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Shakespeare’s chilling Scottish tragedy is realized by Emmy-winning magician Teller (of Penn & Teller) and Helen Hayes Award-winning director Aaron Posner as a startling, supernatural show brimming with magic, mayhem, and madness.

Read and learn more about this Shakespeare play.
Full performance
Watch the full performance (in two parts) on YouTube.
Part 1 | 1 hour, 9 minutes (ends with Act 3, Scene 4)
Watch Part 1
Part 2 | 54 minutes (begins with Act 3, Scene 6)
Watch Part 2
Special features
These eight special features include interviews with the cast and creative team.
Directing Macbeth | Hear from directors Aaron Posner and Teller.
Mr. and Mrs. Macbeth | What motivates these complex characters?
Acting Macbeth | How did the actors prepare for their roles?
Comedy in Macbeth | How is the tension in the play relieved by humor?
Blood Will Have Blood | Take a behind-the-scenes look at how stage blood is used to create a “horror show” atmosphere.
The Weird Sisters | Explore the directors’ unique choices in how to portray these extraordinary characters.
Stage Combat | See how the fight director coaches actors for a unique fighting style and believable battle sequences.
Thank you to the Teaching Shakespeare Institute teachers who provided suggestions for these special features.
The Folger is making these resources freely available during these challenging times in support of learning and enjoyment. This recorded video of Folger Theatre’s 2008 co-production of Macbeth with Two River Theater Company was originally available for purchase as a special Folger Edition from Simon & Schuster.