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Folger Mysteries
The ballad of the woodworm, or ‘reading’ holes in woodblocks

The ballad of the woodworm, or ‘reading’ holes in woodblocks
This month’s Folger Mystery explores the reuse of a woodblock print as it was eaten away by worms.
Folger Mysteries: October 2024

Folger Mysteries: October 2024
Spot the difference in this month’s Folger mystery!
Unintentionally blank pages

Unintentionally blank pages
In this solution to our September Folger Mystery, Erin Blake explains the reason for the blank pages in Folger STC 14933
Two versions of Thomas Cromwell's very urgent letter conveying Henry VIII's impatience over his impending marriage to Anne of Cleves

Two versions of Thomas Cromwell's very urgent letter conveying Henry VIII's impatience over his impending marriage to Anne of Cleves
A suggested solution to May’s Folger Mystery about two almost identical letters regarding Henry VIII’s marriage to Anne of Cleves in the Folger’s Collection.
Folger Mysteries (formerly known as "What manner o' thing is your crocodile"): May 2024

Folger Mysteries (formerly known as "What manner o' thing is your crocodile"): May 2024
Try your hand at solving this month’s Folger Mystery.