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The Folger is closing at 4:30pm on Sunday, February 23, for a staff training exercise. Normal hours will resume when the Folger opens on Tuesday, February 25, at 11:00am.

Pericles /

Textual Notes: Pericles

The reading of the present text appears to the left of the square bracket. Unless otherwise noted, the reading to the left of the bracket is from Q, the First Quarto text (upon which this edition is based). The earliest sources of readings not in Q are indicated as follows: Q2 is the Second Quarto of 1609; Q4 is the Fourth Quarto of 1619; Q6 is the Sixth Quarto of 1635; F3 is the Third Folio of 1663–64; F4 is the Fourth Folio of 1685; Ed. is an earlier editor of Shakespeare, beginning with Rowe in 1709. (We have taken no readings from the Third Quarto of 1611 or from the Fifth Quarto of 1630.) No sources are given for emendations of punctuation or for corrections of obvious typographical errors, like turned letters that produce no known word. SD means stage direction; SP means speech prefix; uncorr. means the first or uncorrected state of the First Quarto; corr. means the second or corrected state of the First Quarto; ~ stands in place of a word already quoted before the square bracket; ^ indicates the omission of a punctuation mark.

1 Chorus
1. SP GOWER] Ed.; omit Q
11. these] Q2; those Q
17. then:] ~^ Q
39. a] F3; of Q

18. razed] Ed.; racte Q
25. boundless] Ed.; bondlesse Q
57. blow.] Ed.; blow (Antiochus) Q
58. SP ANTIOCHUS Scorning] Ed.; Scorning Q
61, 62. ’sayed] Q (sayd)
64. advice] Q (aduise)
102. clear^] ~: Q
103. them.] ~, Q
110. fit,] ~; Q
117. our] F3; your Q
119. cancel] F3; counsell Q
126. SD All . . . exit.] Q (Manet Pericles solus.)
133. you’re] F3; you Q
142. ’schew] Ed.; shew Q
168. SD Enter a Messenger.] 1 line earlier in Q
171. SP ANTIOCHUS] Antin. Q
179. SP ANTIOCHUS Thaliard, adieu] Ed.; Thaliard adieu Q

0. SD with an Attendant] Ed.; with his Lords Q
2. change] Q (chãge)
4. Be my] Ed.; By me Q
6. should] stould Q
16. care;] ~^ Q
19. me. The] ~^ ~ Q
23. him] Ed.; omit Q
28. th’ ostent] Ed.; the stint Q
33. am] Ed.; once Q
44. wind] Ed.; sparke Q
46. err.] ~, Q
49. pardon] paadon Q
54. Helicanus] Hellicans Q
66. heaven] heauẽ Q
74. me^] ~: Q
77. Where, as] Q (Whereas)
90. me] Ed.; omit Q
91. fears] F4; feare Q
93. doubt] Ed.; doo’t Q
99. call ’t] Ed.; call Q
104. from] Q (frõ)
130. we’ll] Ed.; will Q
132. SD They exit.] Q (Exit.)

0. SD alone] Q (solus)
1. SP THALIARD] omit Q
3. ’Tis] t’is Q
18. depart,] ~? Q
18–19. you. | Being at Antioch—] ~, . . . ~. Q
29. ears it] Ed.; seas Q
32. SP HELICANUS] Q4; omit Q
35. betook] Q2; betake Q
40. SD They exit.] Q (Exit)

5. aspire^] ~? Q
13. do] Q2; to Q
13. deep^] ~: Q
14. do] Ed.; to Q
14. weep^] ~. Q
14. lungs] Ed.; toungs Q
15. Fetch] feteh Q
33. ’tis] t’is Q
37. they] Q2; thy Q
40. two savors] Q (too sauers)
68. Hath] Ed.; That Q
70. men] Ed.; mee Q
71. glory’s] Q (glories)
75. him’s] Q (himnes)
78. fear?] Q4; leaue^ Q
79. The] Q4; our Q
79. lowest,] ~? Q
107. ne’er] Q (neare)

2 Chorus
1. SP GOWER] Ed.; omit Q
11. Tarsus] Q4, Q (Tharstill)
12. speken] Q (spoken)
17. Helicane] Q (Helicon)
22. Sends word] Ed.; Sau’d one Q
24. had intent to murder] Q corr.; hid in Tent to murdred Q uncorr.
25. Tarsus] Q (Tharsis)
31. unquiet] vnqiuet Q
32. safe^] ~; Q

1. heaven!] ~, Q
12. What ho,] Ed.; What, to Q
12. Pilch] Q (pelch)
17. thee] Q (’th)
33. devours] Ed.; deuowre Q
50. finny] Ed.; fenny Q
81. quotha] Q (ke-tha)
82. gown.] ~^ Q
85. holidays] Ed.; all day Q
86. moreo’er] Ed.; more; or Q
94. your] Q4; you Q
103. is] Q2; I Q
111. Marry] Q (Mary)
120. wife’s] Q (Wiues)
120. SD net] Neʇ Q
125. pray] Q corr.; pary Q uncorr.
126. yet] Q corr.; yeat Q uncorr.
126. thy] Ed.; omit Q
132. brace] Q (brayse)
133. it.] ~^ Q
134. from] Ed.; Fame Q
134. may ’t] Ed.; may Q
152. do ’ee] Q corr.; di ’e Q uncorr.
153. on ’t] Q (an’t)
154. ’twas] t’was Q
157. you’ll] Q corr. (you’le); you le Q uncorr.
162. biding] Ed.; buylding Q
164. delightful] F3; delight Q

0. SD Attendants] Q (attendaunce)
1 and throughout. SP SIMONIDES] Ed.; King. Q
29. what’s] Ed.; with Q
31. chivalry] Chiually Q
32. pompae] Q (Pompey)
48. From] Q (frõ)
55. furnishèd] Q (furnisht)

3. To] Ed.; I Q
13. yours] Ed.; your Q
20. Marshal] Q (Martiall)
41. Yon] Ed.; You Q
47. son’s] Ed.; sonne Q
54. stored] Ed.; stur’d Q
103. ’twas] t’was Q
111. SD They dance.] 1 line later in Q
120. SP SIMONIDES] Ed.; omit Q

13. ’Twas] T’was Q
23. welcome.] ~^ Q
36. death’s] Ed.; death Q

17. ’Tis] T’is Q
76. SD Aside] After
line 77
78. you, not^] ~^ ~, Q
80. SD Aside] After
line 81
88. destroy.] ~, Q
94. SP BOTH] Q (Ambo.)

3 Chorus
1. SP GOWER] Ed.; omit Q
7. crickets] Ed.; Cricket Q
10. Where, by] Ed.; Whereby Q
13. eche] Q (each)
17. coigns] Ed.; Crignes Q
21. stead] Q (steed)
21. quest.] ~^ Q
23. To th’] Q (To’ th)
34. Pentapolis] Penlapolis Q
35. Y-ravishèd] Iranyshed Q
41. cross?] ~^ Q
51. and, well-anear] ~^~ Q
57. not^ . . . told.] ~? . . . ~, Q
58. hold^] ~: Q
60. sea-tossed] Ed.; seas tost Q

8. spit] Q (speat)
10. Unheard.] ~^ Q
11. patroness] patrionesse Q
11. midwife] Ed.; my wife Q
47. Slack] Q corr.; Slake Q uncorr.
47. bowlines] Q (bolins)
56. custom] Ed.; easterne Q
57–58. yield ’er, for she must overboard straight] Ed.; yeeld ’er Q
59. meet.—Most] Ed.; meet; for she must ouer board straight: | Most Q
65. the ooze] Ed.; oare Q
67. And e’er-remaining] Ed.; The ayre remayning Q
70. paper] Q2; Taper Q
75. chest] Q (Chist)
77. thee, mariner.] ~: ~^ Q
86. SD They exit.] Q (Exit.)

0. SD two Suppliants] This ed.; a seruant Q
4. ’T has] Q (T’as)
5. SP FIRST SUPPLIANT] This ed.; Seru. Q
6. ne’er] Q (neare)
22, 35, 60, 62, 64, 65. ’Tis] T’is Q
53 SD, 57. chest, chest] Q (Chist)
66. bitumed] Ed.; bottomed Q
70. open.] ~^ Q
77. too!] Ed.; to ^ Q
86. requite] Q (requit)
91. looks.] ~^ Q
97. lain] Q (lien)
99. cloths] Q (clothes)
105. warm] Ed.; warmth Q
118. weep^] ~. Q
126. to,] ~^ Q
128. SD They . . . exit.] Q (They carry her away. Exeunt omnes.)

0. SD at Tarsus] Q (Atharsus)
34. Unscissored] Ed.; vnsisterd Q
35. ill] Ed.; will Q
42. o’ th’] Q (ath)
43. maskèd] Q (mask’d)

0. SD Thaisa] Tharsa Q
5. bearing] Ed.; learning Q
9. vestal] Q (vastall)
11. SP CERIMON] Cler. Q
16. SP THAISA] Thin. Q
17. SD They exit] Q (Exit)

4 Chorus
1. SP GOWER] omit Q
4. there ’s] ther’s Q
8. music] Ed.; Musicks Q
10. high] Q (hie)
14. Seeks] Ed.; Seeke Q
17. ripe] Q2; right Q
17. rite] Ed.; sight Q
21. sleided] Q (sleded)
25. to the] Q (too’th)
26. bird] Ed.; bed Q
29. Dian,] ~^ Q
32. With] Ed.; omit Q
32. might the] Ed.; might with the Q
44. wrath^] ~. Q
47. carry] Ed.; carried Q

5. thy bosom] Ed.; thy loue bosome Q
16. strew] Q (strowe)
21. as] Ed.; omit Q
26. me!] ~? Q
28. O’er the sea marge] Ed.; ere the sea marre it Q
34. servant] Q (seruãt)
44. complexion] eomplexion Q
52. said] Q (sed)
62. nurse] nutse Q
62. says] Q (ses)
71. “Ha!” says] Q (ha ses)
83–84. killed? | Now,] ~^~? Q
87. la] Q (law)
90. for ’t] Q (fort)
100. life.] ~^ Q
100. Come you] ~, ~ Q
107. SD They . . . Marina.] Q (Exit)

0. SD Pander, Bawd, and Bolt] F3; the three Bawdes Q
4. much] Ed; much much Q
27. chequins] Q (Checkins)
34. ’twere] t’were Q
43. SP PIRATE] Ed.; Sayler Q
54. presently] presenly Q
65. struck] Q (strooke)
67. had but] Ed.; had not Q
77. pleasure] peasure Q
87. Marry] Q (Marie)
108. i’ the] Q (ethe)
124. lovers.] ~^ Q
130. SP BAWD] F3; Mari. Q
154. you?] ~^ Q
155. SD They exit.] Q (Exit.)

1. are] Q4; ere Q
4. child] chidle Q
6. A] Ed.; O Q
8. o’ th’] Q (ath)
11. ’t had] Q (tad)
14. Fates.] ~^ Q
15. is] Ed.; it Q
30. prime] Ed.; prince Q
35. distain] Ed.; disdaine Q
37. Marina’s] Q (Marianas)
38. malkin] Q (Mawkin)
39. through] Q (thorow)
49. golden] Q (goldẽ)
54. Seize] Q (ceaze)
54. talons] Q (talents)
55. You’re] Q (Yere)
56. to the] Q (too’th)
56. flies] Fliies Q

2. for ’t] Q (fort)
8. in the] Ed.; with Q
8. you^] ~. Q
9. story.] ~^ Q
10. the] Ed.; thy Q
12. life’s] Q (liues)
13. along.] ~^ Q
14. mind,] ~. Q
16. high] Q (hie)
18. his] Ed.; this Q
19. go on] Ed.; grone Q
20. gone.] ~^ Q
23. See] Ed.; Gowr. See Q
27. o’ershowered,] ~. Q
30. puts] Ed.; put Q
30. sea. He bears^] ~^ ~ ~, Q
32. wit^] ~: Q
40. o’ th’] Q (ath’)
48. orderèd^] ~; Q
49. scene] Ed.; Steare Q
50. welladay^] ~. Q

9. SD They exit.] Q (Exit.)

0. SD Bawd, Pander, and Bolt] Ed.; Bawdes 3 Q
15. SD Enter Lysimachus.] 3 lines later in Q
21. to-bless] Q (to blesse)
23. may so.] ~, ~^ Q
23, 31. ’Tis] t’is Q
38. dignifies] Q4; dignities Q
65. paced] Q (pac’ste)
71. name ’t] F3; name Q
89. aloof] Ed.; aloft Q
135. common hangman] Q (cõmon hãg-man)
137. SD Bawd and Pander] Ed.; Bawdes Q
144. Marry] Q (Marie)
157. womenkind] wemen-kinde Q
172. Coistrel] Q (custerell)
200. women] Q4; woman Q

5 Chorus
1. SP GOWER] Ed.; omit Q
8. silk, twin^] ~^ ~, Q
8. twin] Q (Twine)
10. pour] Q (powre)
13. lost] Ed.; left Q
20. fervor] Q corr. (feruor); former Q uncorr.

1. SP TYRIAN SAILOR] Ed.; 1.Say. Q
2. is.] ~^ Q
8. SP TYRIAN SAILOR] Ed.; 2.Say. Q
9. SP GENTLEMAN] Q (1.Gent.)
13. SP SAILOR FROM MYTILENE] Ed.; I.Say. Q corr.; Hell. Q uncorr.
16. reverend] Q (reuerent)
32. from] Q (frõ)
36. bootless^] ~. Q
36. sight. He] Q corr. (sight, hee); sight^ see, Q uncorr.
37. any.] Ed.; any, yet let me obtaine my wish. Q
38. SP LYSIMACHUS Yet . . . wish.] Ed.; Lys. Behold him, this was a goodly person. Q
39–41. SP HELICANUS Behold . . . | Till] Ed.; Hell. Till Q
41. night] Ed.; wight Q
51. defended] Q2; defend Q
51. ports] Ed.; parts Q
54. with] Ed.; omit Q
54. maid, is] Ed.; maids Q
72. here’s] hee’rs Q
73. presence] Ed.; present Q
77. I’d] Q4; I do Q
77. wed] Ed.; to wed Q
78. one] Q (on)
80. feat] Ed.; fate Q
89. SP MARINA] Ed.; omit Q
90. Marked] Q4; Marke Q
104. awkward] augward Q
114. You’re] Ed.; your Q
115. countrywoman] Q6; Countrey women Q
116. Here] Q (heare)
116, 117. shores] Ed.; shewes Q
125. cased] Q (caste)
138. palace] Q (Pallas)
139. crownèd] Q (crownd)
140. my] Q4; omit Q
143. say] Ed.; stay Q
149. thought’st] Q (thoughts)
160. them] Ed.; omit Q
181–82. fairy^ | Motion?] ~? ~^ Q
192. dull] Ed.; duld Q
195. to the] Q (too’th)
208. impostor] Q (imposture)
212. SP PERICLES] Ed.; Hell. Q
215. wise in general.] ~; ~~, Q
237. First] Frist Q
241. life] Ed.; like Q
246. Thou ’rt] Q (th’art)
257. music?] ~^ Q
259. doubt,] Ed.; doat. Q
279. life] Ed.; like Q
296. suit] Ed.; sleight Q

8. Mytilene^]~. Q
9. King.] ~, Q
12. sacrifice^] ~. Q
14. pray you] ~, ~ Q
15. filled] F3; Q (fild)
16. willed] F3; Q (wild)
17. see^] ~, Q

16. nun] Ed.; mum Q
20. Reverend] Q (Reuerent)
25. one] Ed.; in Q
43. Immortal] Q4; I, mortall Q
60. SP PERICLES] F3; Hell. Q
64. ’Twas] T’was Q
74. Reverend] Q (Reuerent)
82. needful] needfulll Q
83. I] Ed.; omit Q
91. credit,] ~. Q
98. SD They exit.] Q4 (Exeunt.); FINIS. Q

4. keen,] ~. Q
5. preserved] Ed.; preferd Q
12. to] Ed.; omit Q
15. seemèd] Q (seemde)
18. ending.] ending. | FINIS. Q