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The Folger is closing at 4:30pm on Sunday, February 23, for a staff training exercise. Normal hours will resume when the Folger opens on Tuesday, February 25, at 11:00am.

Henry IV, Part 1 /

Textual Notes: Henry IV, Part 1

The reading of the present text appears to the left of the square bracket. This edition is based on the earliest extant printings of the play: the fragmentary earliest quarto preserved at the Folger Library (Q0, 1598) is our source for 1.3.2062.2.117; the first surviving complete printed version (Q1, also 1598) is our source for the rest of the play. Q1 survives in three copies: the Devonshire copy (Dev.) at the Huntington Library, San Marino, California; the Cambridge copy (Cam.) at Trinity College, Cambridge University, England; the British Library copy (BL) in London, England. The earliest sources of readings not in Q0 or Q1 are indicated as follows: Q2 is the second quarto of 1599; Q3 is the third quarto of 1604; Q4 is the fourth quarto of 1608; Q5 is the fifth quarto of 1613; Q6 is the sixth quarto of 1622; F is the Shakespeare First Folio of 1623, in which 1 Henry IV is a slightly edited reprint of Q5. Ed. is an earlier editor of Shakespeare, from the editor(s) of the Second Folio of 1632 to the present. No sources are given for emendations of punctuation or for corrections of obvious typographical errors, such as turned letters that produce no known word. SD means stage direction; SP means speech prefix; ~ refers to a word already quoted; ^ indicates the omission of a punctuation mark.


22. levy] Q1 (leauy)
30. Therefor] Q1 (Therefore)
39. Herefordshire] Herdforshire Q1
49. lord] Q1 (L.)
53. Archibald] Archibold Q1
62. a] Q5; omit Q1
69. blood, did] ~. ~ Q1
76. WESTMORELAND In . . . is^ a] Ed.; In . . . is. | West. A Q1
93. use^ . . . keeps,] ~, . . . ~^ Q1

18. art king] Q2; art a king Q1
35. proof^ now:] ~. ~^ Q1
84. similes] Q5; smiles Q1
112. Poins!] ~^ Q1
119–20.Sir John Sack-and-Sugar? Jack,] Ed.; ~ ~ ~, ~^ ~ ~? Q1
144. Who,] ~^ Q1
165. thou] Ed.; the Q1
169. Peto, Bardolph] Ed.; Haruey, Rossill Q1

9. ne’er] Q1 (neare)
21. SD Worcester] Q1 (Wor.)
35. reaped] F (rept)
53. what—] ~^ Q1
97. war.] ~, Q1
98. tongue^] ~: Q1
100. sedgy] Q1 (siedgie)
132. SD Worcester] Q1 (Wor.)
200. west,] ~. Q1
206. The Q0 fragment begins.
206. SP hotspur] Q5; omit Q0
224. You^] ~, Q0
247. whipped] Q1; whip Q0
253. kept,] ~^ Q0
274. granted.—You, my lord,] Ed.; ~^ ~^ ~ ~. Q0
304. course.] ~^ Q0
306. Lord] Q0 (Lo:)
309. our] Q1; out Q0

36. FIRST] Ed.; omit Q0
43. when,] ~^ Q0
51. SD–52. SDCarriers exit. . . . Chamberlain.] Ed.; Enter Chamberlaine. Exeunt. | Gad. What ho: Chamberlaine. Q0
69. Saint] Saine Q0
82. in,] ~^ Q0

0. SD Bardolph, and Peto] Ed.; and Peto, &c. Q0
4. hanged! Poins] ~^ ~ Q0
13. square] Q0 (squire)
37. my] mine Q1
75. SP FALSTAFF] Fast. Q0
54. SP BARDOLPH] Ed.; Bardoll (as a word in Poins’s speech) Q0
55. SP GADSHILL] Ed.; Bar. Q0
81. SP FIRST TRAVELER] Ed.; Trauel. Q0
85. SP TRAVELERS] Ed.; Trauel. Q0
90. SP TRAVELERS] Ed.; Tra. Q0
117. fat] omit Q1
117. Q0 fragment ends.

1. SP HOTSPUR] Ed.; omit Q1
4. In respect] F; in the respect Q1
39 and hereafter. SP LADY PERCY] Lady Q1
50. thee murmur^] the murmur, Q1
52. Courage!] ~^ Q1
59. sleep] sleeepe Q1
73. horse? A roan] Q3; horse, Roane Q1

34. precedent] F; present Q1
37. SP POINS] Q4; Prin. Q1
88. SD 1 line later in Q1
181. SP PRINCE] F; Gad. Q1
188. SP BARDOLPH] Ed.; Ross. Q1
296. lord] Q1 (Lo.)
312. lions too. You] Q1 Dev. (lions to, you); lions, to you Q1 Cam., BL
337. SD 1 line earlier in Q1
352. Owen] Ed.; O Q1
406. tristful] Ed.; trustfull Q1
429. For, Harry, now] Q1 Dev. (for Harrie, now); for Harrie now Q1 Cam., BL
456. My] Mv Q1
491. lean] Q2; lane Q1
552. What] Ed.; Pr. What Q1
560. SPP F; omit Q1
558. anchovies] anchaues Q1

49. son^] sonne, Q1 BL; sonne? Q1 Dev., Cam.
81. coz] Q1 (coose)
104. cantle] F; scantle Q1
105. dammed] Q1 (damnd)
110. wind?] ~^ Q1
134. meter] Ed.; miter Q1
136. axletree] Q1 (exle tree)
146. night.] ~^ Q1
148. your wives] ~, ~ Q1
157. lion] Q1 (Leon)
196. schooled.] ~^ Q1
203. SD Glendower] Glondower Q1
211. I] Ed.; Mor. I Q1
213. truant,] F; ~^ Q1
273. hot] F; Hot. Q1

4. SD exit] Exennt Q1
61. won] Q1 (wan)
80. gaze^] ~. Q1
86. gorged] gordge Q1
113. capital^] ~. Q1
119. Enlargèd] Enlargd Q1
166. SD 1 line later in Q1

36. that’s] Ed.; that Q1
54. SD 1 line later in Q1 (as “Enter host.”)
61. tithe] Ed.; tight Q1
95. How] Ed.; Falst. How Q1
121. womanhood] womandood Q1
143. owed] Q1 (ought)
183guests] F; ghesse Q1
188. beef] Q1 (beoffe)

0. SD Q2; omit Q1
1 and hereafter to 94. SP HOTSPUR] Ed.; Per. Q1
5. world.] ~^ Q1
13. SD a Messenger] F; one Q1, in which SD is 1 line earlier
22. lord] Ed.; mind Q1
58. is] F; tis Q1
89. SD Richard] Ri. Q1
114. dropped] Q2; drop Q1
122. altar] Q4; altars Q1
129. ne’er] Q1 (neare)
133. cannot] Q5; can Q1
134. yet] Q5; it Q1
142. merrily] Q1 (merely)

3. Coldfield] Ed.; cophill Q1
9. lieutenant] Liuetenant Q1
15. yeomen’s] Q2; Yeomans Q1
18. lief] Ed.; lieue Q1
32. feazed] Q1 (fazd)
35. tattered] Q1 (tottered)
47. Saint] Q1 (S.)
52. Lord] Q1 (Lo.)
66. enough] inongh Q1
83. SD He exits.] Exeunt. Q1

0. SD Douglas,] Q1 (Doug:)
27. horse] Q5; horses Q1
34. ours] Q6; our Q1
78. heirs as pages, followed] ~, ~ ~^ ~ Q1; Pages followed Q1 Cam., BL; Pagesfollowed Q1 Dev.
88. country’s] Q5; Countrey Q1

18. o’erruled] ouerrulde Q1
33. lord] Q1 (Lo:)
36. not,] ~^ Q1

0. Lancaster, Sir] Ed.; Lancaster, Earle of Westmerland sir Q1
10. How] King. How Q1
59. Doncaster] Dancaster Q1
89. off] Q1 (of)
121. SD Falstaff] Falst. Q1
132. then?] ~^ Q1
139. it] Q2; omit Q1

4. undone] Q5; vnder one Q1
9. Suspicion] Q5; Supposition Q1
14. merrily] Q1 (merely)
28. SD Enter Hotspur . . . army.] Ed.; Enter Percy. Q1, 1 line earlier.
95. talking. Only] ~^ ~ Q1
98. withal^] ~. Q1
100. Esperance! Percy!] ~^ ~^ Q1
104. SD Here . . . sound.] run into beginning of
5.3.0 SD in

1. the] Ed.; omit Q1
17. won;] ~^ Q1
20. This,] ~^ Q1
23. A] Ed.; Ah Q1
38. ragamuffins] Q1 (rag of Muffins)
59. SD him and exits] this ed.; him. Exit. Q1

4. SP LANCASTER] Ed.; P. Iohn Q1
15. SP LANCASTER] Ed.; Ioh. Q1
58. Sir] Q1 (S.)
69. Nor] F; Now Q1
77. SD who] F; he Q1
83. thoughts,] ~^ Q1
89. heart.] ~^ Q1
94. thee] Q1 (the)
134. SP LANCASTER] Q1 (Iohn of Lan)
158. SP LANCASTER] Q1 (Iohn.)
163. The] F; Prin. The Q1
163. ours] Q2; our Q1

33. SP LANCASTER] Q1 (Iohn.)
37. bend^] ~, Q1