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Elizabeth Zeman Kolkovich

is an Associate Professor of English at Ohio State University and the author of The Elizabethan Country House Entertainment: Print, Performance, and Gender. She is writing a book on masques in Shakespeare.
Collection Connections: Flora Carr’s 'Tower' and the Real Wives (and Maids) of Lochleven
Printed portrait of Mary, Queen of Scots with an oval border bearing the words
Folger Spotlight

Collection Connections: Flora Carr’s 'Tower' and the Real Wives (and Maids) of Lochleven

Elizabeth Zeman Kolkovich

We revisit Elizabeth Zeman Kolkovich’s March 2025 presentation as part of our Folger Book Club discussion of Flora Carr’s The Tower. Explore Folger collection items that relate to the novel.

Puzzling Through a Stage Direction in Love’s Labor’s Lost

Puzzling Through a Stage Direction in Love’s Labor’s Lost

Elizabeth Zeman Kolkovich

Fellow Elizabeth Zeman Kolkovich explores what a stage direction about Blackamoors might mean.

Women Patrons as Playmakers

Women Patrons as Playmakers

Elizabeth Zeman Kolkovich

A guest post by Elizabeth Kolkovich In the summer of 1602, Alice Egerton, Countess of Derby, did something rather extraordinary. When Queen Elizabeth I visited her house, she brought to the forefront the female patrons who usually remained behind the…