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Macbeth - Act 5, scene 6
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Last updated: Fri, Jul 31, 2015
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Macbeth - Act 5, scene 6Act 5, scene 6
Scene 6
Malcolm arrives with his troops before Dunsinane Castle.
Drum and Colors. Enter Malcolm, Siward, Macduff, andtheir army, with boughs.
2319 Now near enough. Your leafy screens throw down
2320 And show like those you are.—You, worthy uncle,
2321 Shall with my cousin, your right noble son,
2322 Lead our first battle. Worthy Macduff and we
2323 5 Shall take upon ’s what else remains to do,
2324 According to our order.
SIWARD 2325 Fare you well.
2326 Do we but find the tyrant’s power tonight,
2327 Let us be beaten if we cannot fight.
2328 10 Make all our trumpets speak; give them all breath,
2329 Those clamorous harbingers of blood and death.
They exit.
Alarums continued.