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The Folger is closing at 4:30pm on Sunday, February 23, for a staff training exercise. Normal hours will resume when the Folger opens on Tuesday, February 25, at 11:00am.

Othello /

Textual Notes: Othello

The reading of the present text appears to the left of the bracket. Unless otherwise stated, this reading is from the First Folio (F). The earliest sources of readings not in F are indicated as follows: Q is the First Quarto of 1622; Q2 is the Second Quarto of 1630; Ed. is an earlier editor of Shakespeare, beginning with the anonymous editor of the Second Folio of 1632. No sources are given for emendations of punctuation or for corrections of obvious typographical errors, like turned letters, that produce no known word. Other symbols: SD means stage direction; SP means speech prefix; uncorr. means the first or uncorrected state of F or Q; corr. means the second or corrected state of F or Q; ~ stands in place of a word already quoted before the bracket; ^ indicates the omission of a punctuation mark.


1. Tush] Q; omit F
2. thou] you Q
2. hast] has Q
4. ’Sblood] Q; omit F
11. Off-capped] Oft capt Q
16. And in conclusion,] Q; omit F
18. chose] chosen Q
26. togèd] Q; Tongued F
30. other] Q; others F
31. Christened] Christian Q
31. beleed] led Q
33. creditor.] ~, Q
35. God] Q; omit F
35. Moorship’s] Worships Q
37. Why] But Q
39. And] omit Q
39. by old] by the olde Q
41. affined] assign’d Q
46. all be] be all Q
59. These] Those Q
71. daws] Doues Q
72. full] Q; fall F
72. thick-lips] Q (thicklips); Thicks-lips F
73. carry ’t] carry’et Q
76. streets,] streete Q
79. chances] changes Q
79. on ’t] out Q
85. Signior] Siginor F
86. Thieves, thieves] Theeues, theeues, theeues Q
87. your daughter] you Daughter Q
88. SD Enter Brabantio, above] “Bra. Aboue.” as SP F; Brabantio at a window. Q
92. your doors locked] all doore lockts Q
94. Zounds,] Q; omit F
97. now, now, very] now, very Q
106. worser] worse Q
109. thee.] ~, Q
111. bravery] Q; knauerie F
115. spirit] Q; spirits F
115. them] Q; their F
122. Zounds,] Q; omit F
124. and] F; omit Q
129. comes] come Q
130. now] Q; omit F
136–52. If ’t . . . yourself] omit Q
155. thus deluding you] this delusion Q
162. place] F corr.; dlace F uncorr.; pate Q
163. producted] produc’d Q
165. However] F, Q uncorr.: Now euer Q corr.
169. none] not Q
171. hell] hells Q
171. pains] Q; apines F
177. SD with Servants and Torches] and seruants with Torches Q
184. she deceives] thou deceiuest Q
194. maidhood] manhood Q
197. Yes, sir, I have indeed] I haue sir Q
198. would] that Q
199. you] yon Q
203. Pray you lead on] Pray leade me on Q
205. night] Q; might F

0. SD Iago, Attendants] Iago, and attendants Q
2. stuff] stuft Q
2. o’ th’] of Q
2. conscience] ~. Q
4. Sometimes] Q; Sometime F
12. you] omit Q
13. Be assured] For be sure Q
17. restraint or] restraint and Q
18. The] That Q
19. Will] Weele Q
23. Which, when I know] omit Q
24. promulgate) ^] promulgate. F; provulgate, Q
25. siege] height Q
32. yond] yonder Q
33. Those] These Q
37. Is it] it is Q
38. SD Six lines earlier in F; six and a half lines earlier in Q asEnter Cassio with lights, Officers, and torches.”
39. Duke] Q; Dukes F
40. you] your Q
44. Even] Q; Enen F
48. sequent] frequent Q
54. hath] omit Q
54. about] aboue Q
57. but] omit Q
67. Have with you] Ha, with who? Q
68. comes another] F corr. (come sanother), Q; come another F uncorr.
68. SD 3 lines earlier in Q as “Enters Brabantio, Roderigo, and others with lights and weapons.”
75. Roderigo! Come] Ed.; Rodorigo, come F uncorr., Q; Rodorigoc? Cme F corr.
83. things] thing Q
84. If . . . bound,] omit Q
87. darlings] Q; Deareling F
91–96. Judge . . . thee] omit Q
97. For] Such Q
104. Whither] where Q
105. To] And Q
109. I] Q; omit F
113. bring] beare Q
119. not an idle] F corr., Q; nota n idle F uncorr.

0. SD F; Enter Duke and Senators, set at a Table with lights and Attendants. Q
1. these] Q; this F
5. hundred forty] hundred and forty Q
8. the aim] they aym’d Q
12. in] to Q
13. article] Articles Q
15. SP SAILOR] One Q
15. SD 1 line earlier in Q as “Enter a Messenger.”
16. SP OFFICER] Sailor Q
16. galleys] Galley Q
17. what’s] omit Q
20. By . . . Angelo] omit Q
25. Turk,] ~: Q; ~; F
29–36. For . . . profitless.] omit Q
37. Nay] And Q
38. SD a Messenger] a 2. Messenger Q
41. them] omit Q
42. FIRST SENATOR Ay . . . guess?] omit Q
43. restem] resterine Q
51. he] here Q
53. to] wish Q
55. SD 1 line earlier in Q as “Enter Brabantio, Othello, Roderigo, Iago, Cassio, Desdemona, and Officers.”
60. lacked] lacke Q
62. nor] Q; hor F
65. hold on] any hold of Q
65. grief] griefes Q
67. and] snd F
76. Being . . . sense] omit Q
77. Sans] F, Q corr. (Saunce); Since Q uncorr.
82. your] its Q
82. yea] omit Q
89. your] yonr F
97. soft] set Q
102. feats] feate Q
102. broil] Q; Broiles F
106. unvarnished tale] vn-varnish’d u Tale F
110. proceeding I am] proceedings am I Q
114. herself.] ~: Q; ~, F
117. maimed] F (main’d)
117. imperfect^] ~. F
118. could] would Q
124. wrought upon] wtought vp on F
125. SP DUKE] Q; omit F
125. vouch] youth Q
126. wider] certaine Q
126. overt] Q; ouer F
127. Than these] These are Q
128. seeming do] seemings, you Q
138. The trust . . . you,] omit Q
142. SD Iago and Attendants exit.] Ed.; Exit two or three. Q 1 line earlier
143. till] Q; tell F
143. truly] faithfull Q
144. I do . . . blood,] omit Q
151. battles] Q; Battaile F
151. fortunes] Q; Fortune F
155. spoke] spake Q
156. accidents by] accident of Q
160. of] and Q
161. portance in] with it all Q
161. traveler’s] trauells Q
163. and] Q; omit F
163. heads] Q; head F
165. my process] the processe Q
166. other] Q; others F
168. Do grow] Q; Grew F
168. These things] this Q
171. thence] Q; hence F
172. Which] And Q
178. parcels] parcell Q
179. intentively] Q; instinctiuely F
181. distressful] distressed Q
183. sighs] Q; kisses F
184. in] I Q
192. hint] heate Q
196. SD Attendants] and the rest Q
204. on my head] lite on me Q
212. the lord of] Lord of all my Q
224. Which . . . heart] omit Q
231. Into your favor.] Q; omit F
235. new] more Q
236. preserved] presern’d F
250. piercèd] Q; pierc’d F
251. ear] Q; eares F
252. I humbly beseech you, proceed] Beseech you now, Q
252–53. of state] of the state Q
254. a] omit Q
257–58. a sovereign] Q; a more soueraigne F
262. grave] great Q
263. couch] Ed.; Coach F, Cooch Q
265. alacrity] Alacartie F
266. do] would Q
270. reference] reuerence Q
271. With] Which Q
273. Why] If you please, bee’t Q
276. would I] I, I would not Q
276. reside] recide F
278. gracious] Grcaious F
279. your prosperous] a gracious Q
281. T’ assist] And if Q
282. Desdemona] speake Q
283. love] did love Q
284. storm] scorne Q
286. very quality] vtmost pleasure Q
292. why] which Q
295–96. Let her have your voice. / Vouch with me, heaven] Your voyces Lords: beseech you let her will, / Haue a free way Q
298. heat ( ] Ed.; ~ ^ F; ~, Q
299. me] Ed.; my F, Q
300. to her] of her Q
302. great] good Q
303. For] Q; When F
304. Of] And Q
304. seel] foyles Q
305. officed] actiue Q
305. instruments] Q; Instrument F
309. estimation] reputation Q
311. her] omit Q
311. affair cries] affaires cry Q
312. it] omit Q
313. SP FIRST SENATOR] Ed.; Sen. F
313. away] hence Q
313–14. tonight. OTHELLO With] tonight. Desd. To night my Lord? Du. This night. Oth With Q
316. nine] ten Q
319. With] Q; And F
319. and] or Q
320. import] concerne Q
321. So] omit Q
332. SP FIRST] Q; omit F
333. if thou hast eyes] haue a quicke eye Q
334. and may] may doe Q
334. SD He exits.] Exeunt. Q
339. them] her Q
341. worldly matters] Q; wordly matter F
342. the] the the F
342. SD Othello] Moore Q; omit F
348. If] Well, if Q
348. after. Why] after it. Why Q
350. is torment] is a torment Q
351. have we] we haue Q
353. O, villainous!] omit Q
355. betwixt] betweene Q
355–56. found man] found a man Q
362. are our gardens] are gardens Q
368. balance] Q; braine F
373. our] Q; or F
379. have professed] professe Q
383. thou the] these Q
385. be that] Q; be long that F
385. long] Q; omit F
386. to] vnto Q
387. his] omit Q
387–88. in her] omit Q
392. bitter as] acerbe as the Q
393. She . . . youth.] omit Q
394. error] Q; errors F
394–95. choice. Therefore] choyce; shee must haue change, shee must. Therefore Q
399. a] Q; omit F
401. thyself] omit Q
405–6. if . . . issue] omit Q
408. retell] tell Q
410. conjunctive] communicatiue Q
412. pleasure, me] pleasure, and me Q
420–24. RODERIGO What say you . . . purse.] Q; omit F
425. RODERIGO I’ll . . . land.] omit Q
425. SD 2 lines earlier in Q (Exit Roderigo.)
428. a] Q; omit F
428. snipe] Snpe F
431. ’Has] Q; She ha’s F
432. But] Yet Q
436. his] this Q
436. plume] make Q
437. Let’s] let me Q
438. ear] Q; eares F
442. is of] omit Q
442. nature] nature too Q
443. seem] seemes Q

0. SD Enter . . . Gentlemen.] Enter Montanio, Gouernor of Cypres, with two other Gentlemen.] Q
3. heaven] hauen Q
5. hath spoke] does speake Q
8. mountains melt on them] the huge mountaine mes lt Q
11. foaming] banning Q
12. chidden] chiding Q
16. ever-fixèd] euer fired Q
21. to] they Q
21. SD third] Q; omit F
22. lads! Our] Lords, your Q
23. Turks] Turke Q
24. A noble] Another Q
26. their] the Q
28–29. in, / A Veronesa.] Ed.; ~: ~ ~, F, Q
31. on shore] ashore Q
36. prays] Q; praye F
38. heaven] Q; Heauens F
43–44. Even . . . regard.] omit Q
43. aerial] Ed.; Eriall F
47. arrivance] Q; Arriuancie F
48. you] to Q
48. this] Q; the F
48. warlike] worthy Q
49. O] and Q
50. the] their Q
56. SD within.] Mess. Q
56. SD Enter . . . ] Q (1 line earlier); omit F
58. SP MESSENGER] Q; Gent. F
60. Governor] guernement Q
60. SD 2 lines later in Q; omit F
61. their] the Q
62. friends] friend Q
69. quirks of] omit Q
71. tire the ingener] Ed.; tyre the Ingeniuer F; beare all excellency Q
72. How] omit Q
74. SP CASSIO] omit Q
74. ’Has] He has Q
75. high] by Q
77. ensteeped] enscerped Q
77. clog] Q; enclogge F
79. mortal] common Q
82. spake] spoke Q
88. Make love’s quick pants in] And swiftly come to Q
90. And . . . comfort!] Q; omit F
90. SD 2 lines earlier in Q
92. on shore] ashore Q
98. tell of] tell me of Q
102. of sea] of the sea Q
103. SD Within . . . sail] one-half line later in F; 2 lines earlier in Q
105. their] Q; this F
107. See . . . news.] So speakes this voyce: Q
112. Sir,] For Q
113. oft bestows] has bestowed Q
116. In faith] I know Q
117. still] I; for Q
117. list] Q; leaue F
119. her tongue] het tongue F
122. of door] adores Q
126. SP omit Q
127. true, . . . Turk.] Ed. ~:…~, F
131. wouldst write] wouldst thou write Q
133. to ’t] too, t F
142. brains] braine Q
145. useth] vsing Q
148. hit] Q; fit F
152. an heir] a haire Q
153. fond] omit Q
158. Thou praisest] that praises Q
160–61. authority] Q; authorithy F
161. merit] merrits Q
172. See . . . behind,] omit Q
173. wight] Q; wightes F
183. With] omit Q
183. I] omit Q
184. fly] Flee Q
185. gyve] Ed.; giue F; catch Q
185. thee] you Q
185. thine] your Q
185. courtship] courtesies Q
188. kissed] rist Q
189. Very] omit Q
190. an] Q; and F
191. to] at Q
192. clyster] Q (Clister); Cluster F
192. SD 1 line later in Q; omit F
196. SD 3 lines earlier in Q
201. calms] calmenesse Q
213. powers] power Q
215. SD 1 line later in Q; omit F
216. discords] discord Q
224. does my] doe our Q
224. this] the Q
228. own] one Q
233. SD All . . . exit.] Exit Othello and Desdemona. F; Exit. Q
235. harbor] Habour Q
235. hither] Q; thither F
239. must] will Q
239–40. thee^ this:] ~, ~^ Q
245. And will she] Q; To F
246. thy] the Q
246. it] so Q
249. again] Q; a game F
249. to give] giue Q
250. appetite,] Ed.; ~. F, Q
250. loveliness] Loue lines Q
255. in] to Q
258. eminent] eminently Q
259. fortune] Forune F
260. further] farder Q
261. humane seeming] hand-seeming Q
262. compassing] Q; compasse F
262. most] omit Q
262. loose] omit Q
263. affection] affections Q
263. Why . . . none] omit Q
263–64. slipper and subtle] subtle slippery Q
264. finder-out of occasions] Q; a finder of occasion F
264. has] Q; he’s F
265–66. advantages, though true advantage] the true aduantages Q
266. itself] themselues Q
266. a devilish knave] omit Q
275. Blessed pudding!] omit Q
276–77. Didst not mark that?] omit Q
278. that I did] omit Q
279. obscure] omit Q
282. Villainous thoughts, Roderigo!] omit Q
283. mutualities] Q; mutabilities F
283–84. hard at] hand at Q
284. master and] omit Q
285. Pish!] omit Q
287. the] your Q
291. course] cause Q
295. haply may] haply with his Trunchen may Q
298. taste again] trust again’t Q
301. the] omit Q
303. you] I Q
311. loving, noble] noble, louing Q
317. lusty] lustfull Q
320. or] nor Q
321. evened] euen Q
321. for wife] for wift F
325. trace] crush Q
328. rank] Q; right F
329. nightcap] Q; Night-Cape F

0. SD Othello’s Herald with] F (Othello’s, Herald); a Gentleman reading Q
1. SP HERALD] omit Q
2. general,] Q; ~. F
3–4. fleet, every] Fleete; that euery Q
5. to make] make Q
5. bonfires] bonefires Q
6. addition] minde Q
8. nuptial] Nuptialls Q
10. of feasting] omit Q
10. present] presenr F
11. have] hath Q
11. Heaven] Q; omit F
12. SD He exits.] omit Q

0. SD Enter . . . Attendants.] Enter Othello, Cassio, and Desdemona Q
2. that] the Q
4. direction] directed Q
12. That . . . ’tween] The . . . twixt Q
15–16. o’ th’ clock] aclock Q
25. to] of Q
28. is it not] tis Q
28. alarum] alarme Q
29. She] It Q
33. black] the blacke Q
42. unfortunate] Q; infortunate F
54. out] outward Q
55. caroused^] ~. F
57. else] lads Q
58. honors] honour Q
61. they] the Q
63. Am I] I am Q
63. to put] Q; put to F
66. SD 2 lines earlier in F and 3 in Q (Enter Montanio, Cassio, and others.)
67. God] Q; heauen F
73. clink] clinke, clinke Q
75. O, man’s] a Q
78. God] Q; Heauen F
83. Englishman] Q (English man); Englishmen F
83. exquisite] expert Q
93. and-a] a Q
100. Then] Q; And F
102. ’Fore God] Q; Why F
105. to be] omit Q
106. God’s] Q; heau’ns F
107. souls must] soules that must Q
107–8. and . . . saved] omit Q
112. too] omit Q
115. God] Q; omit F
119. left] left hand Q
120. I speak] speake Q
122. Why] omit Q
122–23. think then that] think that Q
130. puts] put Q
134. the] Q; his F
140. Prizes] Praises Q
140. virtue] vertues Q
141. looks] looke Q
149. Not] Nor Q
151. SD “Help, help!” within.] Q; omit F
152. SD pursuing] driuing in Q
153. Zounds,] Q; omit F
155. duty? I’ll] duty: but I’le Q
156. twiggen] wicker Q
159. Nay] omit Q
159. I pray you, sir] pray sir Q
166. God’s will,] Q; Alas F
167. sir—Montano—sir] Ed.; Sir Montano: F; Sir Montanio, sir, Q
168. SD A bell is rung.] Q (A bell rung.) 3 lines earlier in Q
169. that which] that that Q
170. God’s will] Q; Fie, fie F
170. hold] Q; omit F
171. You will be shamed] Q; You’le be asham’d F
171. SD Attendants] Gentlemen with weapons Q
173. Zounds] Q; omit F
175. He dies!] omit Q
177. Hold, ho!] Hold, hold Q
177. sir—Montano] Ed.; Sir Montano F; sir Montanio Q
179. sense of place] Ed.; place of sense F, Q
180. Hold, for] hold, hold, for Q
185. for] forth Q
193. for] to Q
195. breast] Q; breastes F
199. Those] These Q
200. comes] came Q
200. are] were Q
202. wont be] Q; wont to be F
205. mouths] men Q
212. me,] Q; ~. F
215. sometimes] sometime Q
220. collied] coold Q
221. Zounds, if I] Q; If I once F
229. quarrel] quarrels Q
231. began ’t] began Q
232. partially] partiality Q
232. leagued] Ed.; league F, Q
236. cut] out Q
239. Thus] Q; This F
248. the] Q; then F
250. oath] oaths Q
251. say] see Q
255. cannot I] can I not Q
256. forget.] Q (~;); ~, F
265. SD attended] with others Q
268. dear] omit Q
269. now] Q; omit F
277. SD Exit. F; Exit Moore, Desdemona, and attendants. Q, 1 line later
280. God] Q; Heauen F
281. Reputation, reputation, reputation! O, I] Reputation, reputation, I Q
282. part of] part sir of Q
285. I thought] Q; I had thought F
286. sense] offence Q
291. are ways] Q; are more ways F
294. to affright] ro affright F
297. slight] light Q
298. and so indiscreet] and indiscreete Q
298–300. Drunk . . . shadow?] omit Q
309. God] Q; omit F
311. pleasance, revel] Reuell, pleasure Q
319. and] omit Q
320. so] Q; omit F
326. O, strange!] omit Q
327. ingredient] ingredience Q
328. familiar] famillar F
332–33. at a time, man] at some time Q
333. I’ll] Q; I F
336–37. denotement] Ed.; deuotement F, Q
338. her help] her, shee’ll helpe Q
339. of] omit Q
340. disposition she] disposition, that shee Q
342. broken joint] braule Q
345. stronger] Q; stonger F
349–50. I will] will I Q
352. here] Q; omit F
355. SD Cassio] omit Q
363. were ’t] Q; were F
369. course ^ ] Ed.; ~, F; ~. Q
371. the] their Q
373. whiles] while Q
374. fortune] fortunes Q
382. SD one-half line later in F
387. and] omit Q
388–89. pains, and so, with no] paines, as that comes to, and no Q
389. a little more] with that Q
390. again] omit Q
396. hast] Q; hath F
398. Yet] But Q
399. By th’ Mass] Q; Introth F
403. SD omit Q
404. Two] Some Q
406. on.] Q; ~ ^ F
407. the while] Ed.; a while F, Q
410. SD He exits.] Exeunt. Q

0. SD with Musicians] Q2; Musitians, and Clowne F; with Musitians and the Clowne Q
3. SD] Q2 (They play and enter the Clown)
4. in] at Q
19. SP MUSICIAN] F (Mus.); Boy. Q
7. you] cald Q
13–14. for love’s sake] of all loues Q
20. up] omit Q
21. into air] omit Q
21. SD omit Q
22. hear] Q; heare me F
26. General’s wife] Q (Cenerals wife); Generall F
31. CASSIO Do . . . friend.] Q; omit F
31. 1st SD omit Q
31. 2nd SD one line earlier in Q
43. SD one line earlier in F and Q
47. sure] soone Q
55. To . . . front] Q; omit F
64. CASSIO I . . . you.] omit Q
64. SD] Q; omit F

0.  SD Iago, and Gentlemen] Iago, and other Centlemen Q
2. Senate] State Q
7. SP GENTLEMEN] Ed.; Gent. F, Q
7. We] Q; Well F

3. warrant] know Q
4. cause] case Q
5. fellow!] ~:—Q; ~, F
11. I know ’t] O sir Q
13. strangeness] strangest Q
16. That] The Q
18. circumstance] Q; Circumstances F
30. thy cause away] thee cause: away Q
30. SD and Iago] Iago, and Gentlemen Q
35. purposes] purpose Q
42. steal] sneake Q
43. your] you Q
57. Yes, faith] Q; I sooth F
58. grief] griefes Q
59. To] I Q
68. or] Q; on F
69. noon] morne Q
69. on Wednesday] or Wensday Q
71. In faith] Ifaith Q
73. example] examples Q
77. would] could Q
78. mamm’ring] muttering Q
79. with] Q; wirh F
82. By’r Lady] Q (Birlady); Trust me F
91. difficult weight] difficulty Q
98. Be as] be it as Q
106. you] Q; he F
108. thought] thoughts Q
112. oft] often Q
114. Ay,] omit Q
121. By heaven] Q; Alas F
121. thou echo’st] he ecchoes Q
121. me^ ] ~; F
122. thy] his Q
123. dost] didst Q
125. even] but Q
128. In] Q; Of F
132. conceit] counsell Q
137. giv’st them] giue em Q
139. fright] affright Q
142. dilations] denotements Q
145. be sworn] presume Q
147. what] that Q
152. as] omit Q
153–54. thy worst of thoughts] the worst of thought Q
155. words] word Q
158. that all slaves are free to] Q; that: All Slaues are free F
162. that] a Q
164. But some] Q; Wherein F
165. sessions] Session Q
173. oft] Q; of F
174. that your wisdom] I intreate you then Q
175. conceits] coniects Q
176. Would] You’d Q
177. his] my Q
179. and] or Q
181. What . . . mean?] Zouns Q
182. woman] woman’s Q
183. their] our Q
191. By heaven,] Q; omit F
191. thoughts] thought Q
194. SP OTHELLO] omit Q
194. Ha?] omit Q
195. SP IAGO] omit Q
195. beware, my lord, of] beware Q
197. The] That Q
200. strongly] Q; soundly F
205. God] Q; Heauen F
211. once] Q; omit F
213. blown] Q; blow’d F
216. well] Q; omit F
224. this] it Q
229. eyes] eie Q
233. God] Q; Heauen F
234. not] omit Q
236. leave ’t] leaue Q
236. keep ’t] Q2; kept F, keepe Q
252. I’ faith] Q; Trust me F
254. my] Q; your F
261. As my thoughts aim not at] Q; Which my Thoughts aym’d not F
261. worthy] trusty Q
272. Foh! One] Fie we Q
273. disproportion] Q; disproportions F
279. Farewell, farewell] Farewell Q
285. SP IAGO] omit Q
286. To] F, Q uncorr.; Iag. To Q corr.
287. Although ’tis] Tho it be Q
289. hold] Q; omit F
291. his] her Q
298. SD He exits.] F, Q corr.; omit Q uncorr.
300. qualities] Q; Quantities F
301. dealings] dealing Q
307. vale] valt Q
312. of] in Q
313. keep] F, Q corr.; leepe Q uncorr.
313. the] a Q
314. of] Q; to F
318. Look where she] Desdemona Q
318. SD 2 lines later in Q
319. false, heaven] false, O then heauen Q
319. mocks] Q; mock’d F
322. islanders] Ilander Q
325. do . . . faintly] is your speech so faint Q
327. Faith] Q; Why F
328. it hard] your head Q
329. well] well againe Q
333. SD Q (1 line later); Exit F (1 line earlier)
343. but to please] know, but for Q
343. SD 1 line earlier in Q
346. You have] omit Q
348. wife] thing Q
350. handkerchief] handkercher Q (throughout)
355. stol’n] stole Q
356. faith,] Q; but F
365. Give ’t me] Give mee ’t Q
367. acknown] you knowne Q
368. SD 1 line later in Q
373. The Moor . . . poison;] omit Q
376. act] art Q
377. mines] mindes Q
377. SD one-half line later in F; 1 line earlier in Q
383. me] me, to me Q
387. know ’t] know Q
389. of] Q; in F
391. fed well] omit Q
401. troops] troope Q
407. rude] wide Q
408. dread clamors] great clamor Q
411. thou] F, Q corr.; you Q uncorr.
413. mine] mans Q
414. better] beʇter F
427. forgive] defend Q
429. God b’ wi’ you. Take] F (God buy you: take); God buy, you take Q
429–30. mine . . . thine] F, Q corr.; thine . . . mine Q uncorr.
430. liv’st] Q (liuest); lou’st F
434. sith] since Q
438–45. OTHELLO By . . . satisfied!] omit Q
441. Her] Q2; My F
446. SP] omit Q
446. see you] see sir, you Q
449. and] omit Q
451. supervisor] Q; super-vision F
456. do] did Q
465. might] may Q
466. reason] reason, that Q
468. in] into Q
476. wary] merry Q
478. O] out Q
478. creature!” then] F (Creature: then); creature, and then Q
480. then] Q; omit F
481. sighed] Q; sigh F
481. kissed] Q; kisse F
482. Cried] Q; cry F
486. denoted] deuoted Q
487. ’Tis] Iago Tis Q
488. SP IAGO] omit Q
491. but] Q; yet F
497. wife’s] F, Q (wiues)
500. any that was] Ed.; any, it was F, Q
500. hers,] Q; ~. F
504. true] time Q
507. the . . . hell] thy . . . Cell Q
511. Yet] Pray Q
512. blood, blood, blood] blood, Iago, blood Q
513. perhaps] Q; omit F
514–22. Iago . . . heaven,] omit Q
516. feels] Q2; keepes F
521. SD He kneels.] Q (placed after “be content,” line 511)
525. SD Iago kneels.] Q (2 lines later)
529. execution] excellency Q
529. hands] hand Q
531. in me] omit Q
532. business] worke so Q
540. at your] as you Q
541–42. damn her, damn her] dam her Q

0. SD Clown] the Clowne Q
1. where Lieutenant] where the Leiutenant Q
5. SP omit Q
5. me] one Q
6. ’tis] is Q
8–10. CLOWN To tell . . . this?] omit Q
12. here, or he lies] omit Q
13. mine own] my Q
19. on] in Q
21. man’s wit] a man Q
22. doing it] doing of it Q
23. that] Q; the F
25. have lost] loose Q
34. SD 1 line earlier in Q
35. till] ’Tis Q uncorr.; Let Q corr.
43. yet has] Q; hath F
45. Hot, hot] Not hot Q
46. prayer] praying Q
55. Come now] come, come Q
58. sorry] sullen Q
64. faith] Q; indeed F
71. repeated in Q
73. loathèd] lothely Q
75. wived] wiue Q
78. lose ’t] loose Q
83. course] make Q
86. which] with Q
87. Conserved] Conserues Q
88. I’ faith] Q; Indeed F
90. God] Q; Heauen F
92. rash] rashly Q
94. Heaven] Q; omit F
97. How] Ha Q
100. can. But] can sir, but Q
102. Pray you] I pray Q
103. the] that Q
108–9. DESDEMONA. I pray . . . the handkerchief!] Q; omit F
114. I’ faith] Q; Insooth F
115. Zounds!] Q; Away F
118. handkerchief] Handerkerchikfe F
119. the] F, Q corr.; this Q uncorr.
119. of it] omit Q
123. SD 4 lines earlier in Q
131. office] duty Q
132. honor.] ~, F, Q
134. nor my] neither Q
139. shut] shoote Q
157. is he] can he be Q
160. SD one-half line earlier in F; omit Q
166. their] the Q
168. a] that Q
170. observancy] obseruances Q
184. that] Q; the F
189. 1st SD one line earlier in F; 2 lines earlier in Q
194. I’ faith] Q; Indeed F
199. O] No Q
201. leaden] laden Q
202. continuate] conuenient Q
207. absence^]~: F; ~, Q
208. Well, well.] omit Q
214. by my faith] Q; in good troth F
216. neither] sweete Q
224–25. BIANCA Why . . . not.] omit Q
224. pray] ptay F
231.SD They exit] Q; Exeunt omnes F

8. in bed] abed Q
13. If] So Q
25. infectious] infected Q
33. Or voluntary] or by the voluntaty Q
34. Convincèd] F, Q corr.; Coniured Q uncorr.
40. Faith] Q; Why F
41. What? What?] But what? Q
46. Zounds,] Q; omit F
47–48. Handkerchief—confessions—handkerchief] handkerchers, Confession, handkerchers Q
48–54. To confess . . . devil!] omit Q
51. instruction] Iustruction F
54. SD He . . . trance.] F (Falls in a Traunce.); He fals downe. Q corr.; omit Q uncorr.
56. medicine, work] Q; Medicine workes F
60. SD one-half line later in Q
61. Cassio] Cɐssio F
66. No, forbear.] Q; omit F
75. you not] you? no Q
76. fortune] fortunes Q
80. it] omit Q
81. Good] F, Q corr.; God Q uncorr.
84. lie] lyes Q
87. couch] Coach Q
93. o’er-whelmèd] ere while, mad Q
94. unsuiting] Q corr.; vnfitting Q uncorr.; resulting F
96. ’scuses] scuse Q
97. Bade] Bid Q
97. return] retire Q
98. Do] omit Q
99. fleers] Ieeres Q
114. clothes] Q; Cloath F
116. one.] ~)^F
117. restrain] refraine Q
118. SD 2 lines earlier in Q
120. construe] Q (conster); conserue F
121. behaviors] behauiour Q
122. you, lieutenant] you now Leiutenant Q
126. power] Q; dowre F
130. knew woman] knew a woman Q
131. i’ faith] Q; indeed F
135. o’er] on Q
135. well said, well said] well said Q
140. her] Q; omit F
140. What, a customer] omit Q
140. Prithee] I prethee Q
143. They] omit Q
144. Faith] Q; Why F
144. that you] you shall Q
147. scored] stor’d Q
147. me? Well] ~^ ~ Q
151. beckons] Q; becomes F
153. the] F corr., Q; the the F uncorr.
155. the] this Q
155. By . . . falls] Q; and falls me F
160. shakes] hales Q
162. O] omit Q
165. SD 1 line earlier in Q
166. SP CASSIO] omit Q (speech continues to Iago)
166. fitchew] ficho Q
172. the work] the whole worke Q
173. know not] not know Q
175. your] the Q
179. If . . . If] An . . . an Q
180. not, come] F corr., Q; ~^ ~ F uncorr.
183. Faith,] Q; omit F
183. streets] streete Q
185. Faith] Q; Yes F
189. SD Q; omit F
196–98. IAGO Yours . . . whore.] omit Q (The catchword “Iag.” in Q at the bottom of the page preceding this missing speech indicates that a speech by Iago was dropped.)
201. that] omit Q
202. Ay] And Q
211. so] F corr., Q; fo F uncorr.
213. O . . . times] A thousand thousand times Q
216. Nay] I Q
217. O . . . Iago] the pitty Q
218. are] be Q
219. touch] touches Q
225. night.] ~^ Q
230. pleases. Very] F (~: ~); ~^ ~ Q
234. SD A trumpet sounds.] Q (A Trumpet) one-half line earlier in Q
236. I warrant] omit Q
236. SD Enter Lodovico . . .] Two lines earlier in F and Q
237. Lodovico. This comes] F (Lodouico, this, comes); Lodouico, / Come Q
238. See . . . wife’s] and see . . . wife is Q
239. God] Q; omit F
239. you] the Q
241. the Senators] Senators Q
255. ’twixt my] betweene thy Q
257. atone them] F corr., Q (attone them); attone, them F uncorr.
262. the letter] Q; thLe etter F uncorr.; thLetter F corr.
264. government] F corr. (Gouernment), Q; Gouerment F uncorr.
265. By my troth] Q; Trust me F
269. Why] How Q
276. woman’s] womens Q
280. an] Q; omit F
292. home] here Q
298. SD He exits.] F, Q corr.; omit Q uncorr.
300. Is . . . nature] This the noble nature Q
307. censure^] Ed.; ~. F; ~, Q
308. If what] if as Q
315. this] Q; his F
320. denote] F corr. (deonte), Q; deuote F uncorr.
322. And] F corr., Q; An d F uncorr.

3. Yes, you] Yes, and you Q
10. gloves, her mask] mask, her gloues Q
17. heaven] heauens Q
19. their wives] her Sex Q
21. SD one-half line earlier in Q
23. cannot] F corr., Q; cannt F uncorr.
27. you] omit Q
36. Nay] Q; May F
37. knees] Q; knee F
38. words,] Q; ~. F
39. But . . . words] Q; omit F
44. seize] F (ceaze); cease Q
52. motive] occasion Q
52. these] those Q
56. lost] left Q
56. I] Why I Q
58. they rained] he ram’d Q
59. kind] kindes Q
60. Steeped me] F corr., Q (Steep’d me); Steed’dme F uncorr.
61. utmost] omit Q
62. place] part Q
64. A] Q; The F
65. unmoving] Q; and mouing F
65. finger] fingers Q
65. at—] at—oh, oh, Q
73. thou] thy Q
74. Ay, there] Ed.; I heere F, Q
76. as summer] F corr.; as a Sommer F uncorr.; as summers Q
77. thou weed] thou blacke weede Q
78. Who] why Q
78. and] Thou Q
80. ne’er] Q; neuer F
82. paper,] Q; ~? F
83. upon] on Q
84–87. Committed . . . committed?] omit Q
90. hollow] hallow Q
92. Impudent strumpet!] Q; omit F
97. other] hated Q
102. forgive us] forgiuenesse Q
103. then] omit Q
105. SD 5 lines earlier in Q
107. gate of] gates in Q
107. you, you, ay, you] I, you, you, you Q
117–18. DESDEMONA Who . . . lady.] omit Q
120. answers] answer Q
121. But] Bnt F
122. my2] our Q
125. very meet] very well Q
127. least misuse] F corr.; least mise vse F uncorr.; m svse F uncorr.; greatest abuse Q
132. to] at Q
134. bewhored] F corr., Q (bewhor’d); be whor’d F uncorr.
136. As] Q; That F
136. hearts] F corr., Q; heart F uncorr.
136. bear] Q beare it F
140. said] sayes Q
141. “whore.” A] F corr. (whore: a), Q; ~^~ F uncorr.
147. country and] Countrey, all Q
164. most villainous] outragious Q
166. heaven] Q; Heauens F
168. rascals] rascall Q
170. door] dores Q
171. them] him Q
171. them! Some] F corr. (them: some), Q; the m some F uncorr.
175. Alas] O Good Q
178–93. Here . . . me.] omit Q
183. them in] Q2; them: or F
183. form,] Q2; ~. F
195. offense,] Q; ~. F
196. And . . . you.] Q; omit F
198. warrant] warrant you Q
199. summon to] summon you to Q
200. The messengers . . . stays the meat] And the great Messengers . . . stay Q
201. SD] Exit women Q
207–8. now, keep’st] thou keepest Q
213–14. RODERIGO Faith, I have heard too much, and your words and] Rodori. I haue heard too much: and your words and F corr.; A nd hell gnaw his bones, F uncorr.; Rod. Faith I haue heard too much, for your words, And Q
214. performances] performance Q
216. With . . . truth.] omit Q
217. my] omit Q
218. deliver to Desdemona] Q; deliuer Desdemona F
220. expectations] expectation Q
221. acquaintance] acquittance Q
223. well] good Q
225. nor ’tis] it is Q
225. By this hand, I say ’tis very] Q; Nay I think it is F
228. I . . . ’tis] I say it is Q
234. and said] and I haue said Q
237. instant] time Q
239. exception] conception Q
241. affair] affaires Q
245. in] within Q
248. the] rhe F
248. enjoy] enioyest Q
251. what is it] omit Q
251. within reason] Q; ~, ~ F
253. commission] command Q
257. takes] Q; taketh F
261. removing him] remouing of him Q
265. Ay, if] I, and if Q
265. a right] right Q
266. harlotry] harlot Q

0. SD Two lines earlier in Q (after “About it!”)
2. ’twill] it shall Q
8. Dismiss] dispatch Q
10. SD one-half line earlier in F and Q
13. And] He Q
14. bade] Q; bid F
19. I would] Q; ~, ~ F
21. his frowns] and frownes Q
22. in them] Q; omit F
23. have^ laid] F corr., Q; ~, ~ F uncorr.
23. those] these Q
24. faith] Q; Father F
25. thee] Q; omit F
26. those] Q; these F
30. had] has Q
33–57. I . . . next.] omit Q
35. Barbary] Brabarie F
42. nether] F corr.; neither F uncorr.
43. soul sat sighing] Q2; Soule sat singing F corr.; Sonle set sining F uncorr.
46. willow 3] Wtllough F
60. Sing willow, willow, willow] F (Sing Willough, &c)
52–53. Lay . . . willow.] F (Sing Willough, &c. (Lay by these) Willough, Willough.)
57. who is ’t] who’s Q
59–62. I . . . men.] omit Q
59. then] F corr.; theu F uncorr.
63. So] Now Q
66–71. DESDEMONA . . . question.] omit Q
77. Wouldst . . . deed] Would . . . thing Q
80. In] Good Q
81. In] By my Q
82. it] Q; omit F
83. ring, nor] ring; or Q
84. petticoats] or Petticotes Q
84. petty] such Q
85. for the] Q; for all the F
85. ’Uds pity] Q; why F
97–115. But . . . so.] omit Q
116. God] Q; Heauen F
116. uses] vsage Q

1. bulk] Q Barke F
5. on] of Q
8. stand] sword Q
9. deed] dead Q
10. hath] has Q
12. quat] gnat Q
13. angry. Now,] ~^ ~: Q
15. gain] game Q
17. Of] For Q
19. be.] ~, Q
22. much] omit Q
23. Be ’t . . . hear] Q; But . . . heard F
26. know’st] think’st Q
29. Help] light Q
32. It is] Harke tis Q
37. unblest . . . hies] fate hies apace Q
38. Forth] Q; For F
43. voice] cry Q
47. groan] grones Q
47. ’Tis] it is a Q
49. in to] Ed.; into F, Q
52. light] lights Q
56. We] I Q
57. Did] Q; Do F
58. heaven’s] Q; heauen F
65. me] my Q
66. that] the Q
71. here] Q; there F
74. dog!] dog,—o, o, o. Q
75. men] him Q
75. these] those Q
91. My sweet] O my sweete Q
91. O Cassio, Cassio, Cassio!] Cassio, Cassio Q
93. have thus] thus haue Q
96–97. IAGO Lend . . . hence!] omit Q
100. be a party] beare a part Q
100. injury] omit Q
101. Come, come] omit Q
105. O heaven] Q; Yes, ’tis F
109. your] you Q
115. He, he] He Q
116. the] a Q
123. out] Q; omit F
125. gentlemen] Gentlewoman Q
126. gastness] ieastures Q
127. if . . . stare] an . . . stirre Q
127. hear] haue Q
130. SD Q; omit F
135. Roderigo dead] Q; Rodorigo quite dead F
137. fruits] fruite Q
137. Prithee] pray Q
142. O, fie] Fie, fie Q
145. Faugh!] Q; omit F
150. afore] I pray Q
151. makes] markes Q

0. SD Enter Othello, and Desdemona in her bed F; Enter Othello with a light Q
10. thy light] thine Q
11. cunning’st] cunning Q
13. relume] returne Q
13. the] Q; thy F
16. needs must] must needes Q
16. it] Q; thee F
17. O] A Q
17. dost] doth Q
18. Justice to] Iustice her selfe to Q
18–19. sword! One more, one more] sword once more Q
21. One] once Q
21. this] Q; that’s F
21. SD Q; omit F
24. where] when Q
33. Alack] Alas Q
37. heaven] Q; Heauens F
42. so] Q; omit F
50. Ay] omit Q
54. I hope, I hope] I hope Q
66. Yes,] Q; omit F
69. conception] conceit Q
71. Then Lord] Q; O Heauen F
78. my] thy Q
79. mak’st] Q (makest); makes F
84. Let] And let Q
87. used thee] —vds death Q
93. O] omit Q
93. interprets. What] interprets then, —what Q
97. Out] O Q
101. if] an Q
103. OTHELLO Being . . . pause.] omit Q
104. SP omit Q
105. SD F; he stifles her Q
105–6. her. EMILIA] Ed.; her. Æmilia at the doore. Æmil. F; her. Des. O Lord, Lord, Lord. Emillia calls within. Em. Q
107. noise] voyce Q
108. that am] F corr., Q; am that F uncorr.
111. SD within] omit Q
117. here] Q; high F
119. best to do] the best Q
121. What] my Q
125. Should] Q; Did F
127. That] omit Q
127. O] omit Q
130. SD 1 line earlier in Q
136. nearer] neere the Q
145. O Lord] Q; Alas F
147. that was] it is Q
153. SD omit F
157. heard] Q; heare F
158. the] a Q
165. art] as Q
174. Cassio. Had] Cassio: nay, had Q
179. on her] omit Q
183. iterance] iteration Q
185–89. EMILIA O . . . Iago.] omit Q
194. worst] wotst F
198. that] the Q
201. known] know Q
203. SD Iago.] Iago, and others. Q
206. murders] murder Q
221–30. My mistress . . . Villainy!] omit Q
235. SD Q; omit F
243. horrible] terrible Q
246. in twain] atwane Q
249. reprobance] reprobation Q
254. that] the Q
258. God] Q; Heauen F
258. God] Q; Powres F
259. Zounds] Q; Come F
260. ’twill out. I peace?] ’twill: I hold my peace sir, no Q
261. No . . . liberal] no, I’le be in speaking, liberall Q
261. north] ayre Q
268. of] on Q
274. give] gaue Q
280. wife] woman Q
282. SD 2 lines earlier in Q; omit F
284. SD Q; omit F
286. you this] your Q
287. here] Q; omit F
290. SD Q; Exit F
295–98. EMILIA What . . . willow.] omit Q
301. alas, I die] I die, I die Q
301. SD Q; omit F
303. is] Q; was F
307. with] to Q
315. your] you Q
317–23. Be . . . wench,] omit Q
327. cursèd, cursèd] cursed Q
332. Desdemon! Dead, Desdemon] Desdemona, Desdemona Q
332. O, O] O, o, o Q
332. SD Enter Lodvico, Cassio, Montano and Iago with Officers] F; Enter Lodouico, Montano, Iago, and Officers, Cassio in a Chaire Q
333. unfortunate] infortunate Q
335. that] this Q
337. that] omit Q
338. Wrench] Wring Q
340. live] F, Q corr.; loue Q uncorr.
342. wert] Q; was F
343. damnèd] Q; cursed F
344. shall] should Q
347. I did] did I Q
351. never gave] did neuer giue Q
352. your] you Q
353. you, I pray] you pray Q
362. know not.] Q; ~ ~^) F
373. interim] nicke Q
375. thou] the Q
376. that] a Q
379. but] omit Q
396. bring away] bring him away Q
397. before you go] omit Q
402. me as I am] them as they are Q
407. Judean] F (Iudean); Indian Q
412. medicinable] medicinall Q
417. SD Q; omit F
426. loading] lodging Q
430. on] to Q
435. SD They exit] F (Exeunt); Exeunt omnes Q