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Ianick Takaes

is a Ph.D. candidate in Art History and Comparative Literature and Society at Columbia University, specializing in early modern European art, early 20th-century art historiography, and aesthetics. He holds a B.A. in Visual Arts and an M.A. in History of Art from the State University of Campinas, Brazil, where he translated into Portuguese and analyzed Edgar Wind’s Art and Anarchy for his Master’s thesis. His research has been supported by prestigious fellowships, such as the Folger Short-Term Fellowship. Takaes has published in international journals such as the Journal of Art Historiography, Figura, and Engramma.
Discovering Paolo Bozi’s Rappresentatione Del Giudicio Vniuersale
The frontispiece of the book showing the title and author above a decorative image

Discovering Paolo Bozi’s Rappresentatione Del Giudicio Vniuersale

Ianick Takaes

Fellow Ianick Takaes explores an early modern staging of heaven and hell