
Dramaturg's Notes: The Merry Wives of Windsor
Folger Resident Dramaturg Michele Osherow explores the history of ‘The Merry Wives of Windsor,’ the wit of its wives, and the far-out 1970s setting of Folger Theatre’s production.

Dramaturg's Notes: Love's Labor's Lost
Folger Resident Dramaturg and UMBC Associate Professor of English Michele Osherow takes us inside Folger Theatre’s unique production to explore why Shakespeare’s romantic comedy is so perfectly suited to DC in the 1930s.

Dramaturg's Notes: Nell Gwynn
Folger Resident Dramaturg Michele Osherow guides us through the world of Restoration theater and introduces us to the remarkable Nell Gwynn.

Dramaturg's Notes: King John
olger Resident Dramaturg Michele Osherow introduces us to King John—Shakespeare’s play about the troublesome, Magna-Carta-signing English ruler—before this rarely performed play takes the Folger stage later this month.

“A Strange Perfection”: Staging Bedlam in our Restoration Macbeth
Dramaturgical intern Sarah Lind previously introduced us to the historical Bedlam asylum, the setting for Folger’s current production of Macbeth. Today, she looks more closely at how the production uses Bedlam to explore this Restoration version of Shakespeare’s bloody tragedy, and…

Bedlam and the “Theatre of Madness”
Dramaturgical intern Sarah Lind takes us on a tour of Bedlam’s history in anticipation of Macbeth’s first preview on September 4th.

Dramaturg's Notes: The Way of the World
Folger Dramaturg Michele Osherow offers her insights on Theresa Rebeck’s new adaptation of Congreve’s The Way of the World.

Dramaturg's Notes: Antony and Cleopatra
Before you come see the show, read Folger Dramaturg Michele Osherow’s thoughts on how Shakespeare’s tragedy encompasses the public and private desires of history’s infamous pair of lovers.

Dramaturg's Notes: As You Like It
As You Like It has begun performances and has already garnered rave reviews. To tell you a little bit more about this timeless play, Folger Resident Dramaturg Michele Osherow shares her views on how it embodies love in all its ludicrous glory.…

Sense & Sensibility Dramaturg's Notes
Folger Theatre’s Resident Dramaturg, Michele Osherow Shakespeare one gets acquainted with without knowing how.…one is intimate with him by instinct. -Jane Austen, Mansfield Park …

Midsummer Dramaturg's Notes
Folger Dramaturg Michele Osherow. There’s a fascination with dreams in Shakespeare, though Midsummer is the only play to announce one in its title. What’s odd is that aside from Hermia’s unnerving vision in the forest, no dreams are dreamt. Instead,…

Pericles Dramaturg’s Notes
Folger Resident Dramaturg, Michele Osherow Pericles, Prince of Tyre is unusual among Shakespeare’s plays. The hero travels Odysseus-like from place to place on a fantastical quest to showcase honor, announce virtue, and dodge the fury of a perverse king. Pericles…