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The Collation

Folger Mysteries: September 2024

What might be going on here? Reasonable and outlandish ideas are equally welcome in the Comments.


Two sheets of paper stuck together and ran through the press together?

Deborah J. Leslie — September 10, 2024


I’d like to see the rest of the signature although I would guess two sheets of paper went through the press together. One was printed on the recto and the other the verso. I can see page number 17 to the left and 18 to the right. I can’t make out the running title other than “The.”

Jean Reavis — September 11, 2024


An apprentice who didn’t know what to do with his balls?

Catherine Loomis — September 12, 2024


Perhaps originally printed one side only with fold at foredge, and then unfortunately trimmed by binder.

Peter Criddle — September 12, 2024


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