Restoration Shakespeare

The First English Actresses
In 1660, women (rather than men) began playing female roles, including female Shakespearean roles, on the professional English stage. Learn more about these early actresses.

What happens when actors, musicians, and scholars collaborate on a Restoration Shakespeare play
Participants watch as directors Amanda Eubanks Winkler and Richard Schoch give preliminary stagings to the actors and dancers, for Gildon’s 1700 adaptation of “Measure for Measure.” Part of the November 2014 Folger Institute weekend workshop, “Performing Restoration Shakespeare.” Part of…

Shock of the New, or a Ploy from the Past? Thoughts on OSF's Play "Translations"
The Oregon Shakespeare Festival’s Allen Elizabethan Theatre. Featured is the set of OSF’s 2013 production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Photo by T. Charles Erickson. Much ado about the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, which has announced plans to ‘translate’ all of…