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Holiday Hours: The Folger is closing at 4:30pm on Dec 24 and Dec 31. We are closed all day on Dec 25 and Jan 1.

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Claude Fretz

is a Research Fellow at Queen’s University Belfast. As well as working on the AHRC-funded project ‘Performing Restoration Shakespeare’, he is writing a monograph on dreams and sleep in Shakespeare’s plays for Palgrave Macmillan.
How Restoration playwrights reshaped Shakespeare’s plays to fit changing political norms and theatrical tastes
Shakespeare and Beyond

How Restoration playwrights reshaped Shakespeare’s plays to fit changing political norms and theatrical tastes

Claude Fretz

Restoration Shakespeare was a complex theatrical experience that integrated song, music, dance, and acting; indeed, music and dance, alongside stage machines and movable scenes, were central to the success of Restoration theatre more generally.