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83 results from Folger Spotlight on

Theater and performance

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Dramaturg's Notes: The Merry Wives of Windsor
Folger Spotlight

Dramaturg's Notes: The Merry Wives of Windsor

Michele Osherow

Folger Resident Dramaturg Michele Osherow explores the history of ‘The Merry Wives of Windsor,’ the wit of its wives, and the far-out 1970s setting of Folger Theatre’s production.

A Costume Journey through 'Amadeus' with Mariah Anzaldo Hale
Folger Spotlight

A Costume Journey through 'Amadeus' with Mariah Anzaldo Hale

Folger Theatre

Costume designer and long-time Folger collaborator Mariah Anzaldo Hale’s guides us through the costume journey of Constanze Weber through the first act of the play.

Wigging Out: Designer Dori Beau Seigneur on the Fabulous Hair of 'Amadeus'
Folger Spotlight

Wigging Out: Designer Dori Beau Seigneur on the Fabulous Hair of 'Amadeus'

Folger Theatre

Wig designer Dori Beau Seigneur takes us through the process of fashioning the fabulous hair currently being sported on the Folger stage.

Photo Gallery: 'Amadeus' First Rehearsal and Read-Through
Folger Spotlight

Photo Gallery: 'Amadeus' First Rehearsal and Read-Through

Folger Theatre

Explore Folger Theatre’s gallery for a sneak peek at Amadeus’ first read-through.

"They Fight": Choreographing Shakespeare's Violence with U. Jonathan Toppo
Folger Spotlight

"They Fight": Choreographing Shakespeare's Violence with U. Jonathan Toppo

Folger Theatre

Folger Theatre’s ‘1 Henry IV’ closes on Sunday. We celebrate the end of this “must-see” production by chatting with actor and fight choreographer U. Jonathan Toppo.

Dramaturg's Notes: Love's Labor's Lost
Folger Spotlight

Dramaturg's Notes: Love's Labor's Lost

Michele Osherow

Folger Resident Dramaturg and UMBC Associate Professor of English Michele Osherow takes us inside Folger Theatre’s unique production to explore why Shakespeare’s romantic comedy is so perfectly suited to DC in the 1930s.

Costuming 'Confection'
Folger Spotlight

Costuming 'Confection'

Folger Theatre

Before we say good-bye to this extraordinary ‘Confection,’ explore how costume designer Karen Young created the look of this lavish feast for the senses.

Hats Off to Millinery: The fabulous headware of 'Nell Gwynn'
Folger Spotlight

Hats Off to Millinery: The fabulous headware of 'Nell Gwynn'

Folger Theatre

Milliner Adelle Gresock describes below how she created the fabulous chapeaux seen in ‘Nell Gwynn.’

Dramaturg's Notes: Nell Gwynn
Folger Spotlight

Dramaturg's Notes: Nell Gwynn

Michele Osherow

Folger Resident Dramaturg Michele Osherow guides us through the world of Restoration theater and introduces us to the remarkable Nell Gwynn.

Setting the Stage for 'King John'
Folger Spotlight

Setting the Stage for 'King John'

Folger Theatre

From the battlefield to the throne room, scenic designer Andrew Cohen offers a glimpse into the inspirations behind the set for Folger Theatre’s King John.

Dramaturg's Notes: King John
Folger Spotlight

Dramaturg's Notes: King John

Folger Theatre

olger Resident Dramaturg Michele Osherow introduces us to King John—Shakespeare’s play about the troublesome, Magna-Carta-signing English ruler—before this rarely performed play takes the Folger stage later this month.

“A Strange Perfection”: Staging Bedlam in our Restoration Macbeth
Folger Spotlight

“A Strange Perfection”: Staging Bedlam in our Restoration Macbeth

Folger Theatre

Dramaturgical intern Sarah Lind previously introduced us to the historical Bedlam asylum, the setting for Folger’s current production of Macbeth. Today, she looks more closely at how the production uses Bedlam to explore this Restoration version of Shakespeare’s bloody tragedy, and…

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