How do Shakespeare’s characters react when they lose family or love?
Shakespeare and Beyond
How do Shakespeare’s characters react when they lose family or love?
Stephen Greenblatt explores this question in this excerpt from Second Chances: Shakespeare and Freud, a book co-authored with Adam Phillips.
The world of Italy in Shakespeare's comedies - Excerpt: Shakespeare and the Comedy of Enchantment
Shakespeare and Beyond
The world of Italy in Shakespeare's comedies - Excerpt: Shakespeare and the Comedy of Enchantment
Charles Cattermole. A scene from The Merchant of Venice. 19th century. Folger ART Box C368.5 no.1 (size S) Italy is the setting most associated with Shakespeare’s comedies, providing layers of dramatic potential that Kent Cartwright explores in an excerpt from…
"Woeful tragedy," indeed
Shakespeare and Beyond
"Woeful tragedy," indeed
“We’re told from a young age that tragedy teaches us important things about what it means to be human. But does it actually teach us anything, or simply reveal what we already know?” writes Austin Tichenor, who looks at Shakespeare’s…