The Folger Spotlight
What’s On at the Folger

Hats Off to Millinery: The fabulous headware of 'Nell Gwynn'
Milliner Adelle Gresock describes below how she created the fabulous chapeaux seen in ‘Nell Gwynn.’

Merry Nell-odies: Music Celebrating Mistress Gwynn
Gear up for your upcoming performance or give your day a shot of Gwynn-power with our playlist of music that celebrates this first lady of the stage.

'The Country Gentleman': A Forgotten Scandal and a Remarkable Discovery
Nell Gwynn offers a glimpse into the boisterous world of Restoration theater and the true story of one of its most famous heroines—but another compelling tale is that of ‘The Country Gentleman’ and its scandal.

Dramaturg's Notes: Nell Gwynn
Folger Resident Dramaturg Michele Osherow guides us through the world of Restoration theater and introduces us to the remarkable Nell Gwynn.

Setting the Stage for 'King John'
From the battlefield to the throne room, scenic designer Andrew Cohen offers a glimpse into the inspirations behind the set for Folger Theatre’s King John.

Three Ways to Get Closer to the Drama
Today we look at a few ways audiences can get closer to the action and brush up their Shakespeare before (and during) a performance.

The Lofty Melodica of War: Sound and Music in 'King John'
We look more closely at the music of Folger Theatre’s production of Shakespeare’s timely political drama with sound designer and composer Lindsay Jones.

John Jams: Music to Break Your Treaties By
King John is one of Shakespeare’s lesser-known plays, and we can’t wait to share it with you when performances begin this week. To get in the spirit, here’s a playlist of songs that speak to the themes of the play.

Dramaturg's Notes: King John
olger Resident Dramaturg Michele Osherow introduces us to King John—Shakespeare’s play about the troublesome, Magna-Carta-signing English ruler—before this rarely performed play takes the Folger stage later this month.

“A Strange Perfection”: Staging Bedlam in our Restoration Macbeth
Dramaturgical intern Sarah Lind previously introduced us to the historical Bedlam asylum, the setting for Folger’s current production of Macbeth. Today, she looks more closely at how the production uses Bedlam to explore this Restoration version of Shakespeare’s bloody tragedy, and…

Playlist: A Guide to the Music in Folger's Restoration Macbeth
Musical Director Robert Eisenstein provides insights on the music performed in Folger’s current production of Macbeth.

Bedlam and the “Theatre of Madness”
Dramaturgical intern Sarah Lind takes us on a tour of Bedlam’s history in anticipation of Macbeth’s first preview on September 4th.