Edward Topsell. The historie of foure-footed beastes. 1607. Title page. Folger STC 24123 Copy 2
How many animals have you encountered today, and in what forms? From pets and urban species such as squirrels and sparrows, to meat products and leather, the number may surprise you. Even for those of us who live in human-built spaces, like cities and suburbs, animals and animal bodies are still everyday aspects of human life. But they would have been even more so for early modern people, who worked and lived with animals in far more visible ways than most people living today do. This is especially true of laboring animals and animals raised for consumption.
While many of us have close relationships with cats and dogs, we have much less contact, if any, with animals used for labor or food. Cars and tractors have replaced the horses once used for transportation and hauling, and most of us first encounter meat and dairy products on sterile grocery store shelves, far away from the animals and environments that produced them. For most early modern people, sheep, cows, pigs, chickens, and laboring horses were daily facts of both urban and rural life.
David Loggan’s etchings of Oxford and Cambridge (published in 1675 and 1690, respectively) convey how commonplace animals were in early modern life. In his drawings, which contain both detailed architectural renderings and a sense of everyday life, oxen stand outside the Oriel College gate, horses stride up and down college streets, and sheep graze just outside of town. Dogs even fight inside King’s College Chapel, under the watchful eyes of dozens of carved greyhounds (the emblem of the family of Henry VII’s mother, Margaret Beaufort).

Oxen outside Oriel College, Oxford. Oxonia Illustrata. Folger L2838 Bd.w. L2837

Dogs inside King’s College Chapel, Cambridge. Cantabrigia Illustrata. Folger L2837
Besides these everyday animals, early modern Europeans were also fascinated with exotic beasts, both real and fantastic. Illustrated natural histories such as Edward Topsell’s Historie of Foure-Footed Beastes (first published in 1607), were wildly popular, as were Aesop’s fables. Emblematic animals representing saints, royal houses, and personality traits were everywhere in art and literature. And of course, as scholar Laurie Shannon points out,
If we tried to number all the species Shakespeare mentions—the winter lion, Hyrcanian tiger, and baited bear; the little shrew and the necessary cat; bottled spiders and horned toads; brave harts and gentle hinds; the forward horse and preposterous ass; the temple-haunting martlet, morning lark, nightly owl, and winging crow; the nibbling sheep and hunger-starved wolves; the chafed boar, princely palfrey, fat oxen, and spotted leopards; stranger curs, mastiffs, hellhounds—we would be, as the saying goes, herding cats.
Then, as now, people had conflicting relationships with animals. To paraphrase the title of a book by Jonathan Franzen, early modern people loved some animals, hated some animals, and ate some animals, just as we do. “Wild Things” is a new series that will explore these relationships as they appear in Shakespeare and early modern life. Because this is such a huge topic, I thought we’d begin with pests, a category of animals that could take up a lot of an early modern person’s time and attention. We’ll start next month with what are possibly the most hated pests of all: rats.
In the meantime, let us know: what kinds of animals are you interested in knowing more about?
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Horses, dogs…..I have Papillons an old and royal breed!
Carol Schriner — January 1, 2020
Thank you for starting this topic. Recently, I was struck by the cruelty to animals to is displayed in 17th C. medicinal recipes. I hope you will devote a post on that topic, because I can’t think why you would need to use whelps of 6 or 7 days old…(as I read in one manuscript).
Mariella — January 2, 2020
Just did a book with Reaktion on Goldfish and there is an early modern chapter if helpful?
Anna Marie — January 5, 2020
Horses for sure! So many references to them being around, but they never appeared on the early modern stage (that we know of—please prove me wrong!).
Kim — January 7, 2020
FLEAS, please! (Your post had me thinking about John Donne!)
Elisa Tersigni — January 7, 2020
Dogs! And maybe even more specifically dog breeds? And snakes!
Jeremy Cornelius — January 8, 2020
Thomas Moffet (aka Mouffet, Mouffet) wrote “The Theater of Insects,” Vol. III of Topsell’s The History of Four-Footed Beasts. He’s very interesting on fleas and lice.
Lisa Sarasohn — January 9, 2020
I suggest owls. I am interested in how different cultures around the world react to this animal, some with fear and dread, others with admiration. Were owls mentioned by Shakespeare?
roberta browne — January 30, 2020
[…] If you’re interested in animals in early modern life and culture, you may want to explore our blog’s Wild Things series, which starts with this post. […]
Quiz: The animals in Shakespeare's plays - Shakespeare & Beyond — October 12, 2021