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As You Like It - Characters in the Play
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Last updated: Fri, Jul 31, 2015
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As You Like It - Characters in the PlayCharacters in the Play
Characters in the Play
Orlando, youngest son of Sir Rowland de Boys
Oliver, his elder brother
Second Brother, brother to Orlando and Oliver, named Jaques
Adam, servant to Oliver and friend to Orlando
Dennis, servant to Oliver
Rosalind, daughter to Duke Senior
Celia, Rosalind’s cousin, daughter to Duke Frederick
Touchstone, a court Fool
Duke Frederick, the usurping duke
Charles, wrestler at Duke Frederick’s court
Le Beau, a courtier at Duke Frederick’s court
First Lord
Second Lord

attending Duke Frederick
Duke Senior, the exiled duke, brother to Duke Frederick
First Lord
Second Lord

Lords attending Duke Senior in exile
First Page
Second Page

attending Duke Senior in exile
Corin, a shepherd
Silvius, a young shepherd in love
Phoebe, a disdainful shepherdess
Audrey, a goat-keeper
William, a country youth in love with Audrey
Sir Oliver Martext, a parish priest
Hymen, god of marriage
Lords, Attendants, Musicians