The Folger Spotlight
What’s On at the Folger

Understanding Understudying (or The Show Must Go On)
Brian Dykstra as Lord Capulet in Folger’s Romeo and Juliet. Dykstra Blog: Understanding Understudying or The Show Must Go On! Her Name? Stephanie LaVardera. Her Role? Understudying Juliet. Her Job? Saving The Day. Job Complete! Look, there’s lots of times…
Getting Technucal
Brian Dykstra Note: This blog post by Brian Dykstra was written during tech rehearsals in early October. Romeo and Juliet began performances on October 15 and is now running through December 1. “Ladies and Gentlemen: It is now one o’clock.…
A Day In Rehearsal - An Actor's Diary
So, I thought maybe y’all might be interested in what actors do on a typical rehearsal day. Here’s a day in the life: Rehearsal is called at 10am. Which is rare. Nothing starts in the theatre before 10am. Nothing. Ever.…
Audio Recordings Pt. III - 'Tis your thoughts that now must deck our kings
Hello again! Kate here. Yes, that one. I promised last time to talk about some of the challenges in creating audio recordings of Shakespeare. Some of the most memorable images in Shakespeare are visual – the Macbeths with bright eyes…
Fighting Amongst Ourselves
Rex Daugherty (Tybalt) and Brad Koed (Mercutio) in rehearsal. So, we got these swords. And we keep striking at each other with them. This is one of the things that happens when you decide to be an actor. People keep…
Audio Recordings Pt. II or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bard
Hello! My name is Kate Pitt and I work as an assistant in public programs here at the Folger. I was also the production assistant on the audio recordings this summer and as we move into our upcoming 2013/14 season,…
Everything is a Thing (First Rehearsal)
O, I find myself in gathering mess. There’s enough on my plate, but more I get How I’m the “blogger” is anyone’s guess While also playing dad to Juliet First day is filled with possibilities As actors meet and greet…
Louis Butelli: 4 Plays, 20 Days
Louis Butelli having some fun in the studio. Hello once again from your friend Louis Butelli. As you may or may not know, here at Folger Theatre, we’re undertaking another big new experiment in performance and study of the works…
Louis Butelli: Folger Audio Recordings
Louis Butelli as Feste in Twelfth Night. Photo by Scott Suchman. Hello once again from your friend Louis Butelli, most recently Feste in Folger Theatre’s Twelfth Night. We closed our show on June 9 after a great run: thanks to…
Louis Butelli: Playing Fools
Hello once again from your friend Louis Butelli, currently playing Feste in Twelfth Night at the Folger Theatre. Our show must close this Sunday, on June 9th – grab your tickets now by clicking here. We’re having such a blast…
The Role of Pants in Pants Roles
Emily Trask as Viola In Folger Theatre’s Twelfth Night. Photo: Scott Suchman. Pants. Slacks. Breeches. Knickers. Overalls. Pantaloons. Pedal Pushers. Trousers. Jeans. Bloomers. Jodhpurs. Khakis. Drawers. Call them what you will, in our production of What You Will – of…
If Music Be the Food of Love . . . PLAY on.
Indeed, if Music is the food of love, Twelfth Night, or What You Will playing now at the Folger Theatre, is an amorous buffet. Joshua Morgan, Piano – Emily Trask, Cello – Louis Butelli, ukulele and voice – Chris Genebach,…