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The Folger is closing at 4:30pm on Sunday, February 23, for a staff training exercise. Normal hours will resume when the Folger opens on Tuesday, February 25, at 11:00am.

Coriolanus /

Textual Notes: Coriolanus

The reading of the present text appears to the left of the square bracket. Unless otherwise noted, the reading to the left of the bracket is from F, the First Folio text (upon which this edition is based). The earliest sources of readings not in F are indicated as follows: F2 is the Second Folio of 1632; F3 is the Third Folio of 1663–64; F4 is the Fourth Folio of 1685; Ed. is an earlier editor of Shakespeare, beginning with Rowe in 1709. No sources are given for emendations of punctuation or for corrections of obvious typographical errors, like turned letters that produce no known word. SD means stage direction; SP means speech prefix; uncorr. means the first or uncorrected state of the First Folio; corr. means the second or corrected state of the First Folio; ~ stands in place of a word already quoted before the square bracket; ^ indicates the omission of a punctuation mark.

15. on] F (one);
47. o’] F (a’);
49. SD Enter Menenius Agrippa.] 1 line later in F;
60. which] F (wc);
68. you. . . . wants,] ~ . . . ~. F;
94. stale] Ed.; scale F;
101, 126, 160, 234. o’] F (a);
106. appetite^] ~; F;
109. you.] ~^ F;
112. tauntingly] F4; taintingly F;
117. what?] ~^ F;
118. crownèd] F (crown’d);
159. cares,] ~; F;
183. geese. . . . are^] ~^ . . . ~: F;
224. eat,] ~^ F;
235. Shouting] F (Shooting);
240. unroofed] Ed.; vnroo’st F;
250. SD Junius] Annius F; Brutus,] ~^ F; Cominius] Cominisn F;
268. Lartius] Ed.; Lucius F;
271 and hereafter in this scene. SP LARTIUS] Ed.; Tit. F;
284. SD Citizens steal away.] 2 lines later in F;
286. SD Sicinius] F (Sicin.)

0. SD Corioles] F (Coriolus);
5. on] F (one);
18. Whither] F (Whether);
33. Corioles.] ~^ F

39. that’s] F2; that F;
46. sword,] ~. F; contemning] Ed.; Contenning F;
47. SD Gentlewoman] F (Gent.);
60, 61. O’] F (A);
61, 112. o’] F (a);
62. H’as] F (ha’s);
84. SP VIRGILIA] F (Vlug.);
87. Ithaca] Athica F;
100. whom] F (whõ);
102. Corioles] Carioles F;
108. lady. . . . now,] ~, . . . ~: F

0, 17. SD Corioles] F (Corialus);
23. up.] ~^ F;
42. Boils] F (Byles);
54. trenches. Follow ’s] F (Trenches followes);
54. SD Another . . . them.] Ed.; Another Alarum, and Martius followes them to gates, and is shut in. F;
58. SD Martius . . . in.] Ed.; Enter the Gati. F (See also note to 54 SD.);
63. SP LARTIUS] Ed.; Tit. F;
75. Cato’s] Ed.; Calues F

3. SD Enter . . . Trumpet.] Ed.; exeunt. | Alarum continues still a- farre off. | Enter Martius, and Titus with a Trumpet. F;
5. drachma] Drachme F;
7. them,] ~. F;
8. up.] ~, F;
9. him!] ~^ F;
31. o’] F (a’)

33. from] F (frõ);
40. heart^] ~; F;
60. o’] F (a’);
64. which] F (wc); 68. Antiates] Ed.; Antients F;
89. Lesser] F3; Lessen F;
103. I] Ed.; foure F

0. SD Corioles] Carioles F

16. Wert] F (Wer’t);
19. SD Aufidius] F (Auffi.);
22. SD Martius fights . . . breathless.] 2 lines earlier in F

0. SD Alarum . . . Flourish.] Ed.; Flourish. Alarum . . . sounded. F;
13. SP LARTIUS] Ed.; Titus Lartius F;
37. store—of all^] ~^ . . . ~, F;
47. May] Ed.; Mar. May F;
52. ovator] Ed.; Ouerture F;
55. shout] F (shoot);
71, 73. Martius] F (Marcus);
74 and hereafter in this scene. SP CORIOLANUS] Ed.; Martius. F;
106. SD A flourish . . . exit.] Ed.; Exeunt. F (See next note.)

0. SD Enter . . . Soldiers] Ed.; A flourish. Cornets. Enter . . . Souldiers F;
32. cypress] F (Cyprus)

1. augurer] Agurer F;
22. o’] F (a’);
57–58. cannot] Ed.; can F;
65. bisson] F (beesome);
73. faucet] F (Forset);
88. are. . . . purpose,] ~, . . . ~. F;
96. Good e’en] F (Godden);
99. SD Brutus and Sicinius stand aside.] F (Bru. and Scic. Aside.);
111. SP VALERIA, VIRGILIA] Ed.; 2. Ladies. F;
127. pocket,] ~? F;
135. Corioles] Carioles F;
166. SD A sennet. Enter . . . Lartius . . . Herald. Trumpets sound.] Ed.; A Sennet. Trumpets sound. Enter . . . Latius . . . Herauld. F;
170. Coriolanus] Ed.; Martius Caius Coriolanus F
171. SD Sound^] ~. F;
188. Corioles] Carioles F; wear] F (were);
192. SP CORIOLANUS] Ed.; Com. F;
199. You] F2; Yon F;
223. SD Brutus . . . come forward.] Ed.; Enter Brutus and Scicinius. F;
240. human] F (humane);
274. authority’s^] Authorities, F;
279. human] F (humane);
286. touch] Ed.; teach F

54. o’] F (a’);
97. one on ’s] F (on ones);
107. chin] F (Shinne);
124. took; . . . foot^] ~^ . . . ~: F;
127. o’] F (of);
130. Corioles] Carioles F;
183. SP SENATORS] Ed.; Senat. F;
189. here.] ~^ F

21. colored] Coulord F;
24, 81. o’] F (a’);
28–29. block-head] F corr. (blocke-head); blocke head F uncorr.;
39–40. it. I say,] ~, ~~. F;
55. tongue] tougne F;
56. country’s] F (Countries);
69. SD Enter three of the Citizens.] 2 lines earlier in F;
75. not] Ed.; omit F;
93. SD These citizens exit.] Ed.; Exeunt. F;
97, 100, 116. SP FOURTH CITIZEN] Ed.; I. F;
114. SP FIFTH CITIZEN] Ed.; 2. F;
124. hire] F2; higher F;
125. toge] Ed.; tongue F;
166. SD Coriolanus and Menenius] F (Coriol. and Mene.);
189. you.] ~^ F;
266. Numa’s] Numaes F;
270. And . . . surnamed] Ed.; not in F;
274. besides] F (beside)

2 and hereafter in this scene. SP LARTIUS] Ed.; Latius. F;
58. suppliants^] ~: F;
95. honored] hoaor’d F;
106, 147, 176. o’] F (a’);
123. good] Ed.; God F;
181. human] F (Humane);
183. Where one] Ed.; Whereon F;
204. ’Has] F (Has);
205. ’Has] F (Ha’s);
210. bench? . . . rebellion,] ~, . . . ~: F;
217. SD Enter an Aedile.] 1 line earlier in F;
225. Agèd] F (Ag’d);
256, 292. SP CORIOLANUS] Ed.; Com. F;
270. SP ALL PLEBEIANS] F (All Ple.);
280. SD Coriolanus] F (Corio.);
288. SD In . . . in.] Ed.; Exeunt. | In . . . in. F;
289. your] Ed.; our F;
300. SP COMINIUS] F2; Corio. F;
301. SP CORIOLANUS] Ed.; Mene. F;
391. SP SICINIUS] Ed.; Menen. F;
412. bring him] Ed.; bring him in peace F

14. SD Enter Volumnia.] 8 lines earlier in F;
25. thwartings] Ed.; things F;
41. herd] Ed.; heart F;
42. o’] F (a’);
125. bear? Well,] ~^ ~? F.

19, 23. o’] F (a’);
42. for th’] F2; fourth F;
47. Throng] Ed.; Through F; the] F (ye);
73. accents] Ed.; Actions F;
89. hell^] ~. F;
92. clutched^ . . . millions,] ~: . . . ~^ F;
93. numbers,] ~. F;
126. it,] ~. F;
126, 151. o’] F (a’);
138. for] Ed.; from F;
142. wife’s] F (Wiues);
164. city,] ~. F;
165. SD with others] F (Cumalijs);
167. SD They . . . caps.] 2 lines earlier in F

5. chances^] ~. F;
29. thee] F (the);
41. Whither] F (Whether); wilt] Ed.; will F;
43. exposure] exposture F;
45. SP VIRGILIA] Ed.; Corio. F

16. The] F (Th’); o’] F (a’);
30. thou] F (yu); words,] ~. F

9. approved] Ed.; appear’d F;
34. will] F2; well F

29. hate] Ed.; haue F

3. master] F (M.);
11. SD Servingman] Ed.; Seruant F;
57, 71. thou] F (yu);
87. Whooped] Ed.; Hoop’d F;
144. o’erbear ’t] Ed.; o’re-beate F;
163. SD. Coriolanus and Aufidius exit.] Ed.; Exeunt. F;
Two of the Servingmen come forward.] Ed.; Enter two of the Seruingmen. F;
194. lief] F (liue);
247. sleepy] F3; sleepe F;

43. lamentation] Lamention F;
175. one] oue F;
196. SD Citizens exit.] F (Exit Cit.)

39. even] eeuen F; ’twas] F3; ’was F;
41. defect] F2; detect F;
52. virtues] F2; Vertue F;
58. falter] Ed.; fouler F (David George, “Cum Notis Variorum: The Proverb in Shakespeare,” Shakespeare Newsletter [Fall 1998]: 65.)

15. o’] F (a’);
18. wracked] This ed.; wrack’d for F;
86. haste] F (hast)

69. by] Ed.; not in F;
93. pity^] ~: F

19. embassies] F (Embasses);
55. prate] Ed.; pray F;
73. holp] Ed.; hope F;
147. SP YOUNG MARTIUS] Ed.; Boy. F;
171. fine] Ed.; fiue F;
172. gods,] ~. F;
173. o’] F (a’);
174. charge] Ed.; change F;
185. clucked] F2; clock’d F;
191. him with] F2; him with him with F

1. coign] F (Coin);
o’] F (a’);
52. SD all together] F (altogether)

1. o’] F (a’);
67–68. second. . . . way^] ~, . . . ~. F;
70. SD Enter . . . city.] 1 line later in F;
83. SD Enter . . . him.] 1 line later in F;
98, 109, 115, 179. o’] F (a’);
118. other] Ed.; others F;
133. Volsces.] ~^ F;
137. Fluttered] F3; Flatter’d F;
138. it.] ~, F;
156. SD Draw the Conspirators] Ed.; Draw both the Conspirators F