digital image collection

Our new digital collections site is here!
Announcing the launch of our new digital collections site!
Okay, but what does it mean, or how do you regularize an early modern transcription?
As one reader guessed, the phrase shown in last week’s Crocodile mystery image is in secretary hand, i.e., a type of handwritten script widely used in the British Isles (and elsewhere in Europe) during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. As transcribed…

Honing transcriptions with algorithms and acumen
A question I often hear from paleographers who contribute transcriptions to Early Modern Manuscripts Online (or EMMO) is: What are you going to do with all these transcriptions? It’s a good question—central to the whole project, actually—but it’s also a complicated one. The…
Free cultural works! Come get your free cultural works!
It’s official: pictures in the Folger’s Digital Image Collection are now licensed CC BY-SA! That is, they can be used under a Creative Commons Attribution–ShareAlike 4.0 International License, one of the two Creative Commons licenses “approved for free cultural works.” That’s almost…
Folger Tooltips: Changes to the Digital Image Collection
Dear Readers: Our Digital Image Collection has had a bit of a make-over. The purpose of today’s post is to introduce you to new fields and field names and to explain a bit of background that lead to these changes. Background:…
Folger Tooltips: Media group wrangling, part one
Our last tooltip covered how to create your own login for the Folger digital image databases, and once logged in how to create and begin working with media groups. Today we’ll focus on some useful features of your media groups…
Folger Tooltips: Digital image database logins and media groups
Dear Fellow Collators: Today’s post focuses once again on powerful but perhaps under-utilized features of our digital image databases. Recent tips have dealt with saving static URLs to get back to previous searches or to individual images, and saving static…
Folger Tooltips: Digital Image URLs, part two
an early modern workspace Dear Readers: This post is a continuation of the last tooltip on digital image URLs. The last post discussed how to link via a static URL to a search result set, how to link to…
Folger Tooltips: Digital Image URLs, part one
volvelle for pinpointing the north star Hello Collation readers: Today starts a new series of posts on URL behavior in our image databases, the Folger Digital Image Collection and the Folger Bindings Image Collection. You may remember previous posts providing…
Binding clasps
Some close observation and deductive reasoning led commenters in the right direction in solving the June crocodile mystery. Here’s image that I posted last week, with a bit more context: With that bit of the surrounding context, it’s much clearer…
Folger Tooltips: new cover-to-cover items in our Digital Image Database
Additions to our Cover-to-cover series have made their way into the Digital Image Database in recent weeks. Among items you can now view in their entirety online are: Our first fully-digitized Second Folio. Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. Mr. VVilliam Shakespeares…
Folger Tooltips: Finding aids upgraded with links to digital images
While work continues to add to the Folger Digital Image Collection, and new finding aids continue to be added to the Folger Finding Aid Database, staff and interns are also busy upgrading existing finding aids with links to digital images.…