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Henry V - Characters in the Play
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Last updated: Tue, Jun 02, 2020
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Henry V - Characters in the PlayCharacters in the Play
Characters in the Play
Henry V, King of England
Thomas, Duke of Exeter, uncle to the King
Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester
John, Duke of Bedford
Thomas, Duke of Clarence

brothers to the King
Duke of York
Earl of Westmoreland
Earl of Cambridge

cousins to the King
Earl of Warwick
Earl of Salisbury
Earl of Huntington
Lord Scroop of Masham

English nobles
Sir Thomas Grey
Hostess Quickly

former companions of Henry, now in his army
Boy, their servant
Sir Thomas Erpingham
Captain Fluellen
Captain Gower
Captain MacMorris
Captain Jamy

officers in Henry’s army
English heralds
John Bates
Alexander Court
Michael Williams

soldiers in Henry’s army
Bishop of Canterbury
Bishop of Ely
King of France
Queen Isabel of France
Katherine, Princess of France
Alice, a gentlewoman attending on Katherine
Dauphin (i.e., Prince) of France
Duke of Berri
Duke of Brittany
Duke of Orléans
Duke of Bourbon
Duke of Burgundy
Constable of France
Lord Grandpré
Lord Rambures
Lord Beaumont

French nobles
Montjoy, French herald
French ambassadors to England
Monsieur Le Fer, a French soldier
Governor of Harfleur
Lords, Attendants, Soldiers, French Prisoners, Messengers