'The Daughter of Time' Resource Guide
Folger resources related to Richard III in preparation for our June Book Club discussion of The Daughter of Time by Josephine Tey.
Sneak Peek of Jim Hunter's Lighting Design for Julius Caesar
The exhalations whizzing in the air / Give so much light that I may read by them (Julius Caesar, II.i.46-47) Today’s guest post comes from Jim Hunter, the lighting designer for Julius Caesar. Jim is a professor of theatrical design at the University of South…
Folger Talks Preview: Kathryn Will and Shakespeare's Coat of Arms
Dear Folger Diary Readers, Minions of the Moon, Fellows in Arms, and Excellent Good Friends, I like this place and willingly could waste my time in it… With the 2013-2014 Folger Season at an end and the 2014-2015 Season not yet…
Long Runs, Mixing it Up, & Joltin' Joe
Drew Cortese as Richard III. Photo by Carol Rosegg. A play is a living, breathing organism. It grows, changes, adapts. The story becomes richer as our time inhabiting these imagined lives increases and our understanding of the created world deepens. Show after…
Drew Cortese: My Favorite Richard III Line
Drew Cortese as King Richard. Photo by Teresa Wood. When I’m not orchestrating the deaths of my friends and relatives on the Folger’s stage in our current production of Richard III, I teach at Avenues: The World School, in New…
Interview with Folger's Resident Dramaturg, Michele Osherow
Folger Theatre’s Resident Dramaturg, Michele Osherow In case you haven’t heard the exciting news…Richard III has been extended and will now run through March 16 at the Folger Theatre. Audiences and critics have been raving about the show – and there…
Interview with Richard III director Robert Richmond
Director, Robert Richmond. Richard III is now up and running here at the Folger Theatre, having its official opening this evening. As you may already know, this is the first production ever presented “in-the-round” here at the Folger, making this…
Richard III: Learning Lines, In the Space & Tech Day!
We’re inching closer and closer to our first preview audience for Richard III here at Folger Theatre, and there’s no doubt in my mind that the energy the audience will inject into our intimate space will have a huge effect…
An Eye for an Eye, an Edward for an Edward
There are lots of characters in Richard III. Most of them are related to each other and figuring out exactly how is a task best accomplished with a large bottle of aspirin. To help out future historians and to celebrate…
Meet Drew Cortese: Folger's King Richard
Drew Cortese as King Richard. Photo by Carol Rosegg. Hello Folger audiences! My name is Drew Cortese and I’ll be playing Richard in Folger Theatre’s upcoming production of Richard III (which begins performances on January 28). I’m thrilled to be…
Words, Familiar in Their Mouths
One of the wonderful rewards of listening to lots of Shakespeare is the moment when you begin to recognize passages or themes that re-occur. It is the feeling of finally being able to recognize a painter from the strokes of…
Harry Potter vs. Richard III
In case you missed last week’s post and in honor of the first rehearsal of Richard III at the Folger today, here are eleven more reasons why Harry Potter is like Richard III. 1. Adorable But Annoying Child Harry Potter: Colin Creevey…