
Postcards in the (home) archive 1965–1985
A continuation of the series looking at Folger Shakespeare Library postcards.

Postcards in the (home) archive 1953–1964
A continuation of the series looking at Folger Shakespeare Library postcards.

Postcards in the (home) archive 1949–52
A continuation of the series looking at postcards from the Folger

Postcards in the (home) archive 1946–48
Stephen Grant examines postcards of the Folger sent in the years after World War II.
Postcards Folger Directors Sent Me
a guest post by Stephen Grant J. Ainsworth postcard of Folger Exhibition Hall Printed on picture side: Nothing Printed on address side: Exhibition Hall, Folger Shakespeare Library Washington, DC Barcode 0010060380 Photo by J.…

Postcards in the (home) archive 1942-43
a guest post by Stephen Grant Fig. 1. Folger Shakespeare Library from Northwest 1942Author’s Collection, photo by Stephen Grant Printed on picture side: FOLGER SHAKESPEARE LIBRARY, WASHINGTON, D. C. Printed on address side: PUB. BY GARRISON TOY & NOVELTY CO.…

Postcards in the (home) archive: 1941
a guest post by Stephen Grant Fig. 1. Folger Shakespeare Library from Northwest 1941Author’s Collection, photo by Stephen Grant Printed on picture side: W7. THE FOLGER SHAKESPEARE LIBRARY, WASHINGTON, D.C. H. H. Rideout. Printed on address side: The Folger Shakespeare…

Postcards in the (home) archive 1940
a guest post by Stephen Grant Fig. 1. Folger Shakespeare Library from Northwest 1940Author’s Collection, photo by Stephen Grant Printed on picture side: FOLGER SHAKESPEARIAN LIBRARY, WASHINGTON, D. C. Printed on address side: THE UNION NEWS COMPANY FOLGER SHAKESPEARE LIBRARY.…

A Folger Original: Edwin Eliott Willoughby
a guest post by Stephen Grant “Until he finally reached retirement age, Willoughby was a problem,” penned Louis B. Wright in Of Books and Men (University of South Carolina Press, 1976, p.135), looking back on two decades as Folger Director,…
Postcards in the (home) archive: 1939
a guest post by Stephen Grant Fig. 1. Folger Shakespeare Library from Northwest 1939 Author’s Collection, photo by Stephen Grant Printed on picture side: THE FOLGER SHAKESPEARE LIBRARY, WASHINGTON, D. C. 39686 Printed on address side: Published by B. S.…

Postcards in the (home) archive: 1938
a guest post by Stephen Grant Fig. 1. Folger Shakespeare Library from Northwest 1938Author’s Collection, photo by Stephen Grant Printed on picture side: FOLGER SHAKESPEARE LIBRARY, WASHINGTON, D. C. 60063 Printed on address side: THE WASHINGTON NEWS COMPANY FOLGER SHAKESPEARE…