. SP ULYSSES He . . . shares. | AJAX I] F; Aiax A . . . shares. I Q  231. SP NESTOR  He’s . . . warm. Force] Ed.; he’s . . . warme? | Nest. Force Q, F  232. praises] F; praiers Q  232. Pour in, pour in] F corr. (poure in, poure in); poore in, poore in F uncorr.; poure in, poure Q  235. You] Q corr.; Yon Q uncorr.  236. does] Q; doth F  242. with us thus] Q; thus with vs F  252. Famed] Q; Fame F  253. beyond, beyond] F; beyond all Q  253. thy] Q; all F  259. bourn] F; boord Q  260. Thy] F; This Q  268. SP NESTOR] Q; Ulis. F  270. here;] ~^ Q; ~, F  271. great] Q only  276. cull] F; call Q  278. boats] Q; Botes may F  278. hulks] Q; bulkes F

3.1  0. SD Music . . . within.] F only, at the end of 2.3  0. SD and Paris’s Servingman] Ed.; and a Seruant F; not in Q  1. you not] Q; not you F  3 and hereafter. SP MAN] Q; Ser. F  6. notable] Q; noble F  17. titles] Q; title F  25. friend] F only  28. art] F only  32–33. visible] Ed.; inuisible Q, F  35. not you] Q; you not F  36. attributes] ac- | tributes Q  37. that] F only  52. SP HELEN] Ed.; Nel. Q; Nel, F  78. queen, my] Queenem,y Q  85. I’ll . . . life] Q only  86. matter;] ~^ Q; ~, F  88. make ’s] Q; make F  90. poor] F only  96. horribly] Q; horrible F  101. twain] tawine Q  106. lord] F; lad Q  112. Love, love] Q corr.; loue, lone Q uncorr.  113. SP PANDARUS] F corr.; omit F uncorr.  113. In . . . so] F only  114. Love] F corr.; Pand. Loue Q; Pan. Loue F uncorr.  114. still love] Q only  115. bow^] ~. Q; ~, F  117. shaft confounds] F; shafts confound Q  131. deeds?] ~^ Q uncorr., F; ~, Q corr.  134. Deiphobus, Helenus] Q corr.; Deipholus, Helenes Q uncorr.  147. They’re] F; Their Q  147. the] Q only  150. these] F; this Q  158. SP PARIS] Q only  158. thee] F corr.; the F uncorr.; her Q

3.2  0. SD Enter . . . Man,] F; Enter. Pandarus Troylus, man. Q  3. he] F only  3. SD Enter Troilus.] F only  8. Like] F; Like to Q  10. those] F; these Q  12. Pandar] Q; Pandarus F  16. SD Pandarus exits.] F corr. only (Exit Pandarus.); Exeunt Pandarus. F uncorr.  20. palate] Ed.; pallats Q, F  21. thrice-repurèd] Q; thrice reputed F  22. Swooning] Q, F (Sounding)  23. tuned] Q; and F  28. SD Enter Pandarus.] F only  32. spirit] Q; sprite F  33. as short] Q; so short F  33. SD Pandarus exits.] F (Exit Pand.); not in Q  37. unawares] F corr.; vnwares Q, F uncorr.  38. SD Pandarus . . . Cressida] pandar . . . Cressid Q  45. thills] Ed.; filles Q, F  68. fears] Ed.; teares Q, F  72. safer] Q; safe F  76. Nor] Q; Not F  81. is] F only  85. than] Q corr. (then); thene Q uncorr.  92. crown it. No perfection] F; louer part no affection Q  95. words to] Q corr.; wordes to to Q uncorr.  99. SD Enter Pandarus.] F only  110. be wooed] Q; are wooed F  118. glance^] ~; Q corr., F; ~: Q uncorr.  120. till now not] Q; not till now F  120. much^] Q corr.; ~; Q uncorr.  122. children] Q corr.; chilPren Q uncorr.  122. grown] Q; grow F  131. silence] Q corr. (sylence); scylence Q uncorr.  132. Cunning] Ed.; Comming Q, F  133. very] Q only  133. counsel] Q; counsell from me F  150–51. I . . . wit] Q; Where is my wit? | I would be gone F  151. know . . . speak] Q; I speake I know not what F  152. that speak] Q; that speakes F  154. confession^] ~. Q; ~, F  157. might.] ~^ Q; ~, F  158. woman—] ~. Q; ~: F  160. aye] F; age Q  160. love,] ~. Q, F  161. youth,] F; ~. Q  167. purity] Q; puriritie F  175. truth] Q; truths F  181. Yet] F only  182. authentic] anthentique Q  187. and] F; or Q  194. wind . . . sandy] Q; as Winde, as sandie F  195. or] Q; as F  202. pains] F; paine Q  210. with a bed] Ed.; not in Q, F  212. SD Troilus . . . exit.] Q only (Exeunt.)  214. pander] Q; and Pander F  214. SD He exits.] Q (Exit.); Exeunt. F

3.3  0. SD Diomedes . . . Agamemnon] Q (Diomed . . . Agamem); Enter Vlysses, Diomedes, Nestor, Agamemnon, Menelaus and Chalcas. Flourish. F  1. you] F only  3. your] F only  4. come] F4; loue Q, F  5. possessions] Ed.; possession Q, F  14. benefit^] ~. Q; ~: F  21. Cressid] Q uncorr. (Cressed); Cressed Q corr.  22. denied;] Q corr. (~,) F(~:); ~^ Q uncorr.  34. fairly] Q corr. (farely); farrly Q uncorr.  38. SD Achilles . . . tent.] Q; Enter Achilles and Patroclus in their Tent. F  38. SD Patroclus] Q (Patro)  38. SD stand] Q only  40. pass] Q; to passe F  43. me^] ~. Q; ~, F  44. unplausive] F; vnpaulsiue Q  50. pride,] Q corr. (~:); ~^ Q uncorr.; ~: F  66. cuckold] Cnckould Q  71. SD He exits.] Exeunt. Q, F  75. use] Ed.; vs’d Q, F  84. but honor] Q; but honour’d F  104. shining] F; ayming Q  106. giver] F; giuers Q  109. itself^] ~. Q; ~, F  110–11. To . . . itself] Q only  115. mirrored] Ed.; married Q, F  117. strain] Q; straine it F  120. man] Q; may F  121. be] Q; is F  124. applause^] ~. Q; ~, F  131. what!] ~^ Q; ~. F  132. are^] Q, F  133. abject] F; obiect Q  142. fasting] Q; feasting F  146. shrieking] Q; shrinking F  157. mail] Ed.; male Q, F  163. turn] Q; hedge F   165–68. hindmost . . . on] F; him, most Q  167. rear] Ed.; neere F; not in Q  170. past] F; passe Q  174. Welcome] Ed.; the welcome Q, F  175. Farewell] Q; farewels F  175. Let] Q; O let F  180. calumniating] calumniati g Q  184. give] Ed.; goe Q, F  189. sooner] Q; begin to F  190. Than] F; That Q  190. stirs not] Q; not stirs F  190. once] Q; out F  205. providence] prouidencc Q  206. grain of Pluto’s gold] F; thing Q  207. deep] Ed.; depth Q; deepes F  219. our islands] Q; her Iland F  233. a] F only  234. air] Q; ayrie ayre F  241. necessary^] ~. Q; ~, F  244. they] Q; we F  252. SD Enter Thersites.] 1 line later in Q; 2 lines earlier in F  267. this] Q; his F  279. to him] F only  281–82. professes] profefses Q  284. his] F only  287. most] F only  291. Grecian] F only  291. army, Agamemnon,] ~. ~, Q; ~^ ~, F  292. et cetera] F only (& c.)  307. b’ wi’ you] Q, F (buy you)  309. of the] Q; a F  315. he’s] F only  321. bear] Q; carry F  324. myself] myselse Q

4.1  0. SD Antenor] Autemor Q  0. SD Diomedes and Grecians] Ed.; Diomed the Grecian Q, F  5. you] F; your Q  9. wherein^] Q; within; F  10. a] Q; in a F  18. But] F; Lul’d Q  18. meet] Q; meetes F  22. backward.] ~, Q, F  34. despiteful] Q; despightful’st F  38. ’Twas] Q; it was F  39. Calchas’] Calcho’s Q; Calcha’s F  43. believe] Q; doe thinke F  47. whereof] F; wherefore Q  55. SD Aeneas exits] F only (Exit Aeneas.)  57. the] F only  58. deserves . . . best] Q; merits . . . most F  62. soilure] F; soyle Q  71. nor less] Q; no lesse F  72. the] Q; which F  75. false] falfe Q  82. they] Q; you F  84. that not] Ed.; what we Q, F

4.2  13. joys] Q; eyes F  17. tediously] Q; hidiously F  23. SD within] F only  23. doors] doorcs Q  26. SD Enter Pandarus.] F only (2 lines earlier)  35–36. capocchia] Ed.; chipochia Q, F  38. SD One knocks.] 1 line later in Q; 1 line earlier in F  43. SD Knock.] 1 line later in Q, F  45. SD Troilus and Cressida exit.] Ed.; Exeunt. Q, F  59. Ho] Ed.; Who Q, F  62. SD Enter Troilus.] F only  68. us] F; him Q  68. for him] F only  72. so concluded] Q; concluded so F  78. nature] F; neighbor Pandar Q  79. SD Troilus and Aeneas exit.] Exeunt. Q; Exeunt. Enter Pandarus and Cressid. F  83. SD Enter Cressida.] Q only (Cress.)  84. SP CRESSIDA] F only (Cres.)  87. sweet] sweeet Q  94–95. I beseech you] F only  107. force] Q; orce F  108. extremes] Q; extremitie F  111. I’ll] Q; I will F  115. SD They exit.] F only (Exeunt)

4.3  0. SD Enter . . . Diomedes.] Q (Deiphob, Anth. Diomedes.)  0. SD and] F only   2. For] Q; Of F  10. own] Q only

4.4  4. violenteth] Q; no lesse F  6. affection] F; affections Q  9. dross] Q; crosse F  10. SD Enter Troilus.] Q, F (1 line earlier in F)  11. Ah] Ed.; a Q, F  12. ducks] Q; ducke F  24. strained] Q; strange F  43. one] Q; our F  50. Distasted] Q; Distasting F  50. tears.] Q; teares. Enter Aeneas. F  52. genius] Q; genius so F  53. so] Q; come F  55. tears?] F;~^ Q  56. the root] F; my throate Q  60. When] Q; Troy. When F  61. my] F only  81–82. Their . . . flowing] F only  82. flowing] F2; Flawing F  84. novelty] Q; nouelties F  84. person] F; portion Q  87. afeard] Q; affraid F  109. true?] Q; true? Exit. F  116. SD Enter . . . Diomedes.] Ed.; Enter the Greekes. F (2 lines earlier); not in Q  128. usage] Q; visage F  131. zeal] Ed.; seale Q, F  131. to thee] Q; towards F  132. In] Q; I F  142. you] Q; my F  145. I] Q; Ile F  149. SD Sound trumpet] F only  154. to the] Q; in the F  156–60. SP DEIPHOBUS  Let . . . chivalry.] F only  156. SP DEIPHOBUS] Ed.; Dio. F  160. They exit.] Exeu. Q; Exeunt. F, in both texts 5 lines earlier

4.5  0. SD Agamemnon] Q (Agam.)  0. SD Nestor, etc.] Ed.; Nester, Calcas, &c. Q, F  2. time^ . . . courage.] ~. . . . ~, Q, F  15. yond] Q; yong F  32. And . . . argument.] Q only  36. Patroclus] Patrolus Q  41. SP MENELAUS] Ed.; Patr. Q, F  48. not] F; nor Q  50. o’] Q, F (a’)  56. two] Ed.; then Q, F  64. language] Q; a language F  68. accosting] Ed.; a coasting Q, F  69. unclasp] vnclapse Q  70. tickling] F; ticklish Q  72. SD Diomedes . . . exit.] Ed.; Exeunt. F; not in Q  73. SD Enter . . . Attendants.] 1 line earlier in Q (enter all of Troy.), F (Enter all of Troy, Hector, Paris, Aeneas, Helenus and Attendants. Florish.)  75. the] Q; you F  79. they] Q only  85. SP ACHILLES  But] Ed.; but Q, F  86. misprizing] Q; disprising F  91. Achilles] Achillei Q  106. breath] Q; breach F  108–9. SP ULYSSES . . . already. | AGAMEMNON] F; Vlisses: Q  110. knight] Q; Knight; they call him Troylus F  112. in] F; not in Q  130. disposed] dispo’d Q  148. Of . . . feud] F only  149. drop] F; day Q  161. could] Q; could’st F  177. SD Agamemnon . . . rest] F (Enter Agamemnon and the rest.); not in Q  182. all] Q; of F   184–89. But . . . integrity] F only  198. Mock . . . oath] F; (Mock not thy affect, the vntraded earth) Q  199. quondam] quandom Q  208. Despising many] Q; And seene thee scorning F  209. thy] F; th’ Q  211. to some] Q; vnto F  214. hemmed] F; shrupd Q  220. O] Q only  227. As . . . courtesy] F only  278. an] Q; the F  281. stithied] F; stichied Q  281. helm,] F; ~. Q  290. have] Q only  301. we] Q; you F  304. Beat . . . taborins] F; To taste your bounties Q  305. SD All . . . exit.] Ed.; Exeunt. Q, F  310. upon . . . Earth] Q; on heauen, nor on earth F  313. you] Q; thee F  317. As] F; But Q  322. she loved] F; my Lord Q

5.1  5. core] F; cur re Q  6. botch] Ed.; batch Q, F  13. need these] F; needs this Q  15. boy] F; box Q  16. said] Q; thought F  19. the guts-griping] Q; guts-griping F  19. guts-griping, ruptures] ~^ ~^ ~ Q, F  20. catarrhs] F only  20. o’] Q, F (a)  21–24. palsies . . . tetter] Q; palsies, and the like F  30. no] Q only  32. sleave-silk] Q; Sleyd silke F  32. sarsenet] sacenet Q  33. tassel] toslell Q  47. banqueting] banquctting Q  48. SD He exits] F only (Exit.)  55. brother] F; be Q  57. shoeing-horn] Q corr. (shooing-horne); shooing-horue Q uncorr.  57. hanging] F only  58. brother’s] F; bare Q  59. forced] F; faced Q  61. he is] F; her’s Q  62. dog] F; day Q  62. mule] F; Moyle Q  62. fitchew] Q (Fichooke)  65. not] F only  67. SD Enter . . . lights.] Q (Enter Agam: Vlisses, Nest: and Diomed with lights.); Enter Hector, Aiax, Agamemnon, Vlysses, Nestor, Diomed, with Lights. F (1 line later in Q, F)  68. Sprites] Q; spirits F  70. lights] Q; light F  72. SD Enter Achilles.] F only  75. good] Q (God)  83. at once] F only  85. SD Agamemnon . . . exit.] Q (Exeunt Agam: Menelaus.); not in F  86. Nestor] Nector Q  95. SD Achilles . . . exit.] Exeunt. Q, F  101. foretell it] Q; foretell it, that F  105. his] F only  106. SD He exits.] Ed.; Exeunt F

5.2  0. SD Diomedes] Q, F (Diomed)  3. your] Q; you F  5. SD Enter . . . Ulysses] F only  6. SD Enter Cressida.] 1 line later in Q; Cressid Q, F  13. sing] Q; finde F  14. clef] Q; life F  16. SP CRESSIDA] F2; Cal. Q, F  19. should] F; shall Q  25. forsworn] Q; a forsworne F  30. do] Q; do not F  37. a] Q; one F  39. you] F only  44. Nay] F; Now Q  45. distraction] F; distruction Q  48. all hell’s] Q; hell F  54. How now, my] Q; Why, how now F  57. Adieu] F only  67. these] F only  69. But] F only  70. la] Ed.; lo Q, F  74. my] Q; sweete F  76. SD Enter Cressida] Q (Cress.)  82–83. I . . . CRESSIDA] F only  95. on] Q; in F  100. doth take] Q; rakes F  103. SP CRESSIDA] F only  108. one’s] Q; one F  111. By] F; And by Q  112. will] wlll Q  123. do] doc Q  124. SP TROILUS] Ed.; Ther. Q, F  124. you] Q; me F  129. SD He exits.] F (Exit.), 1 line earlier; not in Q  137. said] Q; say F  143. co-act] F; Court Q  147. th’ attest] Q; that test F  148. had deceptious] F; were deceptions Q  161. soil] F; spoile Q  168. be sanctimonies] Q; are sanctimonie F  171. is] F; was Q  172. itself] Q; thy selfe F  173. Bifold] Q; By foule F  181. Ariachne’s] Q corr. (Ariachna’s); Ariathna’s Q uncorr.  187. five-finger-tied] F (fiue finger tied); finde finger tied Q  190. given] Q; bound F  197. as] F2; not in Q, F  199. on] Q; in F  203. sun] Q; Fenne F  207. SP THERSITES] Thier. Q  220. SD Aeneas] Eeneas Q  227. SD He exits.] Q only (Exit.)

5.3  4. in] Q; gone F  5. all] Q only  8. brother] brothet Q  9. intent] intenr Q  16. SP CASSANDRA] F; Cres. Q  22–25. To . . . CASSANDRA] F only  23. give much, to use] Ed.; count giue much to as F  33. SD Cassandra exits.] Q (Cassan.)  44. sword,] ~. Q; ~: F  50. mother] Q; Mothers F  64. But . . . ruin] F only  88. SD Andromache exits.] Q (Androm.)  93. do] Q; doth F  95. dolor] F; dolours Q  96. distraction] F; destruction Q  100. Yet] Q; yes F  101. SD She exits.] F only (Exit.)  104. worth] Q; of F  107. SD Pandarus] Pandar. Q, F  115. o’ these] ath’s Q; o’ ’ths F  123. deeds] Q; deedes. | Pand. Why, but heare you? | Troy. Hence brother lackie; ignomie and shame | Pursue thy life, and liue aye with thy name. F

5.4  0. SD Alarum.] F only (before “Exeunt” [They exit] at the end of 5.3)  0. SD Excursions. Enter Thersites.] Ed.; Enter Thersites: excursions. Q; Enter Thersites in excursion. F  4. young] F only  9. O’ th’] Q (Ath’)  10. stale] Q; stole F  12. proved not] Ed.; not prooued Q, F  16. begin] Ed.; began Q, F  18. SD Enter . . . Troilus] F only (Diomed)  28. thou, Greek] F; Greeke Q

5.5  0. SD Enter Diomedes and Servingman.] Q (Diomed, Seruant); F (Diomed, Seruants)  6. SD Enter Agamemnon.] Q (Agamem.) 1 line earlier   7. Polydamas] Q (Polidamas)  8. Margareton] Ed.; Margarelon Q, F  12. Epistrophus and Cedius. Polyxenes] Q (Epistropus and Cedus, Polixines)  13. Amphimachus and Thoas] Q (Amphimacus and Thous)  22. here] Ed.; there Q, F  23. scalèd] F; scaling Q  25. strawy] Q; straying F  26. a] Q; the F  37. lost] loft Q  43. luck] F; lust Q  45. SP AJAX] F only  46. He exits.] Q, F both 1 line later (Exit.)

5.6  1. SP AJAX] F only  1. SD Enter Diomedes.] Q (Diom.)  2. SP DIOMEDES] F only (Diom.)  8. the] Ed.; thy Q, F  12. SD Enter . . . exits] Ed.; not in Q; Exit Troylus. | Enter Hector. F  13. SD Enter Achilles.] Q (Achil:)  14. SP ACHILLES] F only (Achil.)  14. Ha] Q only  23. SD Enter Troilus.] Q (Troyl:) F, 1 line later  29. I end] Q; thou end F

5.7  1. SP ACHILLES] F only (Achil.)  6. arms] Q; arme F  8. SD They exit.] Exit. Q, F

5.8  0. SD Enter Thersites; then Menelaus fighting Paris.] Ed.; Enter Thersi: Mene: Paris. Q; Enter Thersites, Menelaus, and Paris. F  3. double-horned] Ed.; double hen’d Q, F  3. Spartan] Q; sparrow F  4. SD Menelaus] Menelus Q  9. bastard begot] Q; a Bastard begot F  15. He exits.] Q (Exit.); Exeunt. F

5.9  3. my] Q; good F  4. SD his] F only  7. dark’ning] Q; darking F  11. next! Come] Q; now F  13. and] Q only  15. retire] Q; retreat F  15. part] prat Q  16. SP A MYRMIDON] Ed.; One: Q; Gree. F  16. Trojan trumpets] F; Troyans trumpet Q  16. sound] Q; sounds F  20. bait] Q; bed F

5.10  0. SD Sound retreat.] F only  0. SD Enter . . . marching] Q (Agam: . . . Mene: . . . Diom:)  0. SD Shout.] F only  1. shout] F only  1. this] Q; that F  3. SP SOLDIERS] Q (Sould:)  6. was . . . as] Q; was a man as good as F

5.11  0. SD Deiphobus] Q (Diephobus); and Deiphoebus F  2. Never] F; Troy. Neuer Q  2. SD Enter Troilus.] Q (1 line earlier), F  3. SP TROILUS] F only  8. smite] Ed.; smile Q, F  13. fear,] F;~^ Q  17. screech-owl] scrich-ould Q  18. their^] Q; there, F  21. Cold] Q; Coole F  22–23. But . . . dead] F only  24. vile] F; proud Q  25. pitched] Q; pight F  30. still,] ~. Q  35. Ignomy and] F; ignomyny Q  36. SD All . . . exit.] Q; Exeunt. F  38. world [3rd]] F only  41. loved] Q; desir’d F  53. your] F; my Q  54. hold-door] Q (hold-ore)  59. SD He exits.] Ed.; Exeunt. F; not in Q