Interview and excerpt: Joseph Mansky, Libels and Theater in Shakespeare’s England: Publics, Politics, Performance
An interview with Dr. Joseph Mansky and an excerpt from his 2023 book Libels and Theater in Shakespeare’s England: Publics, Politics, Performance.

The Americas Gaze upon Europe, 1492-1800
Fellow Lauren Beck lays out her plans to use travel narratives to explore non-European perceptions of Spain in the early modern period.

How To Find 14 Missing Pages of a Rare Book
Artist Research Fellow Alexander D’Agostino uses ChatCPT to help imagine what the fourteen missing pages of a magical Folger manuscript could be like.

Engraving the Courtesan: Sex Work and “The Renaissance” in Victorian Books
When is a Hollar not a Hollar? When his name is being used in 19th century depictions of early modern women. Folger Fellow Alicia Meyer looks at sexualization, economic power, and the manipulation of the past.

Re-Framing the Copy
Folger Fellow Nora Epstein explores the work of the copier Thomas Trevelyon.

Interview and excerpt: Jennie M. Votava, Shakespeare’s Histories On Screen: Adaptation, Race and Intersectionality
An interview with Dr. Jennie M. Votava and an excerpt from her 2023 book, Shakespeare’s Histories On Screen: Adaptation, Race and Intersectionality.

The Queen and Pungent Times: Elizabeth I and the politics of smell
Folger Fellow Renée Bricker uses the senses as a way to explore life during the reign of Elizabeth I.

David and Eva Garricks’ Villa at Hampton: Shakespeare in the Landscape
Folger Fellow Kasie Alt explores Eva Maria Garrick’s role in the landscaping of their Hampton estate.

Interview and excerpt: Debapriya Sarkar, Possible Knowledge: The Literary Forms of Early Modern Science
An interview with Dr. Debapriya Sarkar and an excerpt from her 2023 book, Possible Knowledge: The Literary Forms of Early Modern Science.

In Search of Nature’s Not-So-Lost Treasures: Juan Eusebio Nieremberg on Ecology
Folger Fellow Javier Patiño Loira explores early modern concerns about nature and extinction.

Philanthropy and Torture: Linking Workhouses and Plantations
Folger Fellow Justin Roberts explores the appearance of torture instruments in 17th century workhouses.

Christian baking molds from Early Modern Europe
Folger Fellow Rabia Gregory looks at the use of baking molds with Christian imagery.