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Richard II /

Textual Notes: Richard II

The reading of the present text appears to the left of the square bracket. This edition is based on the earliest extant printing of the play, the First Quarto of 1597, cited below as Q1. There are four copies of Q1 in existence, the Capell copy at Trinity College, Cambridge (referred to below as C); the Kemble-Devonshire copy at the Huntington Library, San Marino, California (D); the Huth copy at the British Library, London, England (H); and the Petworth copy, privately owned, at Petworth House (P). The earliest sources of readings not in Q1 are indicated as follows: Q2 is the Second Quarto of 1598; Q3 is the Third Quarto of 1598; Q4 is the Fourth Quarto of 1608; Q5 is the Fifth Quarto of 1615; Q6 is the Sixth Quarto of 1634; F is the Shakespeare First Folio of 1623, in which Richard II is largely a reprint of one of the later quartos (Q5, or, it has been speculated, Q3 supplemented by Q5) but in which the so-called Deposition Scene (4.1.160–331) seems to be based on a manuscript. Ed. is an earlier editor of Shakespeare, from the editor(s) of the Second Folio of 1632 to the present. No sources are given for emendations of punctuation or for correction of obvious typographical errors, like turned letters that produce no known word. SD means stage direction; SP means speech prefix; ~ refers to a word already quoted; ^ indicates the omission of a punctuation mark.

8 and hereafter to the end of Act 3. SP KING RICHARD] Ed.; King. Q1
15–16. presence. Face] ~^ ~ Q1
17. hear^] ~, Q1
21. befall^] ~, Q1
51. tongues,] ~^ Q1
55. hushed] Q1 (huisht)
98. land ^] ~: Q1
105. traitor] taitour Q1
106. Sluiced] Q1 (Slucte)
122. my] F; omit Q1
130. Calais] Q1 (Callice)
134. account^] ~: Q1
143. But] Q1 (H); Ah but Q1 (CDP)
156. gentlemen] F; gentleman Q1
167. When, Harry, when?] ~^ ~ ?~ ^ Q1
167–68. when? / Obedience bids] Ed.; when obedience bids, / Obedience bids Q1
179. must] ɯust Q1
182. gage.] ~, Q1
184. reputation;] ~ ^ Q1
195–96. height^ . . . dastard?] ~ , . . . ~? Q1 (CDH); ~? . . . ~ , Q1 (P)
198. parle] F; parlee Q1
207. hate.] ~, Q1

39. quarrel;] ~ ^ Q1
44. then, alas] Q1 (DP then alas); then Q1 (CH)
49. sit] F; set Q1
50. butcher . . . breast] Q1 (DP); butchers . . . brest Q1 (CH)
56. sometime] Q1 (sometimes)
60. it] Q2; is Q1
61. empty] Q1 (DP emptie); emptines Q1 (CH)
62. begun] Q1 (begone)
72. hear] Q1 (DP heare); cheere Q1 (CH)
74. everywhere.] ~, Q1

6 SD,
25 SD. with a Herald] F only (and Harrold)
11. art^] ~. Q1
15. thee] Q1 (the)
31. hither,] ~? Q1
32. lists?] ~, Q1
33. comest] Q1 (comes)
43. daring-hardy] Q1 (daring, hardy)
58. thee] Q1 (the)
75. coat^] ~, Q1
76. o’] Q1 (a)
81. casque] Q1 (caske)
92. adversary.] ~, Q1
94. years.] ~, Q1
104. SP FIRST HERALD] Q1 (Herald)
108. his God] Q1 (DP); God Q1 (CH)
110. Duke] Q1 (D)
129. civil] Q1 (DP ciuill); cruell Q1 (CH)
132. rival-hating] Q1 (DP riuall-hating); riuall hating Q1 (CH)
134. Draws . . . sleep,] Drawes . . . sleepe^ Q1 (DP); Draw . . . sleepe, Q1 (CH)
138. wrathful iron] Q1 (DP wrathfull yron); harsh resounding Q1 (CH)
153. exile.] ~, Q1
154. hopeless] Q1 (hoplesse)
157. Highness’] Hᴉghnesse Q1 mouth.] ~, Q1
169. portcullised] portcullist Q1 (DP); portculist Q1 (CH)
174. then but] F; but Q1
184. you owe] F; y’ owe Q1
191. louring] Q1 (lowring)
197. far] Q1 (fare)
201. land.] ~, Q1
202. realm.] ~, Q1
210. stray;] ~, Q1
228. extinct] Q1 (extint)
228. night] Q4; nightes Q1
241. lour] Q1 (lowre)
245. had it] Q1 (had ’t)
247. partial . . . sought] Q1 (DH); partiall . . . ought Q1 (CP)
254. SD Flourish.] F only
254. SD exits] Q1 (DH Exit); omit Q1 (CP)
275. world^] ~: Q1
296. strewed] Q1 (strowd)
314. yet.] ~, Q1
315. Where’er] Q1 (Where eare)

0. SD Green and Bagot] F; Bushie &c. Q1
13. word, . . . craft^] ~^ . . . ~, Q1
21. our cousin] F; our Coosens Q1
24. Bushy, Bagot here, and Green] Q6; Bushy Q1; Bushy: heere Bagot and Greene F
28. What] Q1 (DH); With Q1 (CP)
29. smiles^] ~. Q1
31. him.] ~, Q1
33. bid^. . . well^] bid^. . . wel, Q1 (CP); bid, . . . well, Q1 (DH)
48. hand.] ~^ Q1
53. SD] F; Enter Bushie with newes. Q1
54. Bushy, what news?] F only
65–66. late. | ALL Amen!] Ed.; late, | Amen Q1

0. SD and Attendants] &c. Q1
1. last^] ~? Q1
18. life’s] Q1 (liues)
21. fond;] Ed.; found^ Q1
41. betimes;] ~^ Q1
53. as a] Q4; as Q1
74. SD 2 lines later in Q1; Aumerle . . . Willoughby] F only
76. reined] Ed.; ragde Q1
91. No,] ~^ Q1
108. encagèd] F; inraged Q1
119. now, not king] Ed.; now not, not King Q1
131. brother] Q2; brothers Q1
132. son!] ~, Q1
152. his;] ~^ Q1
153. SD F only
164. kern] Q1 (CDP kerne); kernes Q1 (H)
169. coin] Q1 (CDH coine); coines Q1 (P)
176. my own] Q1 (CDH my owne); his owne Q1 (P)
180. first.] ~^ Q1
185. the] F; a Q1
194–95. KING RICHARD Why . . . matter? | YORK O, my] Q1 (CDH King Why Vnckle whats the matter? | Yorke Oh my); My Q1 (P)
209. say] Q1 (CDP); lay Q1 (H) This can be only an inking variant, although it is misreported as a press variant by Ure (Arden), Gurr (Cambridge), Wells and Taylor (Oxford).
218. seize] Q1 (cease)
232. SD Northumberland . . . remain] Q1 (Manet North.), F (Manet North. Willoughby, & Ross)
238. Ere ’t] Q1 (Eart)
261. i’] Q1 (a)
272. kinsman.] ~^ Q1
281. say^] ~, Q1
287. Blanc] Ed.; Blan Q1
289. Lord] Q1 (L.)
291. Exeter,] ~^ Q1
295. Coint] Q1 (Coines)

12. With] Q1 (CDH); At Q1 (P)
19. Show] Q1 (CDH Shew); Shews Q1 (P)
24. Then, thrice-gracious queen,] ~^ ~ (~ ~) Q1
34. BUSHY ’Tis . . . lady.] Q1 (DCH Bush. . . . Lady.); omit Q1 (P)
41. SD F only
54. worse,] ~: Q1
55. Harry] Q1 (H.)
57. Lords] Q1 (DCH lords); lord Q1 (P)
76. SD F only
82. on the] Q1 (DCH); in the Q1 (P)
89. SD F only (seruant)
91. He was? Why,] ~ ~; ~^ Q1
126 and hereafter. Berkeley] Q1 (Barckly or Barkly)
134. Besides,] ~^ Q1
142. Bristow] Q1 (Brist.)
149. Farewell.] ~. Q1
157. SD F (Exit)

24 and hereafter (except in
4.1 and
5.6). PERCY] Ed.; H. Per. Q1
32. Lordship] Q1 (Lo:)
33. lord] Q1 (Lo:)
38. Hereford] Q3; Herefords Q1
39. lord] Q1 (Lo:)
40. remember.] ~, Q1
43. lord] Q1 (Lo:)
56. three hundred] Q1 (300.)
59. SD F only
70. SD F only
79. lord . . . lord] Q1 (Lo: . . . Lo:)
81. York,] ~: Q1
83. SD F only
85. person.] ~, Q1
102. power.] ~, Q1
105. men,] ~. Q1
113. treason.] ~, Q1
129. cousin.] ~, Q1
174. foes.] ~^ Q1

1, 7. SP WELSH CAPTAIN] Ed.; Welch Q1
17. SD F only
24. SD F only

3. bodies,] ~^ Q1
25. imprese] Q1 (impreese)
46. Glendower] Q1 (Glendor)

0. SD Drums . . . colors.] F  only
0. SD and Soldiers] F; &c. Q1
17. thee.] ~, Q1
18. enemies,] ~: Q1
31. not— . . . offer^] ~, . . . ~, Q1
32. succor] Q1 (succors)
33. lord] Q1 (Lo:)
40. boldly] Q1 (bouldy)
61. Richard] Q1 (Ric.)
63. SD Salisbury] Q1 (Salisb.)
64, 65, 68. lord] Q1 (Lo:)
77. twenty thousand] Q1 (20000.)
87. name! . . . strikes^] ~^ . . .~, Q1
99. we?] ~, Q1
100. be.] ~, Q1
107. calamity.] ~, Q1
128. steps?] ~, Q1
130. Bolingbroke] Q1 (Bulling)
140–41. hate. Again^] ~, ~, Q1
157. death^] ~: Q1
167. antic] Q1 (antique)
184. wail.] ~, Q1
193. well.] ~, Q1
202. say.] ~, Q1

0. SD with Drum and Colors] F only;
0. SD Bolingbroke, . . . Northumberland] Q1 (Bull., . . . North.);
0. SD with Soldiers and Attendants] F (Attendants)
5. good,] ~^ Q1
18. mistake.] ~^ Q1
24. Royally?] ~, Q1
32. lord] F; Lords Q1
35. deliver] delᴉuer Q1
36. Henry Bolingbroke] Q1 (H. Bull.)
47. Bolingbroke] Q1 (Bulling.)
49. land,] ~: Q1
61. rain] Q1 (raigne)
62. waters—on . . . him.] ~^ ~ . . . ~, Q1
64. See] Q1 (Bull. See)
102. pastures’] Q1 (pastors)
103. forbid^] ~: Q; lord] Q1 (Lo:)
121. a prince and] Ed.; princesse Q1
123. thus^] ~, Q1
129. We] Q1 (King We)
134. No, good] ~^ ~ Q
134. lord] Q1 (Lo:)
151. I’] Q1 (a)

0. SD Ladies-in-waiting] Q1 (attendants)
11. joy] Ed.; griefe Q1
24. weep, . . . good.] ~; . . . ~? Q1
26. SD a Gardener and two Servingmen] F (Seruants); Gardeners Q1
29. pins] F (Pinnes); pines Q1
30–31. so^  . . . change.] ~, . . . ~^ Q1
32. apricokes] Q1 (Aphricokes)
37. too] F; two Q1
52. hath] htah Q1
63. garden! We at] Ed.; garden at Q1
87. Cam’st] Q2 (Camest); Canst Q1
87. tidings?] ~^ Q1
91. weighed.] ~^ Q1
92. lord’s] Q1 (Lo.)

0. SD Aumerle . . . Officers] F only (Aumerle, Northumberland, Percie, Fitz-Water, Surrey, Carlile, Abbot of Westminster, Herauld, Officers)
14, 86. Calais] Q1 (Callice)
24. him] Q3; them Q1
43. forgèd,] ~^ Q1
46. Fitzwater] Q1 (Fitzwaters)
47. SP PERCY] Q1 (L. Per.)
57. As may] Ed.; As it may Q1
58. sun to sun] Ed.; sinne to sinne Q1
58. pawn.] ~^ Q1
65. true.] ~^ Q1
80. my] Q3; omit Q1
87. gage.] ~, Q1
101. And,] ~^ Q1
106. bishop] Q1 (B.)
115. thee] Q1 (the)
118. Henry,] ~^ Q1
121–22. speak, . . . truth.] ~ . . .~, Q1
137. deed!] ~^ Q1
151. you] Q2; yon Q1
160–331. F; not in Q1
170 and hereafter in this scene. SP KING RICHARD] Ed.; Rich. F
174. tutor] F (tuture)
262. and] Q4; a F
266. Nor no] Q4; No, nor no F
271. mockery . . . snow^] ~, . . . ~, F
308. manners] Q4; manner F
332–33. BOLINGBROKE On . . . yourselves.] F; Bull. Let it be so, and loe on Wednesday next, | We solemnly proclaime our Coronation, | Lords be ready all. Q1
333. SD Westminster . . . Carlisle] Q1 (West., Caleil)
339. lord] Q1 (Lo.)

3. whose] wohse Q1
6. SD F; Enter Ric. Q1
16. SP KING RICHARD] Ed.; Rich. Q1
35 and hereafter in this scene. SP KING RICHARD] Ed.; King. Q1
35. indeed.] ~, Q1
37. sometime] Q1 (sometimes)
42. thee] Q1 (the)
51. SD Northumberland] Q1 (Northum.)
72. divorced! . . . men,] ~ (  . . . ~) Q1
93. groan, . . . short,] ~ ^  . . . ~ ^ Q1

2. off] Q1 (of)
12. thee] Q1 (the)
14. spake,] ~: Q1
19. thee! Welcome, Bolingbroke!] Q1 (the welcome Bullingbrooke,)
30. Richard] Q1 (Ric.)
43. SD F; 1 line later in Q4
72. bond] Q1 (band)
103. thee] Q1 (the)
115. thy] rhy Q1
119. a man] Q1 (CDP); any man Q1 (H)
120. or any] Q1 (CDP); or a Q1 (H)
126. behind.] ~, Q1
128. And] Q1 (An)

19, 24, 75, 92, 134, 143, 144 SP KING HENRY] Ed.; King H. Q1
10. While] Ed.; Which Q1
13. PERCY] Q1 (H. Percie)
28, and then hereafter, except lines 19, 24, 75, 92, 134, 143, 144. SP KING HENRY] Ed.; King. Q1
36. I may] Q2; May Q1
43. foolhardy king] Q1 (foole, hardie King)
45. SD Enter York.] F only
49. writing] writtng Q1
68. And] Q1 (An)
72. life:] ~^ Q1
75. shrill-voiced] Q3; shril voice Q1
82. SD F (Enter Dutchesse)   4 lines later
103. mouth] Q2; month Q1
113. SP KING HENRY] Q2 (Bol.); yorke Q1
130. thy piteous] Q1 (CDP); this piteous Q1 (H)
148. are.] ~, Q1

0. SD] Q1 (Manet sir Pierce Exton, &c.); Enter Exton and Seruants. F
1. King] Q1 (K.)
4, 7. SP SERVINGMAN] This ed.; Man Q1
5. twice^] ~. Q1
12. SD] Q4

6. prove^] ~, Q1
12. divine,] ~^ Q1
18. ambition, . . . plot^] ~^ . . . ~, Q1
22. And, . . . cannot, . . . pride.] ~^ . . . ~^ . . . ~, Q1
27. sit] Q3; set Q1
41. SD one-half line later in Q1
53. eyes,] ~^ Q1
65. blessing] blessiing Q1
77. sometime] Q1 (sometimes)
91. proud] prond Q1
100. will ’t] Q1 (wilt)
111. That] Q1 (Rich. That)
122. SD F (Exit)

0. SD King Henry] Ed.; Bullingbrooke Q1
1. SP KING HENRY] Ed.; King Q1
12. SD Fitzwater] Q1 (Fitzwaters)
17. Fitzwater] Q1 (Fitz.)
not] nor Q1
18. SD Harry] Q1 (H)
25. reverend] Q1 (reuerent)
37. lord] Q1 (Lo.)
52. SD] F only (Exeunt)