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The Winter’s Tale - Characters in the Play
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Last updated: Thu, Apr 21, 2016
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The Winter’s Tale - Characters in the PlayCharacters in the Play
Characters in the Play
Leontes, King of Sicilia
Hermione, Queen of Sicilia
Mamillius, their son
Perdita, their daughter
Polixenes, King of Bohemia
Florizell, his son
Camillo, a courtier, friend to Leontes and then to Polixenes
Antigonus, a Sicilian courtier
Paulina, his wife and lady-in-waiting to Hermione

courtiers in Sicilia
Emilia, a lady-in-waiting to Hermione
Shepherd, foster father to Perdita
Shepherd’s Son
Autolycus, former servant to Florizell, now a rogue
Archidamus, a Bohemian courtier
Time, as Chorus
Two Ladies attending on Hermione
Lords, Servants, and Gentlemen attending on Leontes
An Officer of the court
A Mariner
A Jailer

shepherdesses in Bohemia
Servant to the Shepherd
Shepherds and Shepherdesses
Twelve Countrymen disguised as satyrs