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Much Ado About Nothing - Act 1, scene 1
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Much Ado About Nothing - Act 1, scene 1Act 1, scene 1
⌜Scene 1⌝
The army of Don Pedro of Aragon arrives in Messina and is welcomed by Leonato, Messina’s governor. Benedick of Padua, a soldier in Don Pedro’s army, proclaims his enmity to love and engages in a skirmish of wits with Leonato’s niece, Beatrice. Count Claudio, the hero of Don Pedro’s just-ended war, falls in love with Leonato’s daughter Hero and confesses his love to Don Pedro, who decides to woo Hero for Claudio.
Enter Leonato, Governor of Messina, Hero his daughter,and Beatrice his niece, with a Messenger.
LEONATO, ⌜with a letter⌝ 0001 I learn in this letter that Don
0002 Pedro of Aragon comes this night to Messina.
MESSENGER 0003 He is very near by this. He was not three
0004 leagues off when I left him.
LEONATO 0005 5How many gentlemen have you lost in this
0006 action?
MESSENGER 0007 But few of any sort, and none of name.
LEONATO 0008 A victory is twice itself when the achiever
0009 brings home full numbers. I find here that Don
0010 10 Pedro hath bestowed much honor on a young
0011 Florentine called Claudio.
MESSENGER 0012 Much deserved on his part, and equally
0013 remembered by Don Pedro. He hath borne himself
0014 beyond the promise of his age, doing in the figure
0015 15 of a lamb the feats of a lion. He hath indeed better
0016 bettered expectation than you must expect of me to
0017 tell you how.
LEONATO 0018 He hath an uncle here in Messina will be
0019 very much glad of it.
MESSENGER 0020 20I have already delivered him letters, and
0021 there appears much joy in him, even so much that
0022 joy could not show itself modest enough without a
0023 badge of bitterness.
Did he break out into tears?MESSENGER 0025 25In great measure.
LEONATO 0026 A kind overflow of kindness. There are no
0027 faces truer than those that are so washed. How
0028 much better is it to weep at joy than to joy at
0029 weeping!
BEATRICE 0030 30I pray you, is Signior Mountanto returned
0031 from the wars or no?
MESSENGER 0032 I know none of that name, lady. There
0033 was none such in the army of any sort.
LEONATO 0034 What is he that you ask for, niece?
HERO 0035 35My cousin means Signior Benedick of Padua.
MESSENGER 0036 O, he’s returned, and as pleasant as ever
0037 he was.
BEATRICE 0038 He set up his bills here in Messina and
0039 challenged Cupid at the flight, and my uncle’s Fool,
0040 40 reading the challenge, subscribed for Cupid and
0041 challenged him at the bird-bolt. I pray you, how
0042 many hath he killed and eaten in these wars? But
0043 how many hath he killed? For indeed I promised to
0044 eat all of his killing.
LEONATO 0045 45Faith, niece, you tax Signior Benedick too
0046 much, but he’ll be meet with you, I doubt it not.
MESSENGER 0047 He hath done good service, lady, in these
0048 wars.
BEATRICE 0049 You had musty victual, and he hath holp to
0050 50 eat it. He is a very valiant trencherman; he hath an
0051 excellent stomach.
MESSENGER 0052 And a good soldier too, lady.
BEATRICE 0053 And a good soldier to a lady, but what is he
0054 to a lord?
MESSENGER 0055 55A lord to a lord, a man to a man, stuffed
0056 with all honorable virtues.
BEATRICE 0057 It is so indeed. He is no less than a stuffed
0058 man, but for the stuffing—well, we are all mortal.
You must not, sir, mistake my niece. There is0060 60 a kind of merry war betwixt Signior Benedick and
0061 her. They never meet but there’s a skirmish of wit
0062 between them.
BEATRICE 0063 Alas, he gets nothing by that. In our last
0064 conflict, four of his five wits went halting off, and
0065 65 now is the whole man governed with one, so that if
0066 he have wit enough to keep himself warm, let him
0067 bear it for a difference between himself and his
0068 horse, for it is all the wealth that he hath left to
0069 be known a reasonable creature. Who is his companion
0070 70 now? He hath every month a new sworn
0071 brother.
MESSENGER 0072 Is ’t possible?
BEATRICE 0073 Very easily possible. He wears his faith but
0074 as the fashion of his hat; it ever changes with the
0075 75 next block.
MESSENGER 0076 I see, lady, the gentleman is not in your
0077 books.
BEATRICE 0078 No. An he were, I would burn my study. But
0079 I pray you, who is his companion? Is there no
0080 80 young squarer now that will make a voyage with
0081 him to the devil?
MESSENGER 0082 He is most in the company of the right
0083 noble Claudio.
BEATRICE 0084 O Lord, he will hang upon him like a
0085 85 disease! He is sooner caught than the pestilence,
0086 and the taker runs presently mad. God help the
0087 noble Claudio! If he have caught the Benedick, it
0088 will cost him a thousand pound ere he be cured.
MESSENGER 0089 I will hold friends with you, lady.
BEATRICE 0090 90Do, good friend.
LEONATO 0091 You will never run mad, niece.
BEATRICE 0092 No, not till a hot January.
MESSENGER 0093 Don Pedro is approached.
Enter Don Pedro, ⌜Prince of Aragon, with⌝ Claudio,Benedick, Balthasar, and John the Bastard.
PRINCE 0094 Good Signior Leonato, are you come to meet
0095 95 your trouble? The fashion of the world is to avoid
0096 cost, and you encounter it.
LEONATO 0097 Never came trouble to my house in the
0098 likeness of your Grace, for trouble being gone,
0099 comfort should remain, but when you depart from
0100 100 me, sorrow abides and happiness takes his leave.
PRINCE 0101 You embrace your charge too willingly. ⌜Turning
to Hero.⌝ 0102 I think this is your daughter.
LEONATO 0103 Her mother hath many times told me so.
BENEDICK 0104 Were you in doubt, sir, that you asked her?
LEONATO 0105 105Signior Benedick, no, for then were you a
0106 child.
PRINCE 0107 You have it full, Benedick. We may guess by
0108 this what you are, being a man. Truly the lady
0109 fathers herself.—Be happy, lady, for you are like
0110 110 an honorable father.
⌜Leonato and the Prince move aside.⌝
BENEDICK 0111 If Signior Leonato be her father, she would
0112 not have his head on her shoulders for all Messina,
0113 as like him as she is.
BEATRICE 0114 I wonder that you will still be talking, Signior
0115 115 Benedick, nobody marks you.
BENEDICK 0116 What, my dear Lady Disdain! Are you yet
0117 living?
BEATRICE 0118 Is it possible disdain should die while she
0119 hath such meet food to feed it as Signior Benedick?
0120 120 Courtesy itself must convert to disdain if you come
0121 in her presence.
BENEDICK 0122 Then is courtesy a turncoat. But it is certain
0123 I am loved of all ladies, only you excepted; and
0124 I would I could find in my heart that I had not a
0125 125 hard heart, for truly I love none.
A dear happiness to women. They would0127 else have been troubled with a pernicious suitor. I
0128 thank God and my cold blood I am of your humor
0129 for that. I had rather hear my dog bark at a crow
0130 130 than a man swear he loves me.
BENEDICK 0131 God keep your Ladyship still in that mind,
0132 so some gentleman or other shall ’scape a predestinate
0133 scratched face.
BEATRICE 0134 Scratching could not make it worse an
0135 135 ’twere such a face as yours were.
BENEDICK 0136 Well, you are a rare parrot-teacher.
BEATRICE 0137 A bird of my tongue is better than a beast of
0138 yours.
BENEDICK 0139 I would my horse had the speed of your
0140 140 tongue and so good a continuer, but keep your
0141 way, i’ God’s name, I have done.
BEATRICE 0142 You always end with a jade’s trick. I know
0143 you of old.
⌜Leonato and the Prince come forward.⌝
PRINCE 0144 That is the sum of all, Leonato.—Signior
0145 145 Claudio and Signior Benedick, my dear friend
0146 Leonato hath invited you all. I tell him we shall stay
0147 here at the least a month, and he heartily prays
0148 some occasion may detain us longer. I dare swear
0149 he is no hypocrite, but prays from his heart.
LEONATO 0150 150If you swear, my lord, you shall not be
0151 forsworn. ⌜To Don John.⌝ Let me bid you welcome,
0152 my lord, being reconciled to the Prince your brother,
0153 I owe you all duty.
DON JOHN 0154 I thank you. I am not of many words, but I
0155 155 thank you.
LEONATO 0156 Please it your Grace lead on?
PRINCE 0157 Your hand, Leonato. We will go together.
⌜All⌝ exit except Benedick and Claudio.
CLAUDIO 0158 Benedick, didst thou note the daughter of
0159 Signior Leonato?
160I noted her not, but I looked on her.CLAUDIO 0161 Is she not a modest young lady?
BENEDICK 0162 Do you question me as an honest man
0163 should do, for my simple true judgment? Or would
0164 you have me speak after my custom, as being a
0165 165 professed tyrant to their sex?
CLAUDIO 0166 No, I pray thee, speak in sober judgment.
BENEDICK 0167 Why, i’ faith, methinks she’s too low for a
0168 high praise, too brown for a fair praise, and too
0169 little for a great praise. Only this commendation I
0170 170 can afford her, that were she other than she is, she
0171 were unhandsome, and being no other but as she is,
0172 I do not like her.
CLAUDIO 0173 Thou thinkest I am in sport. I pray thee tell
0174 me truly how thou lik’st her.
BENEDICK 0175 175Would you buy her that you enquire after
0176 her?
CLAUDIO 0177 Can the world buy such a jewel?
BENEDICK 0178 Yea, and a case to put it into. But speak you
0179 this with a sad brow? Or do you play the flouting
0180 180 jack, to tell us Cupid is a good hare-finder and
0181 Vulcan a rare carpenter? Come, in what key shall a
0182 man take you to go in the song?
CLAUDIO 0183 In mine eye she is the sweetest lady that ever
0184 I looked on.
BENEDICK 0185 185I can see yet without spectacles, and I see
0186 no such matter. There’s her cousin, an she were not
0187 possessed with a fury, exceeds her as much in
0188 beauty as the first of May doth the last of December.
0189 But I hope you have no intent to turn husband, have
0190 190 you?
CLAUDIO 0191 I would scarce trust myself, though I had
0192 sworn the contrary, if Hero would be my wife.
BENEDICK 0193 Is ’t come to this? In faith, hath not the
0194 world one man but he will wear his cap with
0195 195 suspicion? Shall I never see a bachelor of threescore
again? Go to, i’ faith, an thou wilt needs thrust0197 thy neck into a yoke, wear the print of it, and sigh
0198 away Sundays. Look, Don Pedro is returned to seek
0199 you.
Enter Don Pedro, ⌜Prince of Aragon.⌝
PRINCE 0200 200What secret hath held you here that you followed
0201 not to Leonato’s?
BENEDICK 0202 I would your Grace would constrain me to
0203 tell.
PRINCE 0204 I charge thee on thy allegiance.
BENEDICK 0205 205You hear, Count Claudio, I can be secret as
0206 a dumb man, I would have you think so, but on my
0207 allegiance—mark you this, on my allegiance—he
0208 is in love. With who? Now, that is your Grace’s part.
0209 Mark how short his answer is: with Hero, Leonato’s
0210 210 short daughter.
CLAUDIO 0211 If this were so, so were it uttered.
BENEDICK 0212 Like the old tale, my lord: “It is not so, nor
0213 ’twas not so, but, indeed, God forbid it should be
0214 so.”
CLAUDIO 0215 215If my passion change not shortly, God forbid
0216 it should be otherwise.
PRINCE 0217 Amen, if you love her, for the lady is very well
0218 worthy.
CLAUDIO 0219 You speak this to fetch me in, my lord.
PRINCE 0220 220By my troth, I speak my thought.
CLAUDIO 0221 And in faith, my lord, I spoke mine.
BENEDICK 0222 And by my two faiths and troths, my lord, I
0223 spoke mine.
CLAUDIO 0224 That I love her, I feel.
PRINCE 0225 225That she is worthy, I know.
BENEDICK 0226 That I neither feel how she should be loved
0227 nor know how she should be worthy is the opinion
0228 that fire cannot melt out of me. I will die in it at the
0229 stake.
230Thou wast ever an obstinate heretic in the0231 despite of beauty.
CLAUDIO 0232 And never could maintain his part but in the
0233 force of his will.
BENEDICK 0234 That a woman conceived me, I thank her;
0235 235 that she brought me up, I likewise give her most
0236 humble thanks. But that I will have a recheat
0237 winded in my forehead or hang my bugle in an
0238 invisible baldrick, all women shall pardon me.
0239 Because I will not do them the wrong to mistrust
0240 240 any, I will do myself the right to trust none. And the
0241 fine is, for the which I may go the finer, I will live a
0242 bachelor.
PRINCE 0243 I shall see thee, ere I die, look pale with love.
BENEDICK 0244 With anger, with sickness, or with hunger,
0245 245 my lord, not with love. Prove that ever I lose more
0246 blood with love than I will get again with drinking,
0247 pick out mine eyes with a ballad-maker’s pen and
0248 hang me up at the door of a brothel house for the
0249 sign of blind Cupid.
PRINCE 0250 250Well, if ever thou dost fall from this faith, thou
0251 wilt prove a notable argument.
BENEDICK 0252 If I do, hang me in a bottle like a cat and
0253 shoot at me, and he that hits me, let him be clapped
0254 on the shoulder and called Adam.
PRINCE 0255 255Well, as time shall try.
0256 In time the savage bull doth bear the yoke.
BENEDICK 0257 The savage bull may, but if ever the sensible
0258 Benedick bear it, pluck off the bull’s horns and set
0259 them in my forehead, and let me be vilely painted,
0260 260 and in such great letters as they write “Here is good
0261 horse to hire” let them signify under my sign “Here
0262 you may see Benedick the married man.”
CLAUDIO 0263 If this should ever happen, thou wouldst be
0264 horn-mad.
265Nay, if Cupid have not spent all his quiver in0266 Venice, thou wilt quake for this shortly.
BENEDICK 0267 I look for an earthquake too, then.
PRINCE 0268 Well, you will temporize with the hours. In the
0269 meantime, good Signior Benedick, repair to Leonato’s.
0270 270 Commend me to him, and tell him I will not
0271 fail him at supper, for indeed he hath made great
0272 preparation.
BENEDICK 0273 I have almost matter enough in me for such
0274 an embassage, and so I commit you—
CLAUDIO 0275 275To the tuition of God. From my house, if I had
0276 it—
PRINCE 0277 The sixth of July. Your loving friend,
0278 Benedick.
BENEDICK 0279 Nay, mock not, mock not. The body of your
0280 280 discourse is sometimes guarded with fragments,
0281 and the guards are but slightly basted on neither.
0282 Ere you flout old ends any further, examine your
0283 conscience. And so I leave you.He exits.
0284 My liege, your Highness now may do me good.
0285 285 My love is thine to teach. Teach it but how,
0286 And thou shalt see how apt it is to learn
0287 Any hard lesson that may do thee good.
0288 Hath Leonato any son, my lord?
0289 No child but Hero; she’s his only heir.
0290 290 Dost thou affect her, Claudio?
CLAUDIO 0291 O, my lord,
0292 When you went onward on this ended action,
0293 I looked upon her with a soldier’s eye,
0294 That liked, but had a rougher task in hand
0295 295 Than to drive liking to the name of love.
0296 But now I am returned and that war thoughts
Have left their places vacant, in their rooms0298 Come thronging soft and delicate desires,
0299 All prompting me how fair young Hero is,
0300 300 Saying I liked her ere I went to wars.
0301 Thou wilt be like a lover presently
0302 And tire the hearer with a book of words.
0303 If thou dost love fair Hero, cherish it,
0304 And I will break with her and with her father,
0305 305 And thou shalt have her. Was ’t not to this end
0306 That thou began’st to twist so fine a story?
0307 How sweetly you do minister to love,
0308 That know love’s grief by his complexion!
0309 But lest my liking might too sudden seem,
0310 310 I would have salved it with a longer treatise.
0311 What need the bridge much broader than the flood?
0312 The fairest grant is the necessity.
0313 Look what will serve is fit. ’Tis once, thou lovest,
0314 And I will fit thee with the remedy.
0315 315 I know we shall have reveling tonight.
0316 I will assume thy part in some disguise
0317 And tell fair Hero I am Claudio,
0318 And in her bosom I’ll unclasp my heart
0319 And take her hearing prisoner with the force
0320 320 And strong encounter of my amorous tale.
0321 Then after to her father will I break,
0322 And the conclusion is, she shall be thine.
0323 In practice let us put it presently.
They exit.