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All's Well That Ends Well - Characters in the Play
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Last updated: Wed, Mar 14, 2018
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All's Well That Ends Well - Characters in the PlayCharacters in the Play
Characters in the Play
Helen, a gentlewoman of Rossillion
Bertram, Count of Rossillion
Countess of Rossillion, Bertram’s mother

in the Countess’s household
Parolles, companion to Bertram
King of France
Lafew, a French lord
First Lord
Second Lord

later Captains in the
army of the Duke of Florence
army of the Duke of Florence
Other Lords in the court of the King of France
First Gentleman
Second Gentleman
Gentleman, a “gentle Astringer”

from the court of
the King of France
the King of France
First Soldier, interpreter
The Duke of Florence
A Widow of Florence
Diana, the Widow’s daughter
Mariana, the Widow’s neighbor
Attendants, Soldiers, Citizens of Florence, Servants