Shakespeare Dallas performs at Dallas, Texas’s Samuell Grand Park.
The summer Shakespeare season is in full swing! For Shakespeare-lovers across the country, that means it’s time to pack a picnic in preparation for some en plein air theater. Find your region of the US and take a look at some of our theater partners’ current productions.
- Robert Sicular (Sir Toby Belch) and Rodney Lizcano (Sir Andrew Aguecheek) in “Twelfth Night,” Colorado Shakespeare Festival. Photo: Jennifer M. Koskinen.
- “The Taming of the Shrew” at Idaho Shakespeare Festival
- Anne Yumi Kobori (Celia), Michael Barrett Austin (Orlando), and Regina Morones (Rosalind) in “As You Like It” at San Francisco Shakespeare Festival’s Free Shakespeare in the Park. Photo: John Western.
- Melora Marshall as Malvolio, “Twelfth Night,” Will Geer’s Theatricum Botanicum. Photo: Ian Flanders.
- Gareth Saxe (Malvolio) and Jessica Robblee (Olivia) in “Twelfth Night,” Colorado Shakespeare Festival. Photo: Jennifer M. Koskinen.
- Royer Bockus (Helen) and Vilma Silva (Countess Rossillion) in “All’s Well That Ends Well,” Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Photo: Jenny Graham.
- Robin Goodrin Nordii, Danforth Comins (Macbeth), Erica Sullivan, and Miriam A. Laube in “Macbeth,” Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Photo: Jenny Graham.
- Meredith Garretson is Rosalind in “As You Like It” at The Old Globe.
- Eric Flores (Lysander), Maya Brattkus (Hermia) in “Midsummer” at Will Geer’s Theatricum Botanicum. Photo: Ian Flanders
At the Colorado Shakespeare Festival, Twelfth Night is onstage through August 11. As You Like It begins June 21 and runs through August 10.
At the Idaho Shakespeare Festival, there’s one more weekend to see The Taming of the Shrew, onstage through June 23. The production was directed by Sara Bruner, a longtime Idaho Shakespeare Festival actor, and features bi-level onstage seating for the festival’s more adventurous patrons. Julius Caesar begins August 1.
At the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, you can see All’s Well That Ends Well, As You Like It, and Macbeth all summer long. Plus, La Comedia de Errors, a bilingual adaptation of A Comedy of Errors, opens June 28.
This summer, As You Like It is the San Francisco Shakespeare Festival’s Free Shakespeare in the Parks production. Catch it in and around San Francisco through September.
At The Old Globe in San Diego, another As You Like It runs through July 21.
At Will Geer’s Theatricum Botanicum, enjoy outdoor productions of both Twelfth Night and A Midsummer Night’s Dream through September.
⇒Related: artists from the Colorado Shakespeare Festival, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, San Francisco Shakespeare Festival, and The Old Globe tell you what to watch for in Shakespeare’s As You Like It.
- David Daniel (Malvolio), Phoebe González (Fabian) in “Twelfth Night,” American Players Theatre. Photo: Liz Lauren.
- Allie Babich (Mistress Ford) and Mark Corkins (John Falstaff) “The Merry Wives of Windsor,” Door Shakespeare. Photo: Heidi Hodges.
- Molly Meyer (Jaquenetta) and Toodle Bug the Goat in “Love’s Labor’s Lost” at Shakespeare Festival St. Louis. Photo: Phillip Hamer.
- The all-female company of “All’s Well That Ends Well,” Nebraska Shakespeare. Photography by Chris Holtmeier, Foton-Foto.
- Genevieve Simon (Hamlet), Tolu Ekisola (Rosencrantz), and Shaan Sharma (Guildenstern) in “Hamlet,” Nebraska Shakespeare. Photo: Chris Holtmeier, Foton-Foto.
- Muscovites! The cast of “Love’s Labor’s Lost” at Shakespeare Festival St. Louis. Photo: Phillip Hamer.
At the American Players Theatre, Twelfth Night is on stage through October 6. Macbeth opens June 21 and runs through October 4.
Door Shakespeare’s season kicks off with The Merry Wives of Windsor, onstage through August 24. Bardolph, Pistol, and Nym, Falstaff’s rough-around-the edges pals/vassals, return in Door Shakespeare’s Henry V, opening June 26.
At Nebraska Shakespeare, All’s Well That Ends Well opens June 20 with an all-female cast. Genevieve Simon plays a soldier in that production. . . as well as taking on Hamlet in Hamlet, opening June 27. Keep an eye out for other actors pulling double duty, like Sophie Netanel, who plays Helen in All’s Well and Laertes in Hamlet.
At Shakespeare Festival St. Louis, you have three more days to catch Love’s Labor’s Lost, onstage through June 23 and featuring actor/actual goat Toodle Bug.
- Tamieka Chavis (Lady Macbeth,) Scott Alan Small (Macbeth), and Juliet Jacob (Messenger), in Chesapeake Shakespeare Company’s outdoor movable “Macbeth” at the PFI Historic Park. Photo by Manaf Azzam.
- Stephen Michael Spencer (Posthumus) in “Cymbeline” at Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival. Photo: T. Charles Erickson.
There’s just one more weekend to see the Chesapeake Shakespeare Company’s “movable” Macbeth. The production, in which audience members follow actors around the Patapsco Female Institute Historic Park, closes June 23.
At the Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival, Much Ado About Nothing (through August 31) and Cymbeline (through July 27) are onstage now.
- “Shakespeare in Love,” directed by Raphael Parry, at Shakespeare Dallas.
- The cast of “As You Like It” at Atlanta Shakespeare Company
At the Atlanta Shakespeare Company, As You Like It is onstage June 22 through July 14. There’s more to come: A Midsummer Night’s Dream is onstage starting July 19.
At Shakespeare Dallas, Shakespeare in Love (through July 21) and As You Like It (through July 19) are onstage now.
Atlanta Shakespeare Company, Chesapeake Shakespeare Company, Colorado Shakespeare Festival, Door Shakespeare, Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival, Idaho Shakespeare Festival, Nebraska Shakespeare, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, San Francsico Shakespeare Festival, Shakespeare Dallas, Shakespeare in St. Louis, The Old Globe, and Will Geer’s Theatricum Botanicum are theater partners of the Folger Shakespeare Library.
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Join the Indianapolis Shakespeare Company in our 11th year of providing FREE, professional Shakespeare performances to Indianapolis. This year’s production is Hamlet, directed by company member Ryan Artzberger. The performances will take place in our new home at Indy’s beautiful Riverside Park.
Join us at 6pm for pre-show festivities and food trucks. Performance begins at 8pm. Riverside Park 2420 E Riverside Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46208
Bring your own beach chair, lawn chair, blanket and bug spray and enjoy an evening of Shakespeare with your family and friends.
Thursday, July 25, 6pm food trucks & preshow activities, 8pm performance
Friday, July 26, 6pm food trucks & preshow activities, 8pm performance
Saturday, July 27, 6pm food trucks & preshow activities, 8pm performance
Thursday, August 1, 6pm food trucks & preshow activities, 8pm performance
Friday, August 2, 6pm food trucks & preshow activities, 8pm performance
Saturday, August 3, 6pm food trucks & preshow activities, 8pm performance
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How do I post a small community theatres production of Shakespeare?
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