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Shakespeare & Beyond

The Shakespeare & Beyond blog features a wide range of Shakespeare-related topics: the early modern period in which he lived, the ways his plays have been interpreted and staged over the past four centuries, the enduring power of his characters and language, and more.

Quiz: Can you pair these Jane Austen and Shakespeare characters?
Shakespeare and Beyond

Quiz: Can you pair these Jane Austen and Shakespeare characters?

Esther French

Take this quiz and test your knowledge of Jane Austen and Shakespeare! We give you a character from a Jane Austen novel, and you pick the corresponding character from Shakespeare’s plays, based on personality or storyline. Can you pair these Shakespeare…

Will and Jane continued: adaptations, modernizations, and fan fiction
Shakespeare and Beyond

Will and Jane continued: adaptations, modernizations, and fan fiction

Janine Barchas Kristina Straub

Although the Bard may have a longer history of such flattery, both Will and Jane have suffered the slings and arrows of outrageous adaptations. In the 20th century, Austen joined Shakespeare in his entrance into modern media—film, television, and digital forms—as…

Shakespeare's First Folio: The playlist
Shakespeare and Beyond

Shakespeare's First Folio: The playlist

Esther French

Curious about the book that gave us Shakespeare? We’ve assembled a playlist of seven Shakespeare Unlimited podcast episodes about the First Folio. Without this first collected edition of Shakespeare’s works, published in 1623, we might not have such famous plays as…

Follow the First Folio tour! Updates from Idaho, Iowa, Delaware, Nevada, and Connecticut
Shakespeare and Beyond

Follow the First Folio tour! Updates from Idaho, Iowa, Delaware, Nevada, and Connecticut

Esther French

The First Folio continues its national tour celebrating 400 years of Shakespeare in 2016, drawing crowds wherever it goes. Idaho, Iowa, Delaware, Nevada, and Connecticut have all welcomed the Folger Shakespeare Library traveling exhibition, and the Wyoming State Museum in Cheyenne, WY,…

Which Shakespeare plays are most often taught in high school English classes?
Folger Edition of Romeo and Juliet
Shakespeare and Beyond

Which Shakespeare plays are most often taught in high school English classes?

Esther French

Photo by James R. Brantley Think back to your high school English classes. Did you read Romeo and Juliet as a freshman? What about Hamlet in your senior year? Studying Shakespeare is required in the Common Core English Language Arts standards, but…

Collecting Will and Jane
Shakespeare and Beyond

Collecting Will and Jane

Janine Barchas Kristina Straub

One of the stories told by the current exhibition Will & Jane: Shakespeare, Austen, and the Cult of Celebrity is that literary renown is as much about commodities as about books. Literary celebrity transforms authors into objects. Our exhibition traces…

Balancing the body and consulting the heavens: Medicine in Shakespeare's time
Shakespeare and Beyond

Balancing the body and consulting the heavens: Medicine in Shakespeare's time

Esther French

Hyacum, et lues venerea. Stradanus inuent. ca. 1591. Folger Shakespeare Library. Few Elizabethans were wealthy enough to afford a licensed physician. Instead, they would rely on the knowledge of a local “wise woman,” with her home collection of remedy recipes and medicines. Or,…

"You had more beard when I last saw you": a set of Shakespearean shaving papers
Shakespeare and Beyond

"You had more beard when I last saw you": a set of Shakespearean shaving papers

Sarah Hovde

Two Folger exhibitions in this anniversary year have explored Shakespeare’s far-reaching effect on consumer culture: first, America’s Shakespeare considered how the United States has made the Bard our own, and now Will & Jane examines the celebrity status of literary superstars William…

Comic book casts Shakespeare's First Folio in a horror story
13th Night Comic Book
Shakespeare and Beyond

Comic book casts Shakespeare's First Folio in a horror story

Esther French

Cue the scary music! A new comic book injects a little horror and occult magic into the story of the First Folio, in an effort to make Shakespeare more accessible to a younger generation. 13th Night was written to accompany…

Jane Austen's Shakespeare
Shakespeare and Beyond

Jane Austen's Shakespeare

Janine Barchas Kristina Straub

Jane Austen, who was born in 1775, came of age in the 1790s and started publishing in the 1810s; her first novel, Sense and Sensibility, came out in 1811. She died in 1817, which makes 2017 the 200th anniversary of…

The Cotswold Olympicks
Photo illustration by David Dilworth
Shakespeare and Beyond

The Cotswold Olympicks

Karen Lyon

The Ancient Greeks may hold the franchise on Olympic wrestling—but how would they have fared against a 17th-century British shin-kicker? Explore the story of the Cotswold Olympicks.

Shakespeare's 'Merchant of Venice': Perpetuating stereotypes or sparking much-needed conversations?
Shylock in District Merchants
Shakespeare and Beyond

Shakespeare's 'Merchant of Venice': Perpetuating stereotypes or sparking much-needed conversations?

Esther French

Matthew Boston (Shylock) in District Merchants, a variation on Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. Folger Theatre, 2016. Photo by Teresa Wood. Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice ends badly for Shylock, with the court ruling against him and his claim on Antonio’s…

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