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420 results from Collation on

Folger Collections

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Printed Pamphlets for the Witch of Wapping

Printed Pamphlets for the Witch of Wapping

Elizabeth DeBold

During September of last year, while browsing digital resources in the London Metropolitan Archives, a familiar name caught my eye. It was a 1652 indictment from the Middlesex quarter sessions, which tried criminal cases, where a woman named Joan Peterson…

A Blessing to Booksellers

A Blessing to Booksellers

Rachel B. Dankert

In her 1616 mother’s advice book, The Mothers Blessing, Puritan author Dorothy Leigh exhorts her readers: “Teach a childe in his youth the trade of his life, and he will not forget it, not depart from it when he is…

Visualizing Shakespeare’s Birds

Visualizing Shakespeare’s Birds

Missy Dunaway

a guest post by Missy Dunaway Greetings! I was the Folger Shakespeare Library’s artist-in-residence in November of 2021. I dedicated my Folger Institute Fellowship to a painting project entitled Birds of the Bard. This growing collection of paintings will catalog…

18th-century watchpapers

18th-century watchpapers

Erin Blake

Thanks for the great guesses about the March 2022 Crocodile Mystery! All were different, all were plausible, and all were incorrect. It would have been easier if I’d included other examples of the same type of print,  because they’re always…

Alcohol, Armies, and Contested Sovereignty in Early Modern Ireland

Alcohol, Armies, and Contested Sovereignty in Early Modern Ireland

Lila Chambers

a guest post by Lila Chambers The association between Ireland and excessive drinking is a pervasive one, from fifteenth century texts detailing treacherous feasts held by Irish opponents to Henry II, to Edmund Spender’s A View of the Present State…

Slurrop! An ode to soup

Slurrop! An ode to soup

Elizabeth DeBold

In 1595, English writer William Fiston (or Phiston) produced a translation of a French book of manners for children. Topics included proper behavior that was important for Church and school, but also a section on table manners. Here, Fiston admonishes…

George Goodwin, neo-Latin poet, identified as George Goodwin, rector of Moreton, Essex

George Goodwin, neo-Latin poet, identified as George Goodwin, rector of Moreton, Essex

Erin Blake

Today’s Collation post is short and sweet, and courtesy of Heather Wolfe, the Folger’s Curator of Manuscripts. Heather is currently on sabbatical in the UK, having been awarded the 2021–22 Munby Fellowship at Cambridge University Library, but she still occasionally…

Trappings of the stage
January 2022 croc mystery image

Trappings of the stage

Rachel B. Dankert

Thanks to those who registered your guesses on our most recent Crocodile Mystery. All of the guesses gazed upward, when the answer actually lay underfoot. While these strange designs resemble theatrical lighting effects, they are, in fact, designs for stage…

Recipe Books, Plague Cures and the Circulation of Information

Recipe Books, Plague Cures and the Circulation of Information

Yann Ryan

a guest post by Yann Ryan As well as its terrible consequences for health and mortality, plague in early modern England had a major impact on the communication and circulation of information. Movement was restricted, towns with suspected cases were…

The book thief
page of Elizabeth Parris's deposition

The book thief

Heather Wolfe

Response of James Tabor, public notary, July 10, 1604, in Henry Cotton vs. William Windle. Cambridge University Archives, Comm.Ct.II.11, fol. 57v. Today’s post is about a woman, Margaret Cotton, who allegedly stole a book in 1602. The book might have…

A Glimpse into the Cultural History of Fragaria
hand drawn color image of a strawberry plant with berries and a flower

A Glimpse into the Cultural History of Fragaria

Jennie Youssef

a guest post by Jennie Youssef When the term of my Folger fellowship began, I had made some headway in my research for a dissertation chapter on the foodway of strawberries. The strawberry’s symbolic significance in medieval art and early…

The mystery of Humphrey Walcot’s grocery bill and early-modern popular numeracy
detail of 17th century handwrittne document showing roman and arabic numerals

The mystery of Humphrey Walcot’s grocery bill and early-modern popular numeracy

Ray Schrire

a guest post by Ray Schrire It is time for an unofficial Crocodile Mystery. Humphrey Walcot’s grocery bill. Folger, L.f.196 These are a few of my favorite items from the merchant Humphrey Walcot’s shopping list of May 8, 1601 (a…

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